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Everything posted by Jug

  1. Anybody remember the Tu-28 Fiddler? Big, fast, long-range bomber interceptor. Two/three seat (tandem), two-engine, bad Tupolev. Love to see that puppy around too!
  2. Staged or not, this is nice footage. I am of the opinion that the MiG is probably a little quicker than the more multi-purpose FA-18. In the hands of a good driver, could be a real unpleasant surprise when somebody yells, "Fight's On!"
  3. Back-seat MiG pilot

    I know other people have had this problem as I have read some of the solutions on this forum. I just cannot remember how to get the pilot to show up in the seat instead of behind it. (SFP1 SP4, MiG-21MF) I just finished a clean reinstall and am re-creating my aircraft fleet from add-ons (starting with what mods are available to the stock aircraft). Please, can anybody point me in the right direction?
  4. Back-seat MiG pilot

    Before any 15 yard penalty markers hit the ground, I accept 30 lashes from a wet noodle. This was posted in the wrong place. I'll try another forum. P.S. I have an excuse, I'm old.
  5. Were you in a War?

    Was he at Palmdale or one of the overseas detachments? I seem to have come across the name, but I'm a little fuzzy. Did he have a specialty such as PSD, systems, avionics, or airframe. Just taking a guess here, but at his age he was probably one of the original Skunk Works team that did it all and did it all well. Kelley Johnson used to say, "I can deliver an SR-71 to Moscow and they would never fly it nor reproduce it. The sad thing is I can't either!" By that time (early-1980s) the original team of very talented prime time players known as the Skunk Works had retired or were dead and their skills could not be replaced. Little known but interesting fact. All U-2 and SR-71 pilots had to pre-breathe oxygen for minimum of one hour to prevent the "bends" at altitude and the Sled (SR-71) crews had to pre-breathe in the cockpit, because cockpit familiarization took about an hour. When the Sled was made (last one came off the assembly line in 1962) they were all hand made and sometimes the instruments were situated on the instrument panel where they ran out of cable. So each aircraft was different and the pilots had to re-familiarize themselves where everything was every time they flew. U-2 guys would suit up and climb into a recliner lounge chair (Xtra large) and take a nap. Your grandfather is an extraordinary man. Love to meet him or you sometime.
  6. To the CA team, WELL DONE!!!
  7. I want to know?

    A person who voluntarily puts on the uniform of this country in any capacity is my brother/sister in arms. We share the strength of noble purpose that states ours is a nation worth defending, if necessary even with our own lives. I know this is not for everyone, but they will not have that special place in that long line during final rollcall. I have friends on The Wall and friends who flew off into the high ether never to return. I keep in touch with those I knew then and when we get together (fatter and older) it is like we never left each other's side. It is good to know that there are plenty of fine people in our nation that still feel the same way. I wish I could meet and talk with each and every one, get to know them, and, maybe even, swap a few lies. We do have so many shared memories. Our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines have gladly made this place we call home a place where the self-proclaimed expert media can dog-cuss them and others can spout off about things they know nothing about. Freedom flourishes because of their daily sacrifices. I salute those today who really make this blessed nation the best friend you can have on earth and, equally, the worst enemy you can imagine.......your choice!
  8. Hey guys, i'm back

    Welcome home, son. God bless your efforts on our behalf.
  9. donwloads

    WELL DONE in the restoration of this site. God bless this team for its efforts and its results.
  10. Were you in a War?

    Cold War U-2C, U-2R, TR-1 Pilot B-52G Pilot
  11. WTF? USS Princess Diana

    This is a pretty hefty insult to our founding fathers who fought, if my memory serves me correctly, two wars to break free of British royalty. What were these guys thinking? When I was serving in England, I made it a point upon meeting Prince Charles to call him Charles and not add on the kow-towing that our state department minions think so important. Small thing, at best trivial, but it honors the memory of those who fought and gave their lives so we don't have to do that stuff. We still don't call Ronnie Reagan "Sir Ronald", nor do we call Caspar Weinberger "Sir Caspar". It is not American style. I won't deny the fact that Dianna used her position to help the needy of the world, but if that is the criteria, then I can pick out several dozen Americans that deserve the honor more than she.
  12. Saitek x45 Dat File

    I just purchased a X45 joystick/throttle from a friend and I see that there is a .RAR file with a .Dat file in it for use with WoV and SFP1. Trouble is, I don't know where to put the file, nor how to tell SFP1 or WoV how to pick up and use the file instead of the default joystick configuration. A little help here would be appreciated. Attached is a cool picture of a U-2S Taxiing for takeoff somewhere in England that ends up making a pretty good loading screen for the U-2C. Wrong model, but nice eye candy. Jug
  13. Where??

    I have been busy downloading, setting up and flying all of the aircraft in SFP1. First and foremost, my heartiest congratulations to those who have spent tedious hours working on these add-on aircraft and all of the various add-ons that really make the game. They are superb. Since I am hooked thoroughly and spend hours searching this site and the web for new inputs, I do tend to get frustrated by the "teasers". Someone will put out a skin for a Buccaneer or a F101 Voodoo and I just go nuts trying to find the aircraft. Would someone help me if the following aircraft exist amongst the community: F-101 Voodoo (American and Canadian) Hawker-Sidley Buccaneer (RAF mid-60's through Desert Storm) Avro Arrow (Canadian Mach 3 interceptor beat out by the F-101) SR-71 Blackbird (can't turn, but can really haul it between tankers) U-2R/U-2S Dragon Lady (the A model out there now is about half the size of the current Lady) Tu-28 Fiddler (Soviet Interceptor) Su-27 Flanker (might find that this truely is better than the Eagle) Su-30/33/35 (Naval/Bomber/etc.) Su-25 (Soviet warthog - strangely similar to the A-9 that flew off against the A-10, but both really ugly aircraft) Yak-25 (Soviet Harrier - albeit bigger and uglier) Argentine (FAA) Pucara (Malvinas veteran) French Super Entendarde (another Malvinas veteran) OV-10 Bronco MiG-31 (really big, really fast, and really formidable) Appreciate any help anyone can give an old cold warrior. Jug
  14. Where??

    Muito Obrigado! - Thanks!
  15. Where??

    Thank you for the prompt response. Do you know where the Pucara is? (yes, it is the turbo-prop jobbie.) Jug
  16. I have seen some skin paints and some loading screens for the following aircraft: B-58 Hustler SAAB Viggen F-102 Delta Dagger F-101 Voodoo A-37 Dragonfly HS Buccaneer Argentina's Pucara What I cannot find is the add-on aircraft themselves. Anybody got any ideas? Thanks
  17. Contributions

    I enjoy this site and the downloads as much as anyone, but I know it is a labor of love. I'd like to contribute to the maintenance of the site, but it is not clear if that is welcomed or how to do it. A little help here?
  18. Contributions

    That's correct about the $$.
  19. There are bunches of add-ons to SFP1 and others here on this site and I, like maybe others tuning in, have a tendency to download and not remember what I downloaded or what is contained in the .rar/.exe/.zip file. I have a suggestion that I am using to help find these puppies when I need them. Once downloaded, I rename them according to the following convention; SimName_Country/Era_NumericDesignation_AircraftName_description.rar for example: SFP1_USAF_F100D_SuperSabre_SEACamo1.rar LOMAC_SU27B_Stork_9Guards_BlueCamo1.rar SFP1_GermanyWW2_ME109E_Messerschmit_Jabo52_Camo2.rar Additionally the files are separated into folders that are named for the Country/Era or for a specific campaign. Once I gather all the files available for a campaign and keep them together, it is a piece of cake to load up on a new machine and get started with all necessary. (I build my own computers for fun and am constantly setting one or the other for a specific game and campaigns). At various times during the year, I then store these downloads as named on a DVD for later use. Am I a neat freak or what?
  20. U.S. fighter jet problem sparked warnings

    OK, guys, I deserve all of the criticism. I just love to pimp my Navy buddies. I'm a retired AF U-2 pilot with about 5400 flying hours and have been there and done that. Don't ever think that I take the service each and every one gives to this nation lightly. I just enjoy pulling their chain (anchor chain). Sounds like too many of you took this personally. I don't make it a habit of taking shots at people I really don't like. Sorry if I offended too deep.
  21. Anybody know of a project to make a Buc for SFP1/WoV??
  22. I have seen skins and other adornments for the following SFP1/WoV aircraft, but I have no idea where the original files are. Can anyone help me? Brazilian/Italian AMX USAF F-102 Delta Dagger British HS Buccaneer USAF B-58 Hustler USAF F-101 Voodoo
  23. U.S. fighter jet problem sparked warnings

    If our part-time flyboys with anchors on their necks would add an anchor to the back of an A/F-18 and be able to toss it out, they might be able to stop on the runway available. Getting stopped by Big Floating Momma's arresting cable all the time does lead to poor verification that the brakes work on a regular basis. When flying jets becomes their primary mission, instead of chugging around in big floating targets, the Navy's flying safety record will get better. Until such time, who can blame a young jet jock for jettisoning a manfunctioning jet with USN painted on the side. Somebody once said the Navy guys cannot get it through their heads that they are a 30-40 knot force in a supersonic fight. Blub..........................!
  24. Anybody know where I can get the basic Italian/Brazilian AMX? I have the update .rar, but cannot find the basic .rar on the links I have tried.
  25. Typhoon vs 2 Eagles...

    As a former USAF pilot, I would be most distressed if USAF pilots ever entered into a impromptu dogfight with anyone. Not like they're not up for the fight, but they are supposed to be more disciplined. The US taxpayer expects professionals in the flying business and is unwilling to hand over expensive, powerful jets to anyone who is not capable of meeting this discipline standard. This sort of activity is not condoned at any level, by any US service. It may happen, but the pilots involved usually end up looking back on the last flight of their military career. I doubt if the encounter ever took place. If the story is true about the encounter, remember, also, that the F-15 came into the US inventory how many years ago? The Typhoon isn't even out of the chocks yet. The US is already moved past the capabilities of the F-15 while the rest of the planet is just now catching up. Let's keep in mind that there are tigers and targets in every Air Force. The difference maker is the discipline, training, and determination level in the pilot in the fight. The nation they serve is irrelevent and there are plenty of real life combat records that indicate that the hardware is of less importance as well. The best operational dog-fighter in the world today is the SU-27 (SU-30) hands down. (ever seen a "cobra" maneuver) It is important to remember that the manned attack aircraft is living on borrowed time. Drones can do just as well without the risk of loss of the aviator. Diving into the target is no longer Medal of Honor action, merely an additional tactic. Flight simulator pilots will be needed in the future. Guess what, we are the future of combat aviation. Wish I was younger......

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