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Everything posted by Jug

  1. 35 years in prison and wants to be a woman!

    The only person that cares about this is this guy's cell mate. I don't care about either one of them.
  2. Misrepresented

    Some time ago, Capun informed me that via the CA "grapevine", I was accused of attempting to get add-on models for some nefarious reasons. I want to clear the air now about that. I am an enthusiastic flight simulator gamer and use the CA to get additional WoX add-ons to enhance the gaming experience only! Period. I am not a re-seller/vendor/thief/etc. and, even if I was, I would not reject a lifetime's ethical standards to obtain, unethically, a flight simulator model. I have thought about this for some time and take strong exception to any implication otherwise. I did get permission to download some of the add-on aircraft from Capun's site and got a bit overenthusiastic. I broke the site rules for the number of downloads at one sitting and, deservedly so, had my permissions to the site rescinded. However, I do not see where this is grounds to imply bad intentions in the CA 'grapevine'.
  3. Misrepresented

    Thanks for the support from all who offered it here. I am glad that no responses have indicated that my name was being taken in vain here at CA. This is my favorite web site and all of you my only online contacts. Your respect means a great deal to me. Having said that, I agree with Typhoid that it is time to move on from the positive and negative comments about Capun. He is still a contributing member, in my mind, here on CA and welcome here. We should all learn to live together focused on what we all come here for, TK's great flight simulator.
  4. Sitrep

    Wish you well and a few good breaks, friend.
  5. RIP... Admiral Sandy Woodward

    Regardless of whether you are Argentinan or British, the Malvinas conflict was political maneuvering at its worst and the soldiers of both sides paid the price. God bless them all and RIP, Admiral.
  6. Post random things thread

    Two buddies go to the beach hunting for chicks. Alabama guy has no luck and Auburn guy gets his chime rung regularly. Alabama guy says, "I never have any luck, what can I do?". Auburn guy advises Alabama guy to buy a potato and put it in his swimming trunks. Next day, Alabama guy says, "Still not luck at all. As a matter of fact they run away from me, now!". Auburn guy looks his friend over and advises, "Put the potato down the front side....".
  7. You know in the southern states...

    Sweet home Carolina!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Serious case of dumb

    Bet this dude finds a way to be back driving soon............. Accountability, though still in the dictionary, is a recently discarded concept.
  9. B-17 Crash

    All due respect. For the soldier, for the fallen soldiers, and for those who celebrate their lives with an honorable and dignified ceremony. Well done!!
  10. Medal of Honor News, RIP Col Day.

    RIP, brother. One of the bravest men I have heard of and a legend amongst the Misty FACs and POWs as well.
  11. Inside Combat Rescue

    R.I.P SFC Barett McNab, brother of mine...........
  12. Happy Birthday to....

    Many happy returns!!
  13. Very true...

    The authors left out the following: Seagull: type who stands at the end of the bar and is long and loud on stories and very short on flying time.
  14. Hey CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox News!

    I seem to remember that our forefathers fought and died to release us from homage to the British throne. I guess that was lost in the sands of time. In the UK, they are prince William, princess Kate, and baby prince George, here they are Bill, Kate, and George. I understand that it is a huge event in the UK, but it is a slow news day here. Poor George, his only useful work in life will be to procreate.
  15. Erik, press on man. Just keep hammering away. Thank you ahead of time.
  16. Coming out of the civilian closet

    Opportunities come by infrequently and the worst situation you can find yourself in is looking back and wishing you had. Go for it!!!
  17. 'Lady Be Good'

    RIP, brothers.
  18. it's a boy

    The baby has been named. In the UK, he will be called His Royal Hiness Prince George of Cambridge. In the US, he will be called George.
  19. Whatever you do, do NOT...

    Come on, Caesar, quit beating around the bush. Tell us how you really feel.
  20. Happy 4th July Yanks :)

    Exhausted brings up an interesting point. With "Chesty" Puller or another good Marine sitting in the oval office, would there have been anything but respectful treatment of our ambassador in Libya?
  21. EZLEAD!

    Many happy returns, brother.
  22. This photo gives me the creeps

    Actually, this is a group shot of some of the virgins eagerly awaiting the death of another martyr of Islam. There is a reason they are all still virgins................

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