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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Fruit Helmets

    You mean it's not my fault anymore?
  2. If its a strike mission, usually the primary target is "painted" for you, so even if you don't have a pod or a built in system, you can drop bombs. But you won't be able to drop on other targets. Don't know if that works in CAS missions. zmatt- indeed, I find mavs far more effective than ARMs for SEAD, as they'll seek after whatever is targeted, not just radar sources.
  3. When the F-22 came out, the first time I took her up, I got shot down by a J-7.
  4. WOI Hunter

    Hrm...someone said SF2 has a new radar ranging gunsight in the F-100, that might have been used in the hunter, but I could have sworn I've seen such entries for avionics for years in this sim.
  5. WOI Hunter

    WOI doesn't have the F-100 either though.
  6. Don't forget Stewart in Newburgh, NY. Father used to work next door and I got to watch them fly C-130s out of there. Got some nice views of F-16s too. Westchester county airport has a Natl' guard detachment too, with a T-33 up on a pole outside.
  7. WOI Hunter

    Hrm, did SF2 actually include the cockpit of the hunter so it'd be flyable? I don't think WOI has a hunter pit with it, but you can easily make it flyable through some simple .ini editing found here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=20789 Realized I had forgotten to make the woi AI planes flyable and did that yesterday myself actually.
  8. The only area I can see the WOE tileset really being acceptable would be parts of penn. NJ and maryland where you do get open farm fields and houses clustered together, even then its stretching believability. There'd need to be suburban and exurban tiles to capture the still densly populated, but not quite levittown, and city tiles that have different styles of buildings. Not even FSX loaded with tons of terrain mods do my area justice, not even with ultimate terrain and fsgenesis 9m terrain mesh really gets it right.
  9. And I think it was released....there's an update available for download. Though even without the update, I can vouch for it working, as I was playing one before and didn't even have to restart it when I installed the update.
  10. A bunch of us could certainly help make sure the tileset (and TODs CA_starry!) have an accurate appearance. Currently, no tilesets manage. Honestly, I think doing this area might be a bit too difficult in these sims unless we get better terrain tools. Even just doing major roads would be daunting. All the major cities that would have to be done? NY, DC, Boston, Baltimore, Philli, Richmond, Charlotte if it goes that south.
  11. Woohoo! Now if I only had the time to get back to my ATF project...damn LSATs! eh eventually.
  12. Grape Extract kills cancer

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7803619.stm Interesting little article I stumbled across. Quite interesting, a natural avenue for treating cancer, no radiation or harsh chemicals, and can probably be done preventatively.
  13. That's nothing new. There were commented out references to lightnings and other aircraft in the stock WOE campaigns. Guess the campaign ini files are what he makes before finalizing the list of aircraft for the sim....either that or he originally designs them to include 3rd party aircraft as well
  14. My snoopy has marked targets before. Strange, I'm sure I've heard snoopy's radio calls, even if I hadn't been able to find where the plane was even just recently. But I'm on sept 2008 not oct. It's always been kinda on and off, some missions he'll be there, others he won't. FAC needs a return...one of the few good uses for helicopters and some unarmed planes.
  15. How Southern are yew?

    No, there's no "standard" dialect or any of that. Aside from little things like on that quiz, only accent really differs, and it's all easily understood wherever you are. Though most people on TV have a fairly neutral accent and speak similarly by nature. Nor is using any particular way of speaking bad manners, unless you're saying something completely inappropriate. I actually heard a person say clusterf**k in a very formal setting speaking in front of tons of people. The little skin pigmentation already in the room quickly disappeared.
  16. Diamonds might be a girl's best friend...

    Uhhh...Gr.Viper is a guy. Maybe for the average use a tiny laptop can suffice, but it simply won't do for all the games I play. But that's all we need, women carrying around little laptops in their purse and more s**t we have to buy them Better off just getting an iPhone instead of a tiny laptop, even less bulky for about the same functionality.
  17. How Southern are yew?

    9% Dixie. Need help digging out of the snow? Higher than I expected, summers in florida and the occasional visit to family in maryland must be rubbing off (on?). For the record, very few people say youse for you in new yawk, pretty much only pure italians who grew up in the city and have never left it.
  18. I need hawt sex0r very fast

    that would be cold slim3y sex0r very fast.
  19. Are those eels I see in the cockpit?
  20. Never particularly like flying the hun. No radar either to locate enemies or help calculate a lead for the gunsight. I'd go with a thud first.
  21. Get into the campaigns, your survival rate drops dramatically. I'd be astounded by anyone getting through more than 10 missions doing the 100 mission challenge now.
  22. Merry Xmas you bastards!

    That's gotta be bizarre having hot weather on christmas. Would anyone happen to know if/where you can get eggnog all year round?

    Same here......no Emma Watson in a santa dress under my tree. But there was a new MB quad core AMD processor and 4gigs of memory, damn that's probably what drove her off.
  24. Merry Xmas you bastards!

    Merry Christmas to all , and to all a good flight.
  25. TK said for those who want to poke around and make stuff (like a new CAT extractor) the difference between the old and new is unicode. And he was completely honest that the new releases wouldn't have much to really be worth it to people on XP with all the games already, so I'd hardly call that a con job. Anyone know if he changed the UVW mapping on the new models or not? Will our hundreds of F-4 skins be useless like alot of the old mig-21 skins?

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