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Everything posted by Jug

  1. Happy Birthday................

    ....and many mooooorrrrreeee!!
  2. Anyone stationed around CO Springs?

    I'm envious of you guys. Miss that moving to new places and making new friends.
  3. My Thoughts About Today.....

    Exhausted hit it right. Proud of our nation, warts and all. Doing the right thing is still important, personally, professionally, and nationally.
  4. Red Line means what?

    Guess what? Empty suit makes dramatic statement and then has to back it up. Unable at any speed. 'Leadership' is a word for speech writers to include on the teleprompter to fill in and spice up all the other drivel!! As Dave has pointed out, I am not sure we could do anything if our fearless leader wanted to. Anybody else a bit frustrated??
  5. Riding the lightning

    I've dead-sticked a U-2 down rather than take a nylon letdown because of many stories I had heard about similar circumstances.
  6. You know, everyone is concentrating on the combat after the merge and how one jet can out do the other. I still stick with the old principle that it is not the jet that wins the fight, but the driver. No doubt there were some fine French drivers in this flick and, probably some of our best pilots as well. However, the observation that in a real kill-or-be-killed fight this film would have never taken place because the fight would have been resolved BVR as mentioned in a previous entry. Anybody notice the stealth features of the Rafale? I don't see a whole bunch and I bet the fight was joined with external vectoring and other external help because the Rafale would not have seen the Raptor until he was hanging in his chute doing a nylon letdown. Once the fight was joined within visual range, no doubt the Rafale is a competitor. I am of the opinion he never would have gotten to that point in a real fight.
  7. You have got to give Snowden credit for this...

    Two facts are certain, Snowden could not have taken a laptop into work at NSA. Didn't happen. Second, if he knows so much, how long did it take for the Chinese take to shuffle him off to Russia. If we had any other President, Putin would have already returned him to the US. Snowden is an embarrassment to America, but his usefulness as a source for the "secret goodies" is questionable. Putin is just thumbing his nose at Obama. I think Obama took the high road today, but that says to me that he has no influence as to whether Snowden is handed over and wants to walk away from the issue. At least Obama is consistent. I say let Russia have the guy. Not sure at all about the judgment of anybody that defects to Russia. Makes me tremble to read about winters there...........
  8. Traitor?.. or Defender of Civil Liberties?

    I guess the military personnel who have died in Iraq and in Afghanistan didn't die during time of war. I think they would take exception quite seriously if they could, but they are dead.
  9. CombatAce addiction?

    Hey, I confess that I am hooked. I wish I could shake the hand of each of the members here. They're my kinda folks and I delight in mosying around this precious internet space. Right on, Stary!!!
  10. Red Line means what?

    I hope the fans out there will realize that we have restricted trade with Bangladesh today because a questionable business in the country built a crummy building and it collapsed killing some 1,100 people. My heart goes out to the survivors and families of this tragic event, but I am not sure what the President is doing weighing in with sanctions against the nation. Was there a 'red line' here that was crossed? Bangladesh, of all nations, desperately needs what trade it can get to keep food in the mouths of its people. An industrial accident precipitates trade sanctions??? Anybody else find that a bit off target. I'm getting a bit hyper here....apologies to our CA friends.
  11. Two terrific aviators have passed away. Ed 'Raz' Rasimus, Thud and Phantom driver, and Billy 'Sparky' Sparks, Thud and Phantom driver, both from the Vietnam era. Both are authors of books worth reading and of lives worth living. "Throw a nickel on the grass..." Source: MiG Sweep, Red River Fighter Pilots Association Magazine RIP Brothers.
  12. Red Line means what?

  13. Top Gun 2

    Hard to make a movie about fighter jets when they are all sitting on the ground. Might as well drag out a few museum F-14s and MiGs because, right now, they're probably in better shape to fly. Bye the way, has anyone seen our fearless Tom ( 5'5" 140 ) play Lee Child's Jack Reacher (6'5" 250). Actually a good movie, but hard to see a squirt playing the part of a real big man. He does have a lot of prior experience in the role though starting with the subject of this thread several years ago.
  14. Another wildfire

    You guys stay safe. We can build new buildings.
  15. Smells like.....Looks like...........Afraid to do the taste test..........! Fearless commander-in-chief sequestered in the White House planning a safari to Africa at a cost of $100 million. The US has three and a half more years of this f**ker no matter what! Hear that Abdullah Whatever? The time is ripe to ply your bloody trade. Red line means nothing!!!!!!
  16. Traitor?.. or Defender of Civil Liberties?

    I'm with Dave on this one. He hit the issue right on the spot.
  17. They're going to need a bigger boat

    Where did you get that picture of my wife??????
  18. Once a Marine always a Marine

    God bless all Marines. They are my brothers.
  19. Really interested in this natural evolution of the WWII flavors of TK's incredibly durable game. Is there a team doing this, or some way I can contribute. My pitiful technical skills limit me to putting landing lights on aircraft and other minimal manipulations of the text files, but I can research and do some flight testing. This is a whole avenue of undiscovered flight simulation for the gamers. The Soviets treated their air forces like airborne artillery and limited the strategic impact of their utility, but what a broad-based theater of WWII that has had little attention from the gamer community (with the very notable exception of Oleg's team with IL-2). Love to see what's out there!
  20. The long unshakable blue line..........still very human. Salute to all who serve and condolences to the family.
  21. Falklands 2

    Even well-written novels about changed outcomes are not my cup of tea. I guess in some way it does not serve well those, on both sides, who faced the reality firsthand. Piecemeal, love your personal icon. Can you send me a copy?
  22. We've lost another great

    Loved the music. RIP
  23. Brave young Woman

    Just as there are losers in any society that create tragedy, so there exists good hearts and souls who know the difference between right and wrong. I can see the luster on this young lady's halo. Good on her and all like her. Piss on the losers.
  24. Great Photos on a less-than-optimum day. Thanks for sharing.
  25. British soldier attacked & butchered.

    Muslims worship the God of Abraham, which is the same God as Christians worship and the same God as the Jews worship. Accusing Christians and Jews of being "infidels" is a gross statement of ignorance. I am of the opinion that using their religion is just a cover for other reasons that criminals do criminal deeds. If hacking people to death with a machete is the cultural norm for their home, what are they doing in the UK. All of this and other comments will not bring back that soldier or citizen though. RIP.

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