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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. What? I read he'd be doing several more in the SF2 series? Most interesting, I guess that means we'll be seeing more detailed carrier ops and naval action.
  2. 9/11 Trial

    I think he meant between him and me, but I just have too much to focus on in the next day and a half for a sparring match
  3. 9/11 Trial

    Like I said, you could have one hell of a legal arguement.
  4. 2012

    Gee if you're bored with LA, just come to NY! We have everything happen here! Crazy landings, homeless dictators, Vlad the impaler, huge christmas trees, exhaust flavored pretzels and hot dogs, giant ticks (Cloverfield), Zombies (I am Legend) giant gorillas, aliens and the list goes on. And last I heard Jack Bauer gets to run around NY this time around (and that yummy redhead)
  5. 9/11 Trial

    Dave got what I meant there. As a free democratic society, we can't just throw our legal system out the window. We could have one hell of a legal arguement about whether terrorist acts are acts of war or crimes (though on a far higher order of magnitude than the worst of traditional serial killers). For something to be an act of war, it needs to be a state actor, not a stateless entity. But if considered an act of war, they perps fall under the Geneva Convention. If not an act of war, then they fall under the normal criminal system. That's where we tried Youssef and McVeigh for their acts of terror. Either way there's a system for dealing with the worst, and just as terrible acts have been dealt with through those systems. It's what seperates us from the petty dictators, communists and fascists. Oh, and the lawyer for the defense would almost certainly be court appointed, so its not exactly their choice.
  6. 9/11 Trial

    That's exactly why we can't freak over it all. It's nothing new to the world and it won't go away. Every society has its own version of savages, created by the same situations, poverty, no education and no hope for better. The Middle East has the archtypical terrorists, Africa has a thousand different rebel militias who'll rape and machette as they please. Latin America has drug cartels and their fair share of rebels. We have gangs in the cities and Klan in the country. England/Ireland had the IRA to contend with. Russia has Chechnyan rebels.
  7. 9/11 Trial

    Correct, though we don't need to negotiate with them or have anything to do with anyone who will, as long as we don't start again with all the crusade rhetoric again, their pool of possible recruits will continue to dry up and they'll just die out.
  8. 9/11 Trial

    Ramsi Youssef was tried in NY for the 93 bombing, so why not KSM? He should actually be facing charges for 93 as well.
  9. 2012

    Real healthcare would be a sign of the apocalypse. 1 line healthcare bill: Anyone can sign up for medicare at any age. Poof! problem solved. That surely would be a sign of the apocalypse. Or maybe the ancients were better with theoretical physics and 12/21/2012 is when dark energy overtakes dark matter and rips the universe apart. Or we run out of fuel, water or some other vital resource and the world becomes Mad Max. Or the Swine Flu vaccine or a potential AIDS vaccine(hey you never know by then) creates zombies and it becomes Left 4 Dead. Actually, that would be really fun, I vote for that.(Edit: As long as there are no tanks, those are so damn annoying to fight)
  10. Ive briefly tried it in this sim. I find it impossible to survive for long. Alot has to do with the damage system I think, far too often a single gun hit will just kill you outright without even giving you a second to eject. Just flying, fighting, poof! third person view of a largely intact plane falling. It's as if because the cockpit is parented to the fuselage, if the fuselage is destroyed, you automatically die with the assumption that the cockpit is destroyed.
  11. When it comes to bombers, I prefer missiles, damn tailgunners get me every time from the side or back. Head on is the only way to take bombers with guns, but with them at 300kts and you at about the same, you get no time to line up a shot and calculate the necessary lead.
  12. 9/11 Trial

    If found guilty? as if there's a question to the outcome of that trial? Especially if held in NY, the whole jury pool will have some connection, either friends or family to FDNY, NYPD or people who worked in the towers.
  13. 2012

    The hysteria over Y2k was quite amusing. I remember at the new years party, one of the hosts cut power to the house a minute or so after new years to prank everyone into thinking the powergrid failed.
  14. inacceptable size

    I asked about it and TK said they become converted to dds format in the process of rendering them or something to that effect. Which begs the question, why not stick em in that format and save the processing power converting bmp to dds, AND save at least 25GB of hard drive space. Forgot to mention, TK did allow some screens to be JPG format now. Menu screens at least, so maybe hangar screens work too?
  15. Shooting at Ft Hood Texas

    Are you sure, I read that one of the gunmen had been killed and this wacko was wounded and taken into custody?
  16. Shooting at Ft Hood Texas

    There was more than one gunman, which makes this even more disturbing. This could have been much worse if they had gotten their hands on serious hardware. RIP
  17. Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 2

    PC version. Not terribly happy about them jacking up the price, I may wait til it's priced normally for a game.
  18. I hate wearing hats more than anyone, but I'd go insane if I suddenly couldn't use TIR while flying.
  19. I haven't encountered any problems so far having SF2I + all merged at oct2009B with NF4+.
  20. 1956 - As Britain and France invade the Suez, the soviets come to Egypt's defense and retaliate against the west. Or 2010, rifts between US and Israeli approaches to Iran's nuclear program result in Israeli strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities sparks a new war with the arab states, with the US drawn into the mix because of their presence in Iraq. .....oh sorry, I thought this was supposed to be for plausible scenarios.
  21. ...Interesting. Got Germany to work flawlessly. Yet the split vietnams crash. AE has the TOD objects but there's no alpha on the trees, resulting in square blocks.
  22. Stupid little frustrating things....Tried the packing things in the CAT with the madagascar terrain to see if trees and textures would show, didn't work. Just what did we get for this frustration? I haven't seen anything different with IsraelME or any stock models.
  23. Weird roundels...

    Ireland? I know they had green and orange in their roundels, but no idea on the other colors?
  24. That's why I'm asking, I'm also curious if you had a merged install and went through the SF2E executable instead of SF2I how it would work?
  25. How does this pertain to SF2I and the terrain addons problem? (IE seasoned WOE)

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