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Everything posted by FokkerDviiOAW

  1. OFFbase Update: An Ode to the OFF Community

    I'll give it a shot, Thank you for your help sir.
  2. OFFbase Update: An Ode to the OFF Community

    Could it possibly have something to do with pilots having the same name? I've deleted a pilot fighting later in the war and used the same name to start a career earlier in the war, could that possibly be a reason for the on leave status?
  3. OFFbase Update: An Ode to the OFF Community

    Yeah, i'm using the latest version. I did have multiple pilots in the same squad before, but I've since deleted them and started new pilots in different squadrons, it still shows them as on leave.
  4. OFFbase Update: An Ode to the OFF Community

    Cool mod Lothar, however, every time I make a pilot, it shows him as on leave, and it won't let me start the game by clicking on the "go to hangar" button, and in the pilot dossiers in game, it has "on leave" written beneath his portrait. I can start the game manually and fly campaign missions no problem, it just keeps saying all my pilots are on leave. Any suggestions?
  5. Nice vid, The Fokker is a sweet airplane.
  6. First-time poster, long-time lurker. I enjoy flying for the Germans, and I was wondering if it would be possible to start an early war career flying 2 seaters, and as the war progressed and the Jastas were formed, if it would be possible to be transferred into a fighter squadron, like many pilots did back in the day. Thanks in advance for any info, and thanks for developing the best flight sim I've ever played, and as seems to be custom around here, first round is on me :D
  7. A question about WOFF campaign mode

    Thanks for the info folks! @Olham: Cool, I didn't know about that trick, gonna give it a shot next time i hop on, Thanks for the tip. Eagerly awaiting WOFF...

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