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Everything posted by Jug

  1. Which song makes you move?

    Can't sit still to the Doobie Brothers' CHINA ROAD. Smokin'!!!!
  2. Someone has a Idea what that is?

    'Fat Man' on steroids?
  3. Yep, old chap, you stand alone.
  4. I work seated next to a Muslim and I have come to respect him as an American and a person of faith. He is an American, just like me and you. We know that bad guys of all walks in life use religion to further their own agenda. Jim Jones used Christianity to encourage his followers to drink the Kool-aid. The Pope endorsed the excesses of the Inquisition. Some Nazi SS belt buckles say "Got mit uns" - God is with us (I have one). Religious zealots exist in every religion and at all levels. My Muslim workmate regrets, remembers, and prays for the souls of the Americans that died that day. Keep in mind that Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the same God of Abraham. It is the zealots who twist the peace of faith to their particular cultural pursuits that have nothing to do with religion. It is important to apply some plain old common sense when hearing the pleas of anyone to commit acts that are not found in the teachings of any religion and equally important to do the same thing when the 'religious' people of a different faith indict the other religion in question as the cause. The sword cuts both ways. It is against everything our founding fathers created in the America that I defended for 20 years where freedom of choice and faith is cherished to blame a religion that is different from yours for murderous acts. Sorry, I go off on loose comments sometimes. However, loose lips do sink ships!
  5. Dark Falcon released!

    Call me a fool. Just bought this puppy from Amazon for $27. Can't wait to go naked at Mach 1..............
  6. Enlisting in the USAF

    Congratulations. You obviously have the determination, now all you have to do is keep a clear head and a focus on your mission. You serve at the pleasure of your country and the needs of the AF come first. It is all about attitude and professionalism. You will do well and a grateful nation thanks you in advance.
  7. US National debt (in graphic form)

    Come on Julhelm, quit beating around the bush, tell us how you really feel. (bad joke)
  8. Apes

    Just saw this and it is very well done! Recommended to all (above PG-13). Anybody see the previews about John Carter of Mars. Really looking forward to this one.....
  9. US National debt (in graphic form)

    Germany is not the life preserver of the EU and the USA is not the life preserver of the rest of the planet. Worst comes to worst, the USA will just tear up the paper and start over. Bad news, China. Build carriers faster. In the midst of all this wailing and knashing of teeth, look around you. Nothing has changed. It's just paper. It is all about confidence, so buck up and do what you can at your level. Stop sitting on the sidelines, get out and vote, and encourage others to do the same. If we call them idiots in Washington, guess who put them there and keep them there?
  10. New Battleship film

    Hey I watched that again yesterday. Still a poorly made movie, but followed it up with the National Geographics bit about finding the Bismark on Netflix. You know, I didn't know that the Bismark only lasted two weeks from setting sail to settling to the bottom. Terrible waste of beautiful ships and some fine sailors in both the Bismark and the Hood. How did that little corporal get Germany there??? History brain muscle reflex action............
  11. Can we have this gun for traffic days...

    Hand grenades - Boom! Bombs - Ka-Boom! This baby - Ka-F**king-Boom! Got one in my basement and, no, it is not for sale!
  12. RIP Flt. Lt. Jon Egging. Red 4

    RIP Brother.
  13. Nobody noticed it's MontyCZ birthday?!

    Happy Birthday!
  14. Pride

    Sorry, guys. Just ranting. Even old guys get an opportunity to do that, right?
  15. Pride

    I do blame the media. I like to remember that they are the "commercial" media, which gains its lifeblood, advertising dollars, by presenting whatever will get the most viewers to listen to them. Since the number of viewers who watch their presentations dictates how many advertising dollars they get, it behooves them to "create" news on slow days or embelish what is presented when there is real news. They are victim of the commercialization of their own journalistic ethic. After all, somebody has to pay those huge 'anchor' salaries. The Brits got it right when their 'anchors' are just called 'newsreaders'. Keeps egos in check. Having said that, I am freely admiting that, like spouses, we cannot live with them and we cannot live without them. Osama has been escorted to his final judgement from Allah by all of his victims. Might turn out to not be what he was expecting.
  16. Jug's in. Whatever, whenever, and however. Thuds are sleek, fast on the deck, and legendary. Can't wait for this to come out.
  17. RED TAILS looks awesome! for me to poop on

    You guys crack me up. I'll be Richard Bong and take you all with my lightning decorated with Marge (Nicole Kidman). Sex scene has to be approved by the wife.
  18. CombatAce Needs Your Help

    Thanks for the Guidance, Dave. All the rest of you out there. It's time to help out. Each of you can give up two or three beers at the local tavern and contribute $10-20 bucks for this, our, simulator site. Consider all of the time each of us has spent wandering through the forums, downloading the latest skin/add-on, and, generally, fooling around with flight sims led by the vigorous contributors to this site. Seems like not much to chip in when you think about it. Let's get with it and keep this place ours.
  19. CombatAce Needs Your Help

    Dave, You know I'm in. However, as I have complained about in the past, the link to contribute is not readily evident on the front page. It was, but now it has moved. I'm in, but you have to show me where to go to actually move the cash. Jug
  20. RED TAILS looks awesome! for me to poop on

    Guys and Gals, this is where I differ with the tone of this thread. This looks to be a great movie about a great bunch of young men who overcame great difficulty, set an everlasting record, saved many of their fellow flyers, helped win a world war, and are deserving of credit long overdue. I don't know if the heart of this is about the production techniques, but I am really looking forward to Jan 2012. How about you? This news should be welcome to all who are aviators, real or simulator. It is a real and glorious part of aviation history. I'm pumped and not really concerned with production details. After all, it is Lucas Arts.
  21. It's Kulbrit's Birthday!

    Happy Birthday and many happy returns.
  22. OMG

    The American justice system demands a high degree of proof for a capital conviction and the state did not offer it up to the satisfaction of the jurors who heard and considered all of the testimony (each of us would certainly approve of this if we were falsely accused of a crime we did not commit). We, as outside observers, got what the media fed us and, it is my opinion that the media had already convicted this person. Thus all of the hoopla when the jury didn't see it that way. I applaud the jury in its verdict and, despite the best efforts of the media and hollywood, our justice system works. Please note that I did not say that justice was served, I am only saying that the system worked as it is supposed to. If the woman killed her own child, she will have to live with that the rest of her life. She will, however, live it as a free woman, because the evidence did not support the allegations against her that would have led to a conviction. That's it. Move on folks......
  23. My action photos from the Royal Navy

    Thanks to you for your service to the UK. Well Done!
  24. The Force is with him...

    Happy Birthday, Jedi Master. Many happy returns.
  25. I got hired today

    Congratulations. Now you can help pick up the tax burden (isn't that awful to say at a time like this?).

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