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Everything posted by Jug

  1. RUSH the movie

    Just saw Rush and recommend it to anyone that likes Formula 1 racing. Very well done and reminds me of Gran Prix (the movie) from that era staring a young Tommy Lee Jones. One main difference is that this is a true story of the 1976 competition between Niki Lauda and James Hunt. Highly recommend this movie to all of you action-type movie lovers.
  2. All I Can Say Is.....

    Intense rivalry, but not quite up to the level of the Alabama/Auburn stuff. Or maybe I should say down to the level of the Alabama/Auburn stuff!!
  3. Why i like the NSA

    Snowden is a creep and a traitor, but he did call out the DNI for lying to Congress. A Navy Captain can screw a subordinate and get fired, but the Director of National Intelligence can lie to Congress and still press on. Accountability is not universally applied though it should be................
  4. HEY! It's...

    Many Happy Returns.......
  5. Nuclear Disaster in USA - close call

    The fail-safes are so multiple and complex, I was never sure any of them would actually go off............
  6. Navy Fires Carrier Air Wing CO

    All services have very strict prohibitions against consorting with subordinate ranks. Very strict. This guy made some bad choices and he should suffer the consequences. So did the woman in question. Sex or personal relationships should not have any effect on decisions as to who does what in all military units. There is and always be the potential for that kind of special consideration if such a relationship exists. Destroys morale and unit cohesion. Throw the bums out. Good on the Navy.
  7. Fort Hood Gunman Sentenced to Death

    Withering away in a black hole seems to be the best justice except the beleaguered taxpayer has to pay some $38,000.00 per year for his upkeep. Probably have to operate on his spine free of charge too. A needle is cheaper, but I like the idea of no notices or publicity of the event at all. He just disappears............
  8. The Harvard gun control study

    Well, if the government really wanted to take a positive active part in the gun ownership issue, they would make gun safety training mandatory for everyone.
  9. Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday, KB!
  10. Good idea............

    Remember all that appears to be too good to be true, is not.
  11. Happy Birthday Fubar512

    Happy Birthday, Fubar!
  12. SSG Ty Carter on Letterman

    Proud of the recognition of this young man's heroism. Real glad he is on our side. HooRah!
  13. The Harvard gun control study

    Kinda like your take on it, Jedi!
  14. Fort Hood Gunman Sentenced to Death

    Don't waste another thought on this guy. He is not worth it.
  15. Hannah Montana 2013.............

    For an artist with limited talent, she achieved her objective.........more attention. How doesn't matter, just look at all of the attention she is getting. Doesn't matter whether it is good or bad to a blow-brain, it's all about the attention.
  16. College Football Saturday!

    My pitiful Tigers are better, but they still suck. At least the summer doldrums are past...............
  17. Remember, Remember The First of September...

    Actually, at the time, the Polish politicians made a prudent decision. As you said, "But who in mid summer 1939 would have foreseen that Hitler and Stalin would ally?" The only other alternative would have been to declare neutrality, but Poland was in the warpath between Russia and Germany and neutrality is not respected by despots intent on conquering the world (look at the Japanese actions on the other side of the planet at the time). A dictator always needs a war to excuse the brutal control atrocities he/she is committing against his/her own people in the name of national unity (Syria and Iraq chemical attacks, Russian purges, German guillotine victims, and on and on throughout history), so if a convenient war is not cooking, all dictators will start one (Iraq/Iran, the Falklands crisis, and on and on throughout history). The only reason that Switzerland was allowed to keep their neutrality during WWII was that they were not on the warpath (and the Axis despots had to have someplace to stash their loot). Sweden was allowed to keep their neutrality because the Germany had Norway, but it was only a matter of time before they turned their attentions to Sweden. The war at that point took some bad turns for the Axis and the issue never arrived, but I'll bet there were some German plans to take Sweden too. Poland is a beautiful country, filled with wonderful people, and, at that time, were represented by good people in their government, but their country was just in the way.
  18. The Harvard gun control study

    In my opinion, the limit of gun control, ends with thorough background checks prior to selling of firearms. A felon or a person with mental problems should not own or be able to acquire a firearm. Why do I feel this way, you ask? Long term, politicians who are given the reins of owning all of the firearms will eventually take advantage of that fact on the populations they rule. When the population is armed to the teeth, they are less inclined to do more aggressive stupid things. Also, anyone who decides to invade the US will fight on every corner and down every road against a population that will never surrender and that population has the means to do so. In my opinion, we have to put up with the occasional criminal who uses a firearm in the commission of a crime, but the message should be consistent and clear that the price to pay for such action is heavy. I think we need more judges on the bench that understand this. Regardless of age, ethnenticity, background, social status, or wealth, the penalties for using a firearm in the commission of a crime should be heavy and consistently applied. It has always been a strong deterrent to the petty criminal that they may encounter someone armed upon which they attempt to commit their criminal act. What may appear to be an easy kill may end up with a swift and terminal resolution not to their liking. As long as firearms are assessable to the public, that deterrent is in effect. My strong advice is to choose another way to get money (like a job) in Alabama. Folks don't cotton to criminals down south and take extreme exception when provoked.
  19. VJ Day

    I don't share the 'Nuclear Guilt' of some Americans. The Jap military ate some of our captured PoWs for dinner, literally, and some of their other atrocities, like Nanking, do not approach the scale of Hitler's reprisals or Stalin's purges, but are, nevertheless, vicious and appalling. The fact that the samuri sons of the rising sun needed to see a rising sun on their own turf to realize that they are only part of the human race and not the Lords-of-All they perceived themselves as at that time was just the price they paid for the error of their ways.
  20. 35 years in prison and wants to be a woman!

    How much is his incarceration going to cost the taxpayer? How much does a bullet cost? His contributions to our society seem to be limited, so I'm just saying.................
  21. About the Downloads and Subscriptions

    Thanks Erik and Dave. Next year when I am retired and broke, I'll be begging for a freebie.
  22. the A SKunk team can kiss my ***

    I recommend you reconsider when you have calmed down. After all, where else are you going to go? Our community, like all communities, has insensitive people that are in the neighborhood. Keep in mind that we're all here for fun.
  23. Never was so much owed by so many speech

    Mighty airmen responding to save their homeland. God bless them all!
  24. About the Downloads and Subscriptions

    Dave, I'm paid up on my subscription, but I would like to contribute to the coffer. I found the link to do so by my name at the top of the page. Wish it could be more.
  25. And I thought dumbsh*ts were spawned only in America............

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