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Everything posted by Toryu

  1. Amy Winehouse... Dead

    27, a dangerous age...
  2. Just a few questions that came up during a prolonged INI-modification session I did yesterday: First issue: The 104 has two different aileron-travel-limits: one with gear/ land-flaps (have to check which one) up at +/- 9.5° and one with either gear or land-flaps down at +/- 20°. Is there any way of getting those two settings into the game? I have already tried it with "Hasgeardownsetting", but it wouldn't work. Any idea? Second issue: While fiddling around with "Pitch-Up"-behaviour, I figured it would be cool to have the APC-gauge of the real 104 that indicates an equivalent angle-of-attack, coupled with it's APC (Atomatic Pitch Control) system. Spillone maybe? Third issue: Is there any way of changing the gear-door animation without modifying the 3d-model? Any help is appreciated
  3. I have added the ini-lines and entered the values, but to no avail. Aileron-travel won't change. Concerning the gear doors - the animation itself is alright, but the sequence of the doors opening and closing is not correct. Is there a way of changing that sequence?
  4. The re-engine job had actually been done (look into the German Mirage III-thread) by the Aussies who fitted an Avon 300 into a Mirage IIIC airframe with minor changes and a HUGE performance-gain. I'm not quite sure about the Hughes defense-system, but if it had aleady been develloped to a certain stage, it could as well also have been taken-over from the Convair-project that had the airplane-development on top of the fire-control-system development. The Mirage was pretty much "fly away and be happy" at that time - not without it's own share of problems, though. Most of them being radar- and engine-ralated.
  5. I think the closest what-if to an American Mirage III was the M IIIS of the Swiss: It had the integrated Hughes fire-control radar/ Falcon suit-up. Too bad TK won't relaese a Mirage IIIE-model. That leaves us with the engine-question. I think it's very safe to say that the original Atar 9B wasn't much of a great turbojet (and neither was the 9C). The safest guess would be an engine-replacement - most assuredly by an Avon 200 or Avon 300 (the J-79 is too heavy and too hot for a quick modifications - look ant the Kfir and how they had to mess around with different issues caused by the new engine!). What about a Sparrow-capability?
  6. Exactly - especially as most exported Mirage III were based on the E-airframe...
  7. Frage zur Ölbohrinsel

    Das klingt schon fast nach "Todesstern"
  8. There's always some stuff around to throw at people...
  9. Converting Oil to Jet Fumes...

    Exactly. We'll see how it does after advances with integrated AD Systems.
  10. Verluste in Afghanistan

    Das war eine rhetorische Frage Immerhin muss man der Regierung zu Gute halten, dass sie sich nicht auf ein Abenteuer in Libyen eingelassen hat...
  11. Converting Oil to Jet Fumes...

    The countries that have such a network can be counted on less than a hand. Syria and Iran have an axe to grind in their conflict with Israel. Then, there's still the question of expertise and knowledge.
  12. Converting Oil to Jet Fumes...

    The F-16 came into service as a low-cost fighter and later got technologically beefed up. Most "poor" countries do fly A/B models (some upgraded, some not) or early C/D-Models. The step up from an F-16 Block 52+ to an F-35 is quite something. In 30 years, most of today's F-35s will have been upgraded and new airframes will already have the features, leading to constant or increasing (inflation) costs. F-35s aren't quite that low-tech and user-friendly as the F-16As exported in the 1980s. The JSF is gonna need a lot more MX (big $) and care than those Vipers. That is not gonna change. So unless the JSF will be exported with huge MX-packages or training-packages or other goodies to the buying country, export will pretty much be limited to NATO and other "allies" in the first world. In 30 years, there will be a lot more dones around, so some countries might sack their manned fighters altogether. Concerning the newly arisen stealth-race: True, there are more countries working on stealth-designs, than the US or the F-35-consortium. But both projects known today (PAK-FA and J-20) are projects from countries that are - at least in the short term - more interested in the prestigeous news of an "own" wonderfighter, than an actual introduction into service. Especially Russia is a couple of years away from being able to AFFORD such fighters - look at the rate they're accepting their Su-34s, an aircraft that first flew 15 years ago... Stealth-technology mostly has advantages for those that exclusively use it. A war between two stealth-countries mostly kills that advantage. The F-35 is a fine fighter and will certainly be atop most other aircraft in terms of strike- and attack-capability. The question (at leat to me) is what it could do without, to make it simpler and cheaper.
  13. Converting Oil to Jet Fumes...

    Many, if not most of the air-forces that bought F-16s can't afford F-35s. I certainly don't buy into that stealth-hype: It's nice when you want to go to war with another super-power, but for bombing a third-world country (99% of today's combat-missions) it's completely pointless and ridiculously expensive. ...and I'm not quite sure if I wanna see a clash between two superpowers...
  14. Verluste in Afghanistan

    Die "AK-47", die man immer sieht, sind keine Originale, sondern billige Kopien irgendwelcher Lizenzknifften. So ein Teil bei sich zu Hause zu haben gehört in den Breiten doch zum guten Ton. Problem in A'stan ist doch, dass es kein "Volk" gibt - daher auch kein Konsens. Dieser künstliche Staat ist nicht zu halten oder zu regieren. Eine Nachwehe der Kolonialisationspolitik. Warum löffeln die Engländer eigentlich nicht den ganzen Scheiß den sie verzapft haben selber aus?
  15. Converting Oil to Jet Fumes...

    I think that having a decent A-G capability, 12 missile-stores and that nifty IR-seeker also make it quite competitive.
  16. Verluste in Afghanistan

    Die zentrale Frage ist doch: Was wollen wir da unten? 2002 sind wir dahin mitgegangen, um Bin Laden zu fangen. Hat nicht geklappt. Dann haben wir Brunnen und Schulen gebaut. Hat auch nicht so ganz funktioniert. Jetzt sterben die Soldaten in regelmäßigen Abständen. Wir (die Politik) müssen uns fragen, was das Ziel und der Zweck unserer jetzigen Operation da ist. Der rückständischen Bevölkerung zu helfen kann ja nicht auf Dauer Aufgabe unserer Streitkräfte sein - zumal unsere Hilfe nichtmehr so ganz willkommen scheint. Also: Rückzug und das Geld weniger sinnlos in anderen Milliardengräbern versenken, oder stupide weiter auf das tote Pferd einprügeln?
  17. Verluste in Afghanistan

    Damit hätte der Alpha-Jet wieder eine Daseinsberechtigung
  18. the lowest of the low

    The line of semi-burnt grass is kinda cool
  19. Starfighter Affäre!

    Zwei andere interessante Dokus (auf Youtube, leider in Dt. gesperrt) sind: "Und sie liebten sie doch! 25 Jahre Starfghter in der Bundeswehr": http://www.youtube.com /watch?v=TdE4hBhXj6k "The Vikings - Bundesmarine Starfighter Demonstratio Team" http://www.youtube.com /watch?v=NWJ9PYbOXe8&feature=related Die Links verweisen auf Youtube - allerdings muss der Bananenrepublik-Filter durch einen proxyfier (z.B. Hidemyass.com) umgangen werden... Für den Link bitte das Leerzeichen nach "youtube.com" entfernen!
  20. Starfighter Affäre!

    Einen Tag später kommt um 20:15 auf N24 (jaja, der U-Boot und Panzersender ) eine F-104-Doku: http://www.tvmovie.de/F-104-Starfighter.84.0.html?&detail=17123754 Hab die Doku schon gesehen - ist etwas nüchterner und weniger gefühlslastig. SATS und ZELL werden darin auch vorgestellt.
  21. The Kfir C2/ C7 has the corrrect canards. For those that don't have WOI, taking them off the C7 would be an option.
  22. WW2 Cannons

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MK_108_cannon 650rounds per minute is quite enough for a gun that would do the following to your aircraft: Blenheim Spitfire @Firehawk: I've never had heard about that 6-gun steup in the 262 before, till it googeled and found this illustaration: That's four 30mm guns and two 20mm guns. The MK103 is a low-ROF gun with a higher muzzle-energy than the 108. In fact, serial-built 262s flew with two (fighter-bomber version) MK108s or four (fighter versions) of them. The only other variation to see limited (!) service was the 50mm bomber-destroyer:
  23. Looks like parts of wreckage of the A330 that has crashed almost two years ago have been found on the ocean-floor. Investigators are sure they have found a major wreckage-site, if not the main-site. Whether the FDR and CVR will be found on that site is still not clear at this time. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12953432 Additional info on the crash can be found here: http://www.avherald.com/h?article=41a81ef1/0053&opt=0
  24. I think I'm gonna try that. Thanks dude!

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