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Everything posted by Jug

  1. The Mighty Eighth - Trailer

    Hey guys, how about a campaign for the mighty 8th AF............ How does that tickle your creative juices???
  2. Chris, you be a fightn' dog. Great mission and great showcase for WoX!!!
  3. Pvt. Eden Atias, RIP!

    RIP Brother
  4. Need books to read! Know of any good titles?

    Try "Thud Ridge" by Jim Broughton.
  5. Need books to read! Know of any good titles?

    Read the "Donovan Creed" series by John Locke for action, adventure, and laugh-out-loud black humor.
  6. A very special flight...

    During the Vietnam era, I was actually spit upon by a dude in Columbus, MS, while in uniform. The welcome home was much different then. It has returned to the way it should be and I am eternally grateful to my nation for making this important thing right. RIP, brother, I will take my last flight west with you soon enough.....
  7. USS Zumwalt

    Oh boy another target for the aviators!!!!!
  8. Back For A Bit

    Congratulations. God bless and keep you and your family in these trying times.
  9. A flight over Afghanistan, at night

    Stay safe and return to tell us all more. Not real surprised at the technological advances evident in a war-torn country (or lack thereof). Thank the Taliban for that.
  10. To All My Friends Here at CombatAce

    Dave, my thoughts and prayers are for you during this trying time. May God bless and keep you and your family.
  11. Oh No! They've gone and caught Clem!

    Jug's rule #1 for boating: If something swims by bigger than the boat, return to shore.
  12. Did I Just Read This Right?

    SFB ( Sh*t For Brains). God rest the wee one's soul.
  13. A cure for a boring day at the office

    Sounds like future Darwin award candidates here. Not a good thing to be a winner.............
  14. On This Date.....23 Oct 1983

    RIP my friends and countrymen....
  15. US Carrier Sold For One Cent

    The red cent bought the ship. The price of ownership is to remove the nuclear propulsion system. More expensive that it sounds like.
  16. Beijing, China.

    Impressive! Thanks for sharing, Nesher.
  17. Navy Seals Carry out raid in Somalia

  18. Some opinions needed

    I love conspiracy theorists. Especially those who make a profit off of the rest of us looking for something under the covers. Good living if you can string the real facts together to make a yarn. A closer look at the facts leaves many holes filled with conjecture (otherwise known as fiction). The Soviets sank a US warship and we covered it up! What a bunch of BS!
  19. Vo Nguyen Giap, dead at 102

    RIP, enemy mine.
  20. Don't know whether to laugh or cry

    Physical fitness is a forefront issue for the USPS. Through snow, ice, hail and over occasional sprinklers........................
  21. Woman shot dead outside US Capitol building

    I'm with you, Erik. Well said!
  22. Tom Clancy Dies at Age 66

    Tom could spin a yarn better than most. RIP, from an admirer.
  23. AWACS - Guided Missles?

    SAC's idea at the end of it's life as an Air Force command, was to use large capacity launchers to toss many cruise missiles on a target. The idea was to initialize the target location using GPS coordinates, launch the cruise missile (start the motor, get headed toward the target, and link up with the GPS system for guidance), and guide the missile around terrain and high threat areas to the target. Look at the multiple cruise missile launchers on the later versions of the B-52. Think about a C-5 or several C-5s!!! Remember that 80% of the capacity of the GPS satellite system is reserved for US military use. Talk about saturation effect.............
  24. Why i like the NSA

    Thought about this a bit, SayWhatt, and have come to the conclusion that there are two separate things here with Snowden. The revelations from any source, that the representatives of our clandestine services are involved in activities that are outside their charter is a serious and unacceptable situation that must be fixed. The revelations from Snowden and, hence, my distress with the individual is the traitorous actions he took in making his concerns public using foreign nations as his forum. We have a very good and stringent "Whistleblower" programs that could have handled his complaints within the system. This is very American in that we work within the system to resolve things that are wrong. Snowden's flitting around the world to America's military competitors (Russia and China) and making his statement to whatever mic is available is about as far from the proper way to resolve the issues as you can get and puts his actions into the category of the actions of a traitor. The guy took an oath to secure the information he was entrusted with. No way you can excuse a betrayal of that. Since China only kept him for a week and Russia kept him at the airport for several days, says to me that he did not have much in the way of Top Secret stuff anyway. He is enjoying an extended vacation in Russia with limited political utility to the Russians. He will be paying for his indiscretions for many years to come. Good news is that the US taxpayer will not have to pay for his upkeep.
  25. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

    The Jug has been side-lined too. I am glad the first responders have been eliminated from this shut-down, but have another far-out opinion of the no-expense days. We may discover that if this thing lasts a week, we may have a balanced budget for 2013............

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