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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. A review from Pfunk is pointless. Any of us could tell you he would hate it from the start.
  2. It's not even 10am on the east coast yet. Tk is in Texas and probably isn't even awake yet, so don't write off a release yet. Wait until 5pm cst before that.
  3. Maybe tomorrow (Friday)? Anyway, hopefully all the ground war stuff is functional on the new terrain system, and naval on the old. It'd be great to retrofit the new water effect and naval battles onto the old maps. Without the tile system, we who have time on our hands and no budget restrictions can probably make real masterpieces. And if you don't like the turkey pit, sub in the MF pit.
  4. P4 & P3 Question

    What I'd like to know is: Is there anything in OFF P3 that won't be in P4?
  5. Indeed, he could be doing so much better than he is. More attention, more sales. The impression I get is he is too risk averse. There's no harm in doing an interview and showing some screen shots. Diversifying his business would be a good thing though. is**t and android games and apps would make a nice augmenting source of revenue, allowing for more resources to do what he wants. That's basically what I'm planning on doing. Make apps and simple games and sell them to get some revenue while my flagship product gets developed, which is meant to create a pretty constant revenue stream that will give me enough resources to expand into more traditional games.
  6. People have been predicting the death of the PC for a decade, and it hasn't happened yet. And it won't happen. However commonplace it is for people to play games on consoles, tablets or smartphones. It is Impossible to develop a product on them. A PC, mouse and keyboard will always be around. Typing on a touch screen will never be as intuitive as a keyboard, and nothing as accurate as a mouse. 3D Studio, Maya, Photoshop, Illustrator and every other development tool used for games and graphic design simply will not work on a tablet/phone or console. The power, memory, storage space, and maybe most importantly, battery life just isn't there. Nevermind trying to imagine using photshop or max on a tablet would be an exercise in failure. And since they'll always be required for development, they'll always be around for us who want to play games on them.
  7. Bring It Iran

    They've been begging us to do something about it. IMHO they should bury the hatchet with Israel and beg them to do it. They gladly would and with us out of Iraq we aren't in the awkward position of letting them through the airspace. We can say we had nothing to do with it with a wink and a nod to Israel for doing the dirty work.
  8. Bring It Iran

    Well at least someone else will get the godless pacifist commie lashing instead of me for once Honestly, if you did look at it from the perspective of someone living in any country that wasn't a superpower, if the US had been clamoring for war with your country for a decade, you'd bet that country would get pretty defensive and try to build up military capabilities to match their potential invader. Our talk of bombing Iran and anyone else who looks at us funny is taken by the middle east the same way Israel takes the Arab countries talk of wiping them off the map. It just becomes a vicious circle of aggression. Call their bluff, all they have to do is abide by the NPT and follow all of the IAEA's safeguards they can use nuclear power and medicine. They have to follow the rules like anyone else. Though this is terribly undermined by the fact that we sold nuclear material to India lately outside of the NPT.
  9. Bring It Iran

    Didn't you guys create this scenario in the SF2 forum for a virtual Nato? Fubar's got it nailed, noise to get the price of oil up. That and ahmedinajad is squirming from the sanctions and is begging to talk with the west and needs some kind of poker chip.
  10. Nah too much disparity in terrain graphics between Rising Sun and SF2. I saw the latest pics on facebook of the water I hope we can get that effect working on all the maps! The "how to" bit with the new map method will be interesting, but Max will allow much nicer terrain. I can already see a huge improvement in that last picture. And I'm getting a rather awesome tool for doing cities and roads soon, City Engine, if SF2 can handle it, between it and max we could have some seriously awesome cities to fly over instead of just grey blobs of building and concrete.
  11. Call in a Missile Strike on your iPhone

    Will it work on my new iPod touch? That would be really helpful during the morning commute
  12. OT: STALKER 2 Cancelled

    Yes, and that's one of the reasons I love steam. My father and friends bitch about it constantly, but it's really given indie games and smaller studios an outlet to customers without falling prey to the big publishers and their MBA bean counter mentality (Which is the same across any industry and root cause of any business going bad)
  13. OT: STALKER 2 Cancelled

    Hrm, well I find them satisfying in the same way. If they didn't think a PC only game was feasible, why not release it for the consoles too? Hell any game will sell like mad on them, all you need is pretty advertisements and the 14 year olds will go crazy waiting for it. No need to sacrifice PC gameplay, just directly port the PC to xbox and they'll still love it. I can't speak for their game engine's ease of doing that, but I know alot of modern packages make it pretty easy to do multiple platforms. I'm using Unity, and it's basically a one click deal when you want to make a build.
  14. OT: STALKER 2 Cancelled

    Not if I have anything to say about it! BTW, how can they call it stalker 2? There's three games out already. The newer fallout's are similar as is borderlands, more RPG elements, but the core open world with mutants and scavenging to survive in a desolate environment is still there. Haven't played Rage, but I think that's pretty open too.
  15. So, all these guys are nuts?

    Yes, there's no doubt life is out there. But chances are someone out there is intelligent. Though regarding UFOs, its damn easy to make s**t up for attention. Just through sheer volume you're going to have frauds and loonies, but also plenty of sincere people, many can easily mistake what they saw, but many better recognize aircraft or something natural. However, there've been enough cases where multiple unrelated witnesses have seen the same thing in the sky perform actions beyond our knowledge of aerodynamics and physics to say something was definitely there and not a hoax, made up story or simple misidentification. That means two things for certain: 1. the physics is possible somehow. 2. Somebody has the technology and knows how to use it. Who that somebody is, is up for debate. If it's us (any country) that means the conspiracy theorists have at least something right, that they're covering up that we have this tech (and knowledge of energy, propulsion and physics), of course all the rest is BS because it takes aliens out of the picture entirely. That also begs the question: why the f*** can't I have a flying car if we've had this s**t for decades? Military technology typically filters down to the civilian level after about 15-20 years. If its not us, then that pretty much means aliens. If this is the case, why would they secretly be in contact with the military only or contact us at all? If they could build a craft capable of interstellar travel, anything the military and government has that the general public doesn't would be useless to them, like going onto a modern battlefield with a spear. And if they needed something that the general public has, there's no point in secrecy. It'd be easier to just show up and ask, hell if a UFO landed in times square and its occupants successfully communicated(a whole problem in itself) wanting something, people would be so amazed that they'd give them whatever without anything in exchange. Of course the second time around, we'd want to get paid, but they'd no more likely give us spectacularly advanced technology than we would give a nuclear reactor to an aboriginee tribe. And then the whole human race would likely die, as would the aliens that contacted us because neither species would have any resilience to pathogens from a whole different planet.
  16. Do you like Christmas?

    I thought it was a Germanic holiday that had feasts and some resemblance in decorating trees and wreaths. But then again, what didn't Romans have feasts and orgies for? I voted option 1. It's still not as great as when I was a kid now that I can buy almost whatever I want any time, but they don't sell eggnog any other time of year, its a great excuse to tell people to lighten up and make and eat food that other times of year you'd complain about being too expensive or too much work to make.
  17. Pitched Battle: Galactic Empire vs Nazi-Germany

    The real question is, why would they be fighting each other? Not because one is fantasy scifi and the other real in a hypothetical battle, but shouldn't they both be on the same side as they're both evil fascist bastards?
  18. Bad enough to be making a sequel...

    That was 14 years ago?! Wow I feel old. The only thing worse than phantom menace 3d would be indiana jones and the crystal skull 3d. I wish they never made dances with smurfs, set off this whole crappy 3d craze. But top gun 2 is dead, thankfully.
  19. Finally something I find worth buying. Editing campaigns always had quite a few frustrations, so this will make some things easier. Of course it comes at a time when I'm not working and have to keep money spent to a bare minimum.
  20. Hurricane Irene

    I can't speak for more coastal areas, but so far I am unimpressed for all the hype.
  21. OMG

    Especially in our society of "We must punish anyone who might have done something wrong" And yes, lesser crimes require alot less proof. A cop's word is enough for a common ticket, even if all the evidence points to the contrary.
  22. Vietnam FPSs

    As far as I know there has never been a Korean War FPS. Doing a really good Vietnam war game is one of my plans after I get a company up and going and finishing my initial educational "game". I have bits and pieces of the story imagined and written for the vietnam game. A big thing I want as part of the game are your actions affecting the outcome, not of the war obviously, but your personal story. The thing is, I want the choices to be more "natural" than most games that give you choices. Games like Mass Effect or bioshock throw storyline and moral/ethical choices at players, except its always very easy to choose, you're given dialogue choices and its usually pretty clear what is good/bad, in whose favor and how you can double cross everyone. What I want to do is take away the obvious choices and decision point from the player. Rarely in a stressful situation do you get a moment where you can stop and choose like that, an action you may not have even given any thought to could have a large impact latter on without the player knowing it. That, and to really throw the whole good/bad dichotemy out the window, so the player doing what is normally being the "good" character in a game might have a really nasty consequence and doing what's "wrong" might have lead to a better outcome. Maybe I'll do a Korean War game before that to hone the team and technology for a really good war game before tackling Vietnam.
  23. Amy Winehouse... Dead

    I think there's already someone like that who goes by Ke$ha. That or give Miley Cyrus no more than two years before she becomes a cracked out mess. Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix and Janice Joplin may have died at the same age, under similar circumstances. BUT, it's been ~40 years since they died and everyone knows who they were and their music. 40 years from now, who will remember Amy Winehouse? The only mention of her will be in a list of musicians who died at 27.
  24. Amy Winehouse... Dead

    OMG I'm so shocked! [/sarcasm] Don't even begin to compare her to the likes of Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix or Janis Joplin, they are legends who made real contributions to music. While she may have been popular recently, in today's pool of "musicians" and hits that's hardly an accomplishment.

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