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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Oh jeez is he still going after Dave's post? Quick point to sum everything up for people just glancing about TW games over there. If you liked the old janes series of survey sims, you'll like the TW series. A "spiritual successor" to them. They didn't go to excruciating detail operating the plane, actually TW is more advanced in every way. Ask the people bashing SFP2 over there what they thought of USAF or FA.
  2. So I see stiglr still can't figure out how to remove his head from his arse, well thats nothing new. Point me in the direction of a better sim, one that lets you mod half as freely and can be operated without a PhD in Switchology, one that doesn't force me online and looks as good and I'll play and never look back. Now I'm all for hyper realistic flight characteristics and 100% visual accuracy from TK and modders, but unlike stiglr, I realize everyone is human. It takes a lot of time to make our so called "crappy" exterior models that only look like the real thing. I seem to remember a side by side comparison between LOMAC's Flanker and Marcelo's. Well, I think we can all guess which one was higher quality. (and speaking of flight models, we can do a cobra without having a button for a scripted move, so who's flight model is better?) Oh, and I've never flown an F-4 phantom, or any plane for that matter, and I seriously doubt he has any better knowledge of how a particular plane really flies than I. His only reference point appears to be how he thinks a plane should fly. Excellent job warlordATF, I wonder if stiglr has ever considered he's the sycophant. I guess he's the flight sim equivalent of pen and paper dungeons and dragons nerds calling every RPG out there a shallow "hack'n'slash" diablo RPG because it's not a text based game from the 80s.
  3. You mean Even if it would be relatively boring to fly, it's still a necessity to have for ops in the 80s/90s. You simply cannot have desert storm without it.

    Bleh to both. Led Zeppelin, the stones and Pink Floyd forever!
  5. 2008 Bummers

    Biggest Bummer: Losing an adorable girl to a sugardaddy with a Bently and a Ferrari.
  6. About Damn Time!

    My distaste for him is well known, but this is something I can agree with. When the whole case started is was a gigantic WTF?! prosecuting people for doing their jobs
  7. Are those stock desert map shots from SF2? Does that mean there's a fix for 3rd party effects?
  8. IIRC it's naval counterpart had forward guns too and was more for an A/G role.
  9. I'm just wondering, has Brothers in Arms Hells Highway (or the previous game) changed at all over the original more than graphically. People talked about accuracy, storyline and characters being great. But when I bought the original, I found it utterly unplayable. The mechanics were just plain bad. Movement I found clunky, it was damn impossible to hit anything shooting from the hip. That's to be expected, but when you aimed down the sights, which normally steadys aim, the weapon and view wobbled around like if an 8 year old was holding the rifle. On top of that, enemies had no aim issues and took far more damage than any WW2 shooter before going down. It just really felt wrong and like a huge step back compared to call of duty. I looked for mods and patches, but found nothing that looked like it would correct those flaws. Have the sequels changed that at all?
  10. The most useless plane ever created, but I've always wanted one for a WW2 sim. Basically the only time overshooting is good is flying one of these. You are very quickly becoming one of the modeling gods.
  11. Navy skipper's bikini gaffe

    I'm with SayWhat! on this one. People freaking and jumping all over this aren't realizing it's meant to be serious, especially know the Australian sense of humor is even more way out there than the British. He simply made a crude joking observation that people would think, but usually wouldn't say. Would anyone get mad at stephen colbert for saying something like that? No, it's simply expected and more obvious its meant to be funny. And quite frankly a boss/commander that's always completely serious sucks to work around.
  12. Airliner makes emergency landing in Hudson River

    Saw on the news while eating breakfast, the pilot was an airforce rhino driver.
  13. Fast food worldwide

    You're getting ripped off. We get that for $1 and the euro was worth well more than it last I checked. Yes, local stuff is the best. They had all the american junk down in mexico, this one guy ate nothing but McD's while the rest of us had delicious authentic mexican at numerous little hole in the walls and stands.
  14. Elevators, ailerons and rudders etc. all animate automatically in the game. Just make sure the mesh name matches the control surface data in the data.ini and that pivot points are in the right place.
  15. Fast food worldwide

    I think by inanition (?????) you mean starvation? Actually, here at least, you can get a calzone from pizza hut for about $10 including a drink and tip. but neither pizza hut or fridays is really "fast food" expect at least half an hour there. Now I love greasy junk as much as anyone, but the real way to go would be non-chain restaurants. Cheaper and better food. This pizza place near my school makes a chicken sandwich that beats the pants off of anything at McD, BK, Wendy's or KFC.....and at 5 times the size.
  16. *correction TEH SERVAR My install has become so unspeakably massive that it's just plain impossible to do, so I just back up personal tweaks that aren't replaceable.
  17. Why not just use the data from WOX and the cockpit LOD from SF2 as a starter?
  18. He also said something about being able to add weapons like aircraft, with it's own folder and ini file in it. No weapondata.ini required. A welcome change.
  19. Fruit Helmets

    No, those are simply meant for a Gallagher show. Square mellons are easier to hit with a sledgehammer.
  20. Ever been in an accident?

    Some of those drivers definitely have a real sense of humor, clearly knowing how absurd what they wrote was....I hope so at least. My accident described: A parked car collided with me during my attempt to pass it. (my car skidded on black ice pulling up my driveway and bumped into the family SUV.)
  21. Open Says Me!

  22. X-31

    Bad angles. The first pic apparently doesn't have the canards attached, but the second one does, its hard to see. I simply couldn't find a better image for the old concept design now that it's been finalized. From the top you can see its much different, big wings like the X-32, canards like the X-29 and exhaust nozzle like the X-32, but cockpit and fuselage like the X-35.
  23. X-31

    The ATF one was modeled off the original X-32 concept. Strangely, lockheed had the designation X-32 when the program was JAST/CALF but it got transfered to Boeing for the JSF program. It looked like this windtunnel model in ATF, but with rounded intakes and slightly flatter looking
  24. X-31

    Haven't really been many noticable changes since the first pics I showed people, mainly just organizational stuff with parts.
  25. X-31

    I've got one underway but it's a stumpy pile O's**t, and its down on the list below the X-32 (which looks pretty good and about to start animating sometime this century) So if you think you can do it faster, feel free to, I work at a snails pace.

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