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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Swine Flu

    Saw him on TV the other day, sad how old he looks now. Link posted on facebook..wonder how long it takes for someone to notice its a joke.
  2. HR 45

    Nah! That's just because I'm an equal opportunity critic. Everything I used to complain about made me look more to the left, now complaining about stuff mostly on the left makes me look farther to the right. A hilariously named facebook group sums it up "Radically Moderate" for people with positions that don't line up so neatly. I kind of like an arizona law I heard about, anyone can carry a gun as long as its visibly displayed. Makes for one hell of a deterrent to crime when you see the room around you is full of armed people. The mental test is what worries me. 99% of the population can be diagnosed with something, and the 1% that can't are probably the craziest anyway.
  3. HR 45

    Well being fingerprinted and having a mental and physical evaluation are invasive. And how they have to be locked away from anyone under 18. Uh, I knew kids hunting before they were 10. requiring a drivers license excludes ALOT of people. It sounds reasonable in Europe because they have far tougher laws on gun control. Previously it was just checks to make sure you had no criminal background and a waiting period so you couldn't just get a gun to go commit a crime the next day (which is no good because if you're in danger and need a gun immediately, you're screwed)
  4. Swine Flu

    Oh I plan on eating as many pig products as possible and being in crowded places just to spite the media hysteria.
  5. Swine Flu

    The economy WHO has raised alert to level 5 pandemic. Level 6 is zombie apocalypse
  6. HR 45

    Well this is moronic. If you look up the back story, the person the bill was named after was killed by a gun that was considered illegal under existing laws. So what difference would a new (overbearing and unconstitutional, from the biggest liberal here) law make? Actually we should simply ban all guns period. Then we can all go back to carrying swords around. It'll be just like World of Warcraft but real!
  7. Transformers 2 Trailer

    Here's to hoping Hot Rod doesn't show up and get Optimus Prime killed again.
  8. As for unlimited weapons, what exactly do you mean and how are you flying? In options there's a difficulty setting for weapons where you can have unlimited ammo for guns. In campaigns, you can choose unlimited and you'll always have large quantities of available weapons to choose from. On normal and limited, you have smaller quantities and only of the weapons listed in the campaign file for the supply of each squadron. I usually use unlimited for campaigns, simply because there are so many weapons addons that listing appropriate ones for each squadron/plane would be insane, and don't want to be limited to the meager choice in the data.ini. I'd like to see an unlimited selection but limited quantity for campaigns actually. Maybe an ini mod somehow...
  9. Ground Control to .. WTF?

    If it bleeds it leads. Its a profit centered media. I read about a group keeping track of the news overblowing things and created a "mayhem index" I'm waiting for CNN have have swine flu theme music like they had during the hurricanes. I saw a thing on the news, the FAA was aware it would probably freak people out and went ahead with it anyway....well thats another government job opening to apply to
  10. Ground Control to .. WTF?

    I saw footage of it and it wasn't that low. Hell I've seen planes flying low enough over my house I expected them to crash in the nearby lake, and I'm pretty far from any airport. But the media always has to jump from one thing to another. I'm actually kinda hopeful the paranoia over pig flu will be enough to take over coverage from the economy so it will recover faster.
  11. Bermuda Triangle

    Yeah, they're created by giant underwater forcefield generators from atlantis! Actually, a guy on one of those shows said something like this...he kinda looked like milton from office space
  12. interesting test. I placed brains germany tiles over the seasoned WOE...it didn't overwrite the main ini so seasons showed up, campaigns worked with hires TOD files from seasoned woe, but the old germanyce_data file. Methinks the problem is in there somewhere.
  13. unless they released another version I'm not aware of, they should be. Strange, its definitely terrain related, it appears all campaigns on the germanyce map are crashing on me. But the map works just perfectly in single missions. Ok time to try the non seasoned WOE to see if the problem is in there.
  14. Can't be a video memory problem with the plane, they all load fine elsewhere. I can't speak for viper, but its not as if I'm running a really old card, I've got a 768mb geforce. It's gotta be something with the terrain, all squadrons out of Zweibrucken air base crash. On second thought, there is definitely a graphics issue, the crash report mentions the graphicsengine.dll. I would think it had something to do with the seasoned germany, but it works in single missions. It also crashed with an F-15 flight not at zweibrucken....testing earlier campaigns
  15. Found a bug of some sort. Both RF-4C flights USAF and spanish (also out of the same airbase) crash the game in the 1986 campaign after loading to about 80% Gotta be something with that airbase, the F-117 unit also crashes.
  16. I guess I can say goodbye to getting any of my work done anytime soon :yes:
  17. must see video on Middleeast crisis

    Actually its more like 1% that ruin it for the rest of us.
  18. must see video on Middleeast crisis

    It's a vicious cycle both want to end, but can't. It's not going to until everyone on both sides recognizes a common humanity and ends the demonization. But stubborn extremist on both ends insist on the destruction of the other. The whole destruction of Israel mantra is pointless, Israel isn't going anywhere. What's needed is a non violent (ghandi or MLK style) movement to get Israel's treatment towards the palestinians to change.
  19. The Most Interesting Man commercials

    The older radio ones were funnier. Odd that I can't seem to find a place with all of them listed.
  20. Bermuda Triangle

    It's not really people seeing things being nuts or junkies so much as how the brain puts information together when there's little actual sensory information.
  21. Bermuda Triangle

    That's probably how they found out about them being prevalent around the area. I think the theory originated after they found 5 TBF Avengers they thought were flight 19 pretty close to shore. After looking up the Bu numbers and finding they were five seperate known accidents on approach and investigating why, they found a vent that gave off methane. It was a while ago so don't quote me on that. There are still some bizarre stories, planes disappearing on approach after the tower already had a visual, in broad daylight. And on a UFO show, they had a thing about a naval exercise in 60s in the triangle and getting a sonar contact moving 150kts at 20,000 underwater and tracking it for several days. Can any Navy guys verify that not being just a bogus story?
  22. Bermuda Triangle

    Some of the stories I heard (seen on history channel, discovery etc) are rather bizarre and nigh impossible to explain in a rational matter, or just plain creepy. But likewise, I've seen excellent explanations that can account for 99% of disappearances besides being so heavily trafficked: Methane. Apparently there are large pockets of it under the ocean floor there. If a pocket gets released under or close enough to a ship it can disrupt the bouancy and sink a ship in seconds. Similarly with planes, if they were to fly through where a pocket was released and a high concentration was in the air, it would affect the air pressure and altimeter readings and a pilot could lose control trying to correct the error his instruments are telling him. They did professional flight simulator tests (not games) with it as well as wave tanks with everything to scale on the show.
  23. Of course one could actually count planes that have been in other sims, missing it this this sim would be correct. BUT, if it was a plane that hasn't been seen at all, you couldn't miss it. Practically everything that's a real biggie is WIP or done....maybe a B-2 if someone doesn't already have a WIP of it.
  24. Car on the fritz

    Went and looked at some cars today. Dealer tried the classic bait and switch on us. The civic we went to see "was sold last night".....right, when we called this morning and the said it was still available Checked out a Passat after getting them to accept a similar price since the car we wanted was gone, feature crammed (automatic/manual mix, sunroof, digital displays etc) Started a test drive, and the oil indicator came on and the engine started making noises at low rpms.

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