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Everything posted by Jug

  1. I shouldn't laugh...but

    OK, let's all guess how many virgins this dude got. He did off 21 unbelievers...............
  2. Certificate for Erik

    Here, here!!!!!
  3. How stupid can people be?

    Stuntman, France is not alone in having some real morons in our society. The KKK still has its annual parade (all three of them, dirty sheets and all) in my hometown of Oneonta, AL. Not particularly proud of that, but it is what it is and exactly the freedom that I fought to defend.
  4. Lone Survivor

    I'm with you, Dave. CrazyHorseB34, give it a rest..........
  5. Tumbleweed invasion

    I've been adding some Russian films to my collection and I have found some to be very good. A Cossack western just sounds epic!
  6. Hiroo Onoda: Honor or Fanatism? RIP

    It is just as important to acknowledge that a breach of existing orders occurred as to point out the foul results. Nobody in war comes out clean and noble. Bad shit happens amongst the good guys almost as often as among the bad guys. What is important is that the actions were not in accordance with existing regulations at the time. The various times our soldiers have stepped beyond the limits of our regulations, they are brought before military courts martial to answer for their actions. I'm saying that a system that develops blind or fanatic following, to me, is automatically suspect. On the other hand, my wife and I get into the discussion all the time, supposing we were German citizens just trying to earn a living in Nazi times. The Nazi's guillotined more of their own citizens during WWII than the French did during the Terror (for those who haven't paid attention in history class this is what the bad years of the French Revolution of 1791-3 is called). My wife says, and it bears strong consideration, would she be willing to risk the health and welfare of her family during those times to save a few of her fellow citizens? It is easy to cast aspersions on the German population for their lack of attempts to stop the worst manifestations of National Socialism, but what if it was you and your family you were placing at risk. As many things, easy to say, not so easy to do. It is my hope and prayer that this Japanese soldier was able to find some peace in his life before his death. That is probably the best we can hope for and withholding judgment is the least we can do. My apologies to him, his family, and his nation for any misplaced words I may have said on this forum.
  7. Hiroo Onoda: Honor or Fanatism? RIP

    Always took great comfort that the oath of a US military officer is to protect and defend the constitution of the United States and not any particular bonehead that is occupying the seat currently. Uniform Code of Military Justice clearly states that members of the military are not to follow orders which they know to be illegal. I suppose Hiroo would just not fit in...............
  8. Post random things thread

    You guys really need help.............
  9. Royal Marines serving their community.

    GI's do a lot more than kill the enemies of the state.
  10. News of my test results.

    Hopes, prayers, and best wishes for a speedy cancer, however you spell it, whipping. Check six! There are quite a few wingmen with you........from here and elsewhere.
  11. Membership Drive 2014

    Cough up, guys and gals. Think of the hours of scintillating texting, incisive aeronautical analysis, amazing mods, worthwhile encounters with some really talented people, and downright fun you have here. Jug's in. Join me won't you!!
  12. CombatACE UFO Awareness Month

    As one of the few people on this forum who has flown the white 737 into Area 51 and been around the base, I would like to join with the official line that there is nothing extra-terrestrial on the airpatch. Creative minds need a bit of leeway, but this whole thing has gone a bit too far.
  13. China's First Carrier Completes its Test

    The Chinese recognize the quantum leap their Navy is making from pure surface ships to aircraft carriers. They have taken their time and its probably a good thing.
  14. YO CA!

    Glad to hear the good news!
  15. This is cool too, beauty at Fox!

    This lady can foul my deck anytime she wants to. Good on FOX news.
  16. Happy Birthday?

    RIP, bpao. We few remember what you did for this Crispen's Day crowd.
  17. Dont mess with Marines

    Would love to introduce that curb to the puke that killed the British soldier in the UK not long ago. Let the dude earn his martyrdom.
  18. For Classic Gaming Nuts

    I'm still a big Civilization III fan. Play it for hours.
  19. What a finish! We won it all!

    Good on the young men. Feels good to win!!
  20. Happy New Year...

    Happy New Year to all. May the good Lord bless and keep you and yours this coming year.
  21. Secret Spaceplane

    Has anyone heard or seen some info on the USAF A/S/F-37 space plane. Heard a notice that it is completing a year in orbit this month. I guess the US can really keep a secret if we need to.
  22. Good Interview

    You guys would like a good interview, request one from JSF_Aggie. He flew the U-2 with me and then moved on to fly the SR-71. He's probably got a few good war stories that he might share. He and I have a few that have gotten better with the telling.
  23. North Korea executes leaders Uncle

    "Executed immediately" does not reflect the dealings that western powers have with those who attempt to overthrow the government. In the US, a lengthy trial, much press coverage, and two years on home probation would be the usual.........
  24. Update of my Situation

    Thoughts and prayers with you, friend.

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