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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. RIP I only knew his work, but he will be missed all the same.
  2. Know your enemy. If what they're using has Home-on-Jam, then stronger ECM won't do zip as the ECM is pointing them right at you. Try taking wingmen with A2A armament and attempt to clear the skies before going over a target area if it's aircraft killing you. Then fly low to avoid SAMs and AAA isn't exactly a threat if you're fast. If there aren't any fighters around and it's SAMs getting you, equip the wingman for SEAD with ARMs and whatever A2G ordinance you like. Order him to start taking out SAMs. Or better yet, combine the two tactics. Recce missions default to 2 planes. Add one more, equip 1-2 for SEAD and 1-3 for A2A. Let one distract the SAMs while you get the pictures and the other distract the fighters.
  3. Gladly....the second I can actually find time anymore.
  4. An interesting thing I thought of: Could a terrain edit like Desert target zone access LODs that are used in the Israel terrain like he wants without extracting them if the user has SF2I merged?
  5. Has anybody seen the tracer glow or any new effects? I don't see any changes but UseAdvancedShaders is defaulted to 1, only a Vista/7 thing?
  6. Downloading now! So convenient on my one day off for the next week
  7. With modding well underway, they realized they couldn't hold out on people dangling them along with a carrot on a string anymore and just released stuff they'd never planned to.
  8. U.S. President wins Nobel Prize.......

  9. U.S. President wins Nobel Prize.......

    Honestly, it's very premature to really be getting a nobel peace prize. The tone of our international relations has certainly taken a big step in a better direction and world attitutes towards the US are infinitely better than they were. But so many things are still up in the air it's really too early to be giving out awards. Though Iran starting to cooperate would be big if there's real progress there.
  10. Gunther Rall passed away

  11. Upgrading by Downgrading

    Dual booting W7 and XP sounds like the best way to go for gaming, backward compatability with XP all the new stuff with 7. 7 is supposed to be much faster than vista and much more solid (think back to when XP first came out, it was crap, but then they released SP2 which was essentially a new operating system and now everyone is afraid to give that up, I think 7 will be the same way)
  12. Can't do that in fixed-wing

    If it was in America they would have filed some sort of charges, done an investigation and who knows what!
  13. What the?

    ROFLMFAO! How typical, normally the more people whine about something, the more likely they are what they accuse others of.
  14. OMG X Ray are the second and third flanker pics photos or screenshots?
  15. Cats Happen

    Lucky they get along. Neither of mine are on good terms with the dog. Nothing as incredible as a blue eyed tabby point saimese. Strangely pics found with google look quite different than mine.
  16. Just saw on facebook TK posted some screens of SF2 Israel. Nothing unexpected shown, but given his previous track record, we can expect a release very soon
  17. The second gen stuff works perfectly on XP. I was waiting for W7, but they stopped offering the release candidate for download, I simply couldn't wait til late october and bought all the 2nd series. I'm finding it easier than I thought to port over all my stuff(minus the decals), but its still time consuming. Not having a weapondata or gundata ini is a giant improvement for installing mods. I didn't think it was worth it at first, but the focus of new mods is SF2 and all the major stuff is being made with it in mind, so I'd say yes.
  18. I haven't seen the problem with all 3 merged. Admittedly, I haven't played it much, I'm still porting over all my stuff. Another person on the TW forums apparently fixed the problem by lowering his graphics settings (video memory?) The good thing with SF games, so long as its not a problem in the game's code, it can be easily fixed by a little bit of work.
  19. I'd hate to be a Venezuelan

    Not terribly surprising. Alot of countries ban shows, movies and games because of either drug content, sex or violence. US used to be the same way not being allowed to show people drinking alcohol.
  20. Not in my backyard!

    Story Great, just great, this scumbag who treats a terrorist as a hero is going to be staying a stones throw away from me! How much you want to bet somebody in that upscale neighborhood doesn't like it and he winds up staying at Trump's other property just down my street.
  21. Not in my backyard!

    where do you get that idea? The town had them take down the tent for code violations. Why is a dictator voluntarily staying in a tent? Saw his "speech". Either the translator sucked or he takes the gold medal for incoherency.
  22. img00001.JPG

    Hill scheme on a 50's and what if plane? I love it!
  23. Russian police in action / police brutality!

    Uhhh when I saw russian police and police brutality, I wasn't expecting such brutality against the police
  24. NYC-area TV Anchorman drops F-bomb

    Jon Stewart had a clip of him doing before, what is going on in his mind when he's on air? Yeah men think about sex constantly, but while you're reading the news on TV? And chickens?! WTF, what is this, some kind of move to make catholic priests look less deviant?
  25. Anyone else notice the new plane fire effect?

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