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Everything posted by Jug

  1. German ace Eric Hartmann said that the best way to shoot the enemy down was to spot them first, zoom in fast, kill, and escape (he rarely got into a dogfight). Give me a MiG-25 any day to do just that. Light up those two magnificent blowholes, bring that beast up to ram speed, hose the enemy down thoroughly, and depart the fight (easily done sustaining the ram speed). Dogfighting is not where the MiG-25 rules, so do not dogfight with her. The Flying Tigers using the P-40 out gunned Hirohito's best over China in WWII by using what their aircraft did best and by disciplined coordinated attacks, not by dogfighting. Come in fast, shoot the bad guy, and depart. If you're lucky, most of the bad guys will jettison their war load to get ready to dogfight and you have won the day. Game over. Do wish the -25 had a gun though......!
  2. Flew it around last night. What a jet!! I think I cried................. Don't the ChiComs have fleets of these??? Congratulations to the Marfighters team. Well done!!
  3. I can live with that. I was stationed in the UK at the time and do not remember the details as well as you. I stand corrected and not offended at all. I did not know that anyone was hurt in the eventual crash. I am sorry about that.
  4. When I see the incredible imagination and skill that is used for some of the Mods for the various versions of Third Wire products, the thought arises that a Flight Sim on the same basis as the other FMs, but just a little bit into the future might be the natural evolution of this genre. Is TK working on another game, maybe along these lines? Any spies out there? Any rumors that I can start or support?
  5. Can I join in WOW! These are beautiful..........cannot wait. Good on you all!
  6. Beautiful job! Did you know that one of these was involved in an incident somewhere in then East Germany where the pilot, somewhere in the landing phase, scared himself and bailed out. The MiG-27 after the pilot ejected leveled out and motored over the then East/West border and crashed somewhere in West Germany? Pack of Eagles sitting on Alert scrambled and could do nothing, but make sure the MiG didn't hit a populated area and spot the aircraft crash site. That is about as close as the fighter boys got to a real MiG kill during that era. Kinda embarassing for the guy who bailed out.
  7. Great job. I've been hunted by this bad boy several times. Unsuccessfully though.....thank God.
  8. Reminds me of an Italian Sabre Dog, except better. Sweet model. Congratulations.
  9. I just googled the Tu-22 Blinder and discovered, as I suspected, that the TU-22 has a single pilot. Therefore, a more appropriate cockpit might be the F-4E. Two engines and one driver, every double-ugly driver's dream. [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=Tu-22B Blinder-A AircraftDataFile=Tu-22_data.ini LoadoutFile=Tu-22_loadout.ini CockpitDataFile=F-4E_COCKPIT.INI AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-4E_AVIONICS.ini
  10. Thank you for your prompt response. I went to the link and read the instructions, which require you to send an application to Capun to get download privileges. However, I did not find the email address. Do you know it? If he is going to attempt to make some money off of his efforts, then more power to him and I'll gladly help pay for his work, but I really would like to contact Capun to see what the deal is.
  11. Appears that I have missed the link to download the fine A-Team Fokker DR1. Also missing the link for the PfalzDIII. Anybody out there that can help me?
  12. Excellent work! Is it possible to make this aircraft uglier? Yes, add a hump and a back seat and there you go.
  13. Fighter without a gun. Bad idea. BVR missiles just flat do not work 100% of the time and as a sole alternative, leaves the good guy holding his Johnson as the bad guy does a drive-by. Rules of Engagement - has it occured to anyone that RoE are impositions that the US places on itself and we are the only military on the planet that adheres to this silly policy. Win the war then write the rules. The winner is the only one so entitled.
  14. Fracture, Very Nice Work! Good on you!
  15. Zurawski, I don't know how close to real you want to get, but the problem of overheating should not exist in a real jet. The airflow through an engine is never supersonic. Most aircraft have gates on the intakes that move so as to 'bounce' the air incoming and, thereby, slow it down to subsonic speeds. Turbojet engines cannot take the mach effects across their compressor blades at the front of the engine. Even the SR-71 Blackbird with a modified scram jet uses the intake spikes to 'bounce' the air and slow it down as it goes through the engine. Speed limitation of most aircraft is the speed beyond which the air cannot be 'bounced' enough to slow the airflow down. Overspeeds, to portray reality best, should result in high-speed compressor stalls that result in the engine shelling itself out taking big and important pieces of the jet along with it. I am not sure if overspeeds will result in overtemps ever. It is still ugly to encounter and usually results in a nylon letdown (landing without the jet), but it is something that pilots have to deal with. Even simulator pilots. It may be something you can model to turn on or turn off like inexhaustable fuel or arms to satisfy the gameplay needs of the arcade crowd. Bye the way, engine technology has probably passed me by since I last turned a turbine, but I am pretty sure that the limitation of subsonic airflow through the engine is still an engineering problem. Of course, the Talon is fiction, so it is capable of doing anything the builder wants, but I just thought I would toss this in the discussion circle.
  16. SayWhat, did I miss something. Has someone released a Fiddler? How can I get my grubby paws on the mod?
  17. Keep slugging WDH. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Skilled artisans like you are hard to come by and let me add my congratulations on your Korean mod work. Well Done!
  18. The background chatter tapes, which I think adds a lot to the immersion, seem to play at a speed that is too fast. Anybody have any ideas as to how to make them sound less like a flock of ducks and more like pilots talking in the background?
  19. Excited to play this one, but I do not seem to have the original Red Lightning campaign. I cannot find it here. Does anyone have a link so I can get the entire thing?
  20. Terrific job. Well Done and I, too, cannot wait to fly this beauty.
  21. One of my best friends that I left behind in another life flew the Skoshi Tiger in 'Nam. He was killed flying U-2s elsewhere. He and I knew each other well since he was a linebacker for OU and I played offensive line at Auburn. I can't remember which team won when we squared our pilot training classes off at Columbus AFB, MS, but he and I relived some fond memories. I think of him often and this mod takes me back to him. Thanks.

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