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Everything posted by Jug

  1. Close enough for a flight sim.
  2. Harley Vs Honda

    Funny. I've passed many a Harley on the side of the road getting fixed. My Yamaha 1100 custom was purchased used and I never even had to hit the starter twice. Rode it for two years and, aside from a tune-up, it cost me exactly 0 to maintain. Harley has the mistique, the chug-chug sound, and the T-shirt, but Hondas, Kawasakis, and Yamahas stay on the road.
  3. i'm trying to understand something...

    Well said. I'm glad the focus remains on a good sim and good exchange of information about the sim. Leave the politics to those who are qualified for the task. I'm sure not. Opinions are like noses and we all have one, prominent or otherwise. We all post here with a combined interest in flight sims and it is always a good thing to stay on the course.
  4. What Do You Want More??

    Right on the nose! I agree with your assessment.
  5. Welcome To The New Jet Thunder Forum

    One each attaboy! Looks great. Um grande abraco!
  6. Favorite Falkand's War Aircraft

    Response to 2) I couldn't agree more. Rules of war are State Department baloney. The winner writes the rules and the history. Every side has some heinous activity that their troops were directly involved in. The only boundries are neutral territories, and even then, only when it suits both sides. Bye the way, for those of you who refuse to pull your heads out of the sand, a war against terrorists has no boundries. Kick them out of your country yourself, or plan to have some really bad visitors that are going to do some really bad things on your turf.
  7. I have a friend who is a newcomer to WoV and has a Microsoft sidewinder joystick. His problem in the options/controls menu when he attempts to set his throttle on the Joystick as the WoV program throttle, the program does not sense the movement of the throttle wheel. Anybody have any suggestions? I told him to get the full Saitek or CH suite, but he moaned about shoes for his kids, yadda, yadda, yadda.
  8. Favorite Falkand's War Aircraft

    Guys, guys, this is a flight simulator forum. Suffice it to say that political reasons drove the invasion of the Malvinas and political decisions drove the re-taking of the Malvinas and there were brave men that had no real stake in the issues that died on both sides because their leaders told them to. That about sums up all wars. My hat is off to the brave aviators from both sides and my heart goes out to their families. I am only interested in a good reflection of what they had to deal with in SFP1. Emotions run high on this subject, but, please, let us all step back to the sim itself.
  9. Some pictures from my phone

    Nesher, Keep your head down, helmet on, flak vest fastened. God be with you and your buddies. Toast the scum!
  10. Do not know exactly what the counter-missile tactics are for the A-10, but it's dramatic maneuverability is a big factor. Keep in mind that displacement is the key here. If you wrap the A-10 into a turn into an attacking missile (classic counter-missile move) and the whole turning area is within the acquisition cone of the missile, the missile will still paste you. The jet needs to move outside of the attacking missile's acquisition cone for the missile to miss. Faster jets have an advantage here because of the distance it takes a fast jet to make a sharp corner. Defensive maneuvers at altitude, say in a U-2, are rather gentle because of the distances involved and the thin air. Remember, even at warp speed, missiles have little tiny maneuvering wings and they are only good for one good correction and then they lose track quickly. It is all about timing. My best move in the A-10 is a quick turn into the missile, hold a 90 degree off track for a second or two and reverse the turn. Missile changes course to aim toward the first change, but is unable to sustain track in the reversal. The old Mark I eyeball is the best guage for getting better at timing, and your POV helps use the Mark I. If you are not moving your POV (and your jet too) constantly in a SAM environment or AtoA engagement, you're toast.
  11. Favorite Falkand's War Aircraft

    At the end of the day, the Argentine aviators were the only ones that took the fight to the Brits. The Argie navy sailed out, lost one ship and sailed back into port for the duration. The Army invaded and camped in town, didn't deploy or set up defenses, and when the invasion started offered only a few pockets of resistance. I don't think but a few officers left the comforts of the town. When I attended the Brazilian Air Command and Staff College, I had the pleasure of speaking with several of the Argentine pilots that were veterans of that conflict. The above conclusions are not mine, but the conclusions of a study group comprised of officers from several South American Air Forces. The Argentine aviators stood out in taking the fight to the Brits and lost many pilots flying older aircraft and doing the best they could with what they had. My hat is off to those brave souls flying any of those aircraft. Bye the way, it could be that the MB339 was the license built Xavante from Brazil.
  12. Nice pic. Check the size of those blowholes? Save it for a loading screen when the jet comes out. I think you're on a roll. Great work!
  13. I'm an Auburn grad and a USC grad and my teams were both undefeated in 2004. They both did fairly well in 2005 too. How'd the Bruins fare?
  14. Sky Captain, Reacts as advertised in IL2 and CFS2.
  15. I'd be interested in the power bump for the A-7s. To be honest, I didn't even notice the underpower since they were notorious as being underpowered in the real world. If the sim has them even more underpowered, I need the fix. Can you provide the how-to in this forum? I would imagine that there are others interested as well.
  16. USAFMTL, Best of luck, a good tailwind, and Godspeed! I join with the rest of those who have appreciated your efforts and work. This thriving community is your and the real contributors' work. I salute you from the River Rats for the help you have offered one and all. I hope that someday you will return. Remember, as I have said earlier, the nay sayers are a dime-a-dozen and they abound everywhere. They don't have anything else to do. You will not leave them where ever your heart takes you. Keep in mind that they are just bumps in the road, no more. My attached saying below reflects my view of their status in life as elephant foot grease. I think you'll be back when TK sends WWI to the market. You will certainly be welcome by this member.
  17. Just downloaded some pictures from the U-2 50th reunion held at Beale AFB, California. Thought some readers might be interested. Img0100 is a shot from the squadron bar where our record setters have their names enshrined. I have the dubious honor of being on the 'silent birdman' roll of honor. Indicates a dead-stick landing from and operational mission, but it is one of those honors, like a purple heart, you hope never to win. Pics include a current U-2S cockpit photo, a new U-2S Glass cockpit, the global hawk, the U-2S with its chase vehicle (special built hi-power Mustang), the T-38 (black-used to keep the pilots proficient stateside since the vast majority of operational U-2s are deployed elsewhere), the NASA U-2R, and an unusual formation flight of a P-51 and an A-10 that was mustered for the reunion. The reunion honored this year the Republic of China pilots that flew the U-2 over Red China some years back. We were pleased to have 4 of the surviving pilots join us and honored the RoC pilots that did not come back right along with our own who never returned. The cold war was never cold in the reconnaissance arena.
  18. Thanks Spectre! We used to joke that the fighter pilots went to war in groups of four, armed to the teeth, and terrified. Recce troops go to war alone, unarmed, and fearless. As with most sayings, it lies not quite point on the truth, but its not far off. Lost several friends along the way, but, evidently, we were effective along the way. Thank you Streakeagle. I now fly with a great group here and online. I think it is an honor to fly with them.
  19. Actually, I was thinking that we need Wrench to model one of his famous pilots (i.e. Jessica Biel) as our fearless Stealth aviator. Who cares what the cockpit looks like then?
  20. Thank you. I flew the U-2 between 1979 and 1983 and the TR-1 between 1988 and 1990. My callsign was the same as it is here, Jug. Knew most of the Mx troops, deployed with a lot of them and placed my life in their quite capable hands. Came to respect and admire their skill, attitude, and team effort. It truly was a small flying club. 20-25 squadron pilots at any given time and quite a bit more, but quite skilled maintenance troops and that was it. Big results from a tightly knit dedicated bunch. Sometimes I have to ask my wife if I really was a part of all that.
  21. Music......sweet music to my ears!!
  22. I was thinking (ususally the source of many serious problems) that the mod community could come up with a better A-10 than the stock one that comes with WoE. Drop-kicked the stock A-10 and installed the A-10 from the SFP1. The jet is sitting on the runway (no gear) rocking away and then explodes. Should I go back and re-install the stock A-10 or is there some fix for this.? Some other aircraft also have a tendency to have the wingmen explode in order as my aircraft departs the airport area instead of following me. Is there a fix for that? Thanks in advance for any tips.
  23. I don't know about you, but I really miss the commies. At least we knew who the enemy was and we could count on him for certain consistant behavior.

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