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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Given most of the titles use the same aircraft with only a few additions at a time, it is a bit more practical than things are as is. On second thought, it would be nice to have more propper pits and FMs, using the A-4 and F-4 pits ad nausium does detract from the experience of flying a meteor or whatever. I would pay the price of a regular game ($40-50) for an in game mission builder.
  2. I'm Feeling Generous...So Don't Press It

    What? You're not into that sort of thing? I just had to.
  3. If it was a brand new game, it wouldn't really bother me, but now that we have nearly every cold war aircraft already available, and most modern ones, I really don't like it. To make buying a single plane really worthwhile he'd need to model things in more detail(not more difficulty to use though), like pre-HUD/CCIP bombing aides or things specific to that aircraft (like the mig-23's or flanker radar displaying on a hud) I'd much rather see an addon using an existing tileset for a new terrain and already available planes for a new campaign, with the money being spent on upgrading the functionality in the engine (things like the comms or escort Dave just suggested) Or one-off terrain mini addons.
  4. Need some thoughts on this...

    There's nothing to weave through or spin. You're simply slandering my political affiliation as hating the military based on assumptions that are just plain wrong. As for doing squat, all one needs to do is look at the ratings veterans organizations gives politicians.
  5. Need some thoughts on this...

    Errr, Nixon continuing it meant exactly that, that he was elected in the middle of it. By that exact statement, wanting to keep them out of harms way is having respect for the troops, right? So then why do current democrats loathe the military? Because of one bad attempt at a joke? or investigating incidents? They were found innocent, you'd have a point if the evidence showed they were innocent and were found guilty simply for politics. But that didn't happen. What about taking care of returning veterans? Is that not respect for them?
  6. Need some thoughts on this...

    You may not like it, but its true. Lex is right, we actually have a longer record of bombing the s**t out of people. WW1- Woodrow Wilson (D) WW2- FDR (D), Harry Truman (D) Korea - Truman (D) Vietnam- Johnson (D) with Nixon continuing it. It's only been since Reagan really since the Republicans have tried to be the dominant "military" party...and most of that is marketing, simply being louder about it. Edit: I said the original iterations, different people, same style. Just don't remember their names.
  7. Need some thoughts on this...

    Utter BS, you're generalizing maybe a handful of comments by even fewer people as representative of a whole. Democrats support the military wholeheartedly , anything otherwise is just a hate filled myth. The same crap thats been floating around since the original iterations of limbaugh and hannity back in the 60s. Besides, real socialists are even more militaristic. We generally don't parade the entire army through the streets showing off Scuds and ballistic missile launchers in front of a leader like the soviet bloc did so frequently. Hell NK practically does it weekly.
  8. Simple but brilliant. And flexible, you could make sure the Buffs always have an escort, yet allow an phantom flying the same strike mission to be on its own. I also put in a suggestion, being able to use a newer texture formats. My install is probably about 40gigs, ~35 are bmp textures, and crashing problems I was having may very well have been running out of video memory. I think we would see a huge performance increase while having dense scenes like green hell 2 or seasoned WOE if a compressed format that can do mipmaps like dds was used.
  9. I don't think it's 2nd gen or specific to that plane, I've noticed the same behavior with a few planes in the gen 1 games. A similar problem I've noticed is a much slower acceleration on takeoff than the AI, even on the largest runways some planes can run out of space before reaching enough speed to lift off. But the AI (or your plane on autopilot) are just fine. Another problem that is probably related to whatever system is causing your bug.
  10. RIP, David Carradine

    And the latest theory is autoeroticasphyxiation gone wrong since everyone close to him has been saying he wasn't suicidal.
  11. We have trim controls? <wanders off to knowledgebase to see just how to enable them> Don't see anything in KB or in my ini files. is this a SF2 thing?
  12. Talking about SF2 Europe the lack of a stock AV-8A isn't that big of a deal, an updated model might be nice, but the WOE harrier is fine by me.
  13. If you know what you're doing, you could probably get them to work already, but my guess is it'd be alot of trial and error after a healthy dose of effort.
  14. Anyone else notice the Mirage?! Once this is out, I think it's enough for me to make the jump. I was waiting for SF2 Israel so I wouldn't have to move any stock stuff over (besides the A-6) But I dunno if I can wait. Guess I ought to prepare for a windows 7 dual boot so I get the performance benefits.
  15. MP3 players?

    My mp3 player died on me. Cheap chinese piece of s**t. I bought a memory card (8gb) to get more space, found the one listed online at the maker's site as compatible in best buy. Now neither the chip or the mp3 player work(even without the chip in it) It's just one of those weeks where everything goes wrong. Bad day at work, video card melts on me, now this. While I'm loathe to actually get something is**t after they restarted the PC/Mac war, the iPod is the standard. Need to know some details about it. Can you just stick whatever mp3s on it you want (and can it handle any other formats?) or does it have to come from a CD or itunes (and have to pay) And does anyone know where they are manufactured? in other words, I want something manufactured somewhere that actually puts things through quality control. Or anyone know any other players that are cheaper and reliable. What I previously had was a Sansa express, upon researching how to make the memory card work, I found it was a notorious POS. Figures, it was a gift,had I bought it I would have done a lot of research.
  16. How does it handle seasoned WOE? my 8800 died and it choked on seasoned WOE with NF4 (despite blazing through crysis) I just got a gts 250 to replace it and haven't tried WOX yet with it.
  17. Avionic modes

    I know just what you mean, I avoid flying anything without a gun for that reason alone. I don't know of any way to change that, the only time you can seem to get rid of it is if you have another weapon (a2g or a2a) without an IR growl to switch to. Don't think the plane makes a difference, just a matter of having another weapon to switch to. If anyone knows different or can figure it out it would be a godsend.
  18. MP3 players?

    Edit: WOOHOO! it somehow managed to come back to life, so I backed up my music and tried updating the firmware (which took some effort in itself) tried the card again and viola! it recognizes it and worked perfectly. Problem solved, no extra money wasted! Just have to copy over everything again.
  19. MP3 players?

    Thanks. Yeah I thought I might as well just get the 16gb iphone with the price of any of the ipods. But we have verizon, and aside from hacking it, I probably would have heard if it was available on more than just AT&T now. I'll have to live with china since everything comes from there. The other thing that comes to mind is just get a touchscreen blackberry since those work with verizon. But do you have to pay extra for getting all the internet features and all? or does the phone just connect to whatever and have its capabilities regardless of your wireless plan?
  20. Delta Force

    Ah, the old classics, we had 4 player king of the hill games over the LAN that were hours of gold. I love both fast (call of duty, unreal tournament, etc) and slower ones. But that is odd to have trouble with shooters, but not with flight sims.
  21. Kidney stones, anyone?

    Had gall stones a few years back. I imagine the pain is nearly identical aside from location, worse, when they took my gall bladder out, apparently some of the stones came loose and went through my system and ended up in my appendix. That pain was even worse, and at the time I was on heavy duty pain killers, without them I would have passed out for sure.
  22. Anyone here a physics buff?

    Logic? I understand the "how it works", just not the exact math. Same as with flight, most of us understand the details of how things fly and what affects flight characteristics, but how many of us know how to do the calculations for lift, drag and all to make exact flight models?
  23. Anyone here a physics buff?

    I've always found the advanced physics stuff fascinating. I'll never even attempt the math involved, but the concepts of how everything works, and I have my own disputes with some established einstein and hawkings stuff.
  24. Are you a skeptic, what do you believe in?

    Looks like a photoshop job sticking a frame from that big foot film onto mars to me. Even on mars, wind erosion doesn't quite make shapes like that, especially that small. But then again I'm not an expert on wind erosion or martian weather.
  25. http://www.wesh.com/cnn-news/19598295/detail.html They should have had the lasagna

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