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Everything posted by hawker111

  1. Does anyone know what the corner speed should be for the F-104? Thanks, Hawker111
  2. Dave, Does this website have both the service ceiling numbers and also the absolute ceiling numbers?
  3. Hi, Have many of the Century Series fighters been created for Falcon 4.0? If so, are the flight models very accurate and do they have very nice 3-D cockpits? Thanks, Hawker111
  4. When I fly the sim I zoom the cockpit in to make it bigger. You zoom in/out using the mouse buttons. Is there a way to set the zoom in the cockpit file? I can move the view back and forth with the "Offset" command: [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=f-4b_cockpit Position=0.0,4.437,0.658 Offset=-0.00,-0.15,0.10 <------------------ OFFSET ViewAngles=0.0,-2.0,0.0 MaxYaw=152 But Offset and Zoom are not the same. Is it possible to add a line in the cockpit file that will set the zoom so that when I fly the sim I won't need to manually hit the mouse buttons to set the zoom? Thanks a lot for the help, Hawker111
  5. When running in 1680 x 1050, which is my monitor's resolution, the cockpit in WOV is stretched out. When running WOV in 800 x 60, 1024 x 768, and 1400 x 1050 the screen does not stretch out to fit my monitor. The aspect ratio of the cockpit is correct. There is a black bar on the right and on the left. Now, for some reason, when I run the sim in 1600 x 1200 resolution, the aspect ratio appears to be correct. But there is only a black bar on the right of the screen. The bottom of the screen is "shifted" down off of the screen (I can tell because when loading the loading bar is off the screen). Does anyone else have a problem when running WOV in 1600 x 1200? Thanks, Hawker111
  6. Is it possible to remove the compass and the other metal objects near it that are attached to the canopy frame? Thanks, Hawker111
  7. Thanks Do335, but I don't see a Viewlist.ini in WOV...
  8. I'm about to install my Falcon 4.0 disc. I also have the patch from Micropose that I received back in (I think) 1999. How should I go about installing the sim? I'm running on XP. NTFS drives. Thanks, Hawker111
  9. Hi, I need to get a new video card to run SF2. Would SF2 run okay with a MSI NX8400GS 512MB Video Card? Thanks, Hawker111
  10. Is the F-105 canopy frame too wide in the sim? In real life did the F-105 have such a wide canopy frame? Thanks, Hawker111
  11. I have never attempted to modify cockpits before, but I have been thinking about it. What I would like to do is increase the amount of polygon points for the canopy frames so that they are very smooth. The frames on the stock cockpits look slightly jagged. Would this be something that is very tedious and time consuming to do? Thanks a lot, Hawker111
  12. Fubar, Would I be able to import a stock SF1 or SF2 cockpit into 3Dmax 2009?
  13. Fubar, Is it possible to modify the stock cockpits in SF2? Thanks, Hawker111
  14. Is there a really high quality SR-71 cockpit available? That would be really cool
  15. So the stock cockpits can't be modified, because you would need the source file . . . Has anyone created new F-4 Phantom cockpits to the simulator? If so, how do they compare to the stock F-4 cockpits?
  16. What video card would you recommend for WOV? Thanks very much, Hawker111
  17. Does anyone have a Vulcan cannon sound that they prefer better than the one in WOV?
  18. Hi, I'm trying to figure out what the best monitor size would be to get. Would anyone happen to know how wide the average instrument panel is for a fighter jet? Help from cockpit builders would be very much appreciated! Thanks, Hawker111
  19. Hi, The download section has a lot of additional aircraft to add to WOV/WOE. In your opinion, what are the highest quality ones to download? The cockpits that Third Wire makes are really nicely done. Are there really good third party cockpits that have been created? Thanks, Hawker111
  20. Thank you, Fubar. I will have to get a copy of one of the SF2 sims soon!
  21. But the SF2 sims don't run on Windows XP? That's what I have . . .
  22. Century Series Fighters in Falcon 4.0

    Thanks! I recently came across this very nice looking cockpit for the F-16: http://www.freeonlineflightsimulator.com/category/falcon-4-32-bms/ In you opinion, what is the highest quality F-16C 3-D cockpit for Falcon 4.0?
  23. With WOI, I would be able to use the fighters made for SF2?

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