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Everything posted by Vex

  1. If were adding things (small things first since there seems to be more pending issues right now) how about a no padlock option? Even radar would get un-locked with these systems if I remember correctly. It would really be nice for the online COOP and DF severs. Just a thought. Vex
  2. I guess the download link does not work anymore :(. Is there any other sites that would have this version? Thanks, Vex
  3. Found it. The new link is: http://hyperfighter.jinak.cz/download.php?...=hlpro29169beta Vex
  4. Has anyone run into this? The main control screen works fine for assigning the stick and rudders. I was wondering why the keyboard mappings section will not work in taking the stick (hotas) inputs for assignment. All it will give me is the same controller number, something like "button 3". Do I have to hand do it by editing the config file for the assingments? Thanks! Vex
  5. As I was having a ball capturing images and croping them in photoshop to remove some of the game interface stuff. I also started to add some contrast to the pictures and wham! What a difference. I thought that the sim has an overall wash to the color and adding some contrast to pump it up is what it needed. Now I need to find away to add this as I play without just cranking the monitor. Maybe in a future release it might be a nice feature ;) to have some options for punching up the contrast. Here are some small shots that I have been freaking out my IL-2 buddies with..... (ok, so alittle motion blur never hurt) (smile! I've got Napalm!) Great reflection mapping! Shot a MIG19 Farmer down, didn't get any good grabs of him. Classic shot.... Vex
  6. Thanks MadJeff and BirdDogg, thats what I'll do. I'll go down the list and enter the assignments. My OS is XP pro. The problems seems to be that the keyboard mapping control is getting a constant input signal that triggers the assignment from the stick. Maybe its the way it is listening to the USB controller in XP. Thanks for all the help guys :) Vex
  7. Hey Dagger, I have been waiting for this one for awhile since I'm a big fan of a/c's from that era. I went out and bought it (pre-ordered it last month) and installed it yesterday. The first time in I didn't like it to much, I'm a BIG IL-2 fan and have been flying that since it came out so I have been comparing it to IL-2, i.e graphics, response, settings. Last night I went in again a really got down to setting up my graphics to really make it run smooth without killing the quailty and man what a difference! I was hooked. I know that with new sims it will take patches and feedback from the users but I think its great fun now! Got my fist online kill last night with my A-4E and a sweet growl off a sidewinder :) . On a side note, my trackIR system works great with it. My $0.02 worth Vex
  8. Hey thanks for the welcome! I have a Saitek X-45 and a pair of CH USB rudders. Your right, I could just leave everything default and program the buttons in the X-45 software but I'll have to hand edit the hat stuff. Or I can figure out how SF sees the stick and hand edit. Vex

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