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Everything posted by Jug

  1. SFP1 and WOV World, When I start SFP! (spf 3.1a) and go to single missions, select jet, selet go, select fly, I get to the jet, takeoff, fly for a few minutes and blackscreen usually accompanied by computer audio click. Consistent as the sun coming up in the morning. (Running AMD 2.9+, 400Mhz FSB, 1 Gig RAM, bunches of HD space, XP Professional.) Don't get the same problem with any other Flight Sim. Been firing problem messages into the GREAT MICROSOFT GAPING ERROR MAW, with no return activity from downtown Seattle. Anybody got any ideas, experienced a similar problem, a hunch would do at this point. Jug
  2. OK, things remain the same with a clean install and stepped upgrade to Ver 1.32. I have the NVidia driver 77.72 (their latest) and Direct X 9c installed. Proper monitor software installed and recognized by XP Pro. Still have the same difficulty although I tried some of the other Flight Sims I have and I seem to be getting the same thing (CFS1, CFS2, IL-2). At least, it is a consistent problem; crank up the program, get in the aircraft, fly for a little while, blank screen accompanied with a click followed immediately by the "Send Mother Microsoft an Error Message" dialog box. Anybody out there have some other ideas???
  3. I have found a disk called +1 combat pack Strike Fighters Project 1. When I stick it in the CD Drive it tries to start SFP1. It has Strategy First logos on the CD label and it appears not to have been home-made. Anybody see anything like this before? What is it for?
  4. Thanks a bunch, fellow flyers. These are all good things to verify and, maybe, I can get this thing resolved. I did try swapping out my GT 6600 for an ATI All-In-Wonder card (sorry) and the problem is the same. I'll check out DX9 since I am only sure I have DX 8.something. I will try the 62.xxx driver for the video card. I was using the 72.xxx driver for the GT6600 direct from Mother NVidia. Lottsa work to get a jet into the fight. What else is new?
  5. Mucho Gusto Russo. Good on the boy. Does he call up on this forum often?
  6. What I've done is Build a PatchesAndAddOns folder in the SFP1 directory that contains all of the add-ons and patches sub-divided to suit me. Then I store the .RAR/.ZIP files in these. The original file structure remains the same, but I can keep up with what I have installed or not installed and when to suit my own needs to keep the lot organized. Did you know the USN actually bought and flew a jet uglier than the Warthog. It is called the Skyknight. Oh what unworthy abuse of innocent air!
  7. The Newbies List Of Forum Acronyms

    My favorite: REMF - rear echelon mother-f***er Those who wear the uniform, but have a full career having never seen a real bad guy. Just about 95% of the USAF (my service) qualify for the title.

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