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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. I wonder how difficult it would be to code? The weapons data already does that with attachment types, the same code could be modified to do the same. That would be great for aircraft too, be able to pick from a few particular aircraft at a base. Could be like the old janes games where you could fly a B-2 for a strike mission, then an F-22 or an intercept.
  2. I think I see why it looks a bit "freaky" the SEA scheme had the undersides painted a sort of cream color, not wraparound.
  3. Caption This

    Longestpants and silverbolt come out of the closet
  4. Musharraf Resigns...

    Heard a story about the AQ Khan ring selling nuclear secrets and that the CIA had a few people who sabotaged stuff that got sent out. Hopefully they have some more people doing the same thing quietly to pakistan's nukes. Very fragile devices, not so difficult to prevent it from reaching critical mass.
  5. Caption This

    "The new bunker buster is performing well despite budget cuts, DOD officials report..." "A John McCain supporter takes the call to "Drill here, drill now" a little too seriously..." "Diver at 2008 special olympics shatters world record..."
  6. A really bad week...

    Just terrible, hopefully everything turns out alright. I'd be hysterical if I could lose even part of a hand. I've been through a couple of similar situations. My brother wound up getting rushed to the ER one night with a bizarre allergic reaction, he passed out and started turning purple. Myself, I had some lower back and stomach pain and thought I pulled a muscle or something carrying things at work, it turned into 3 surgeries in 3 days and a week in the hospital because I had gallstones that were blocking the duct between my liver and intestines. Then I wound up with appendicitis after that operation. It was a unpleasant 3 months between when I first started getting that pain until I wound up in the hospital lemon yellow with jaundice. So don't feel like you could have done something earlier after only a day. Without anything other than pain, its near impossible to determine what is wrong or how serious it is.
  7. No, the C has a bigger wingspan for carrier ops. Could be the VTOL B version.
  8. US Elections

    "Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep It starts when you're always afraid You step out of line, the man come and take you away" Considering he took fire for saying he'd cross the pakistani border and go after al queda and bin laden there since they've had a safe haven in the tribal areas, as well as the revered wright crap, any notion of being a "secret muslim" or in league with such people is just plain derranged. I just love how people keep trying to paint Obama as some sort of "Manchurian Candidate" because he actually has an ethnic background. Yet the story of the manchurian candidate was of an american POW being brainwashed and programmed by communists to run for president and be under their control, and nobody raises that notion with McCain when he fits the story to the letter.
  9. Calling Wrench

    The sim its in.
  10. Doomsday

    Yes, the year is all arbitrary, but I think those predictions are calculated to the point in time we would consider 2012....the Mayans most certainly did not use a Roman based calendar. It's all very creepy regardless of its statistically enormous likelihood of utter BS. Had a long talk about this with my father, he thinks we've brought this about with our aggressive posture towards Iran, and russia is reacting defensively against (a paranoid) attack by the west, having put missiles in Poland. He also thinks Putin is playing chess to tear apart NATO and the relationship Europe has with America. By the threatened invasion of Poland, he thinks we can't do a damn thing about it beyond our response to georgia and that Europe will either sue for peace or be on its own against russia since we're tied up in Iraq. It may be all the games with the same exact scenario, but I think its just russian resurgence to the soviet days. I think the idea of tearing apart NATO is ludicrous and that if Poland was attacked, we certainly have a diminished capacity, but we absolutely will defend our friends. I think a russian attack on Poland or anywhere else, would do more to solidify Europe and America's ties even further instead of break them. Even with the rest of the world's disdain for our aggressive foreign policy and Iraq, when it comes down to something as big as a showdown with Russia, we're still allies.
  11. Doomsday

    Funny thing is, I watched a show about this the other night. Apparently the Dec 21st 2012 date correlates to various prophecies. Particularly a chinese astrological book that some guy calculated into something like a time waveform. It correlated from the time the book was written to now, most high and low points in history (like the fall of the roman empire, bubonic plague, renaissance, disovery of america, the world wars) and takes a serious dive and cuts off shortly after the 21st century. The way they presented it, it looked more like an astrological event. They also talked of a pole shift (re-orientation of the earth's magnetic field) They got what would happen fundamentally wrong. They made it out as if the earth's rotational axis would shift, citing knowledge of artic areas formerly know to have been in the tropics (continental drift, not suddenly jerking earth's orbit) The reality of a pole shift is merely the north/south poles flipping their polarity. I'm not sure, but I think that would leave us highly vulnerable to the sun's radiation and could screw up our electronics (maybe even like a massive EMP blast) ad if that were to happen, the end of the world might be because of our technology going haywire, like nukes going off accidentally or something. That day also corresponds with a particular alignment of the Earth, sun and moon with the supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy. Could it be the amplified tug of gravity causes such a pole shift? Another thing to look at is the appearance of a supposed time traveler, generally thought to be an incredibly well done hoax, John Titor. A guy appeared on the internet asking about particular computers and it slowly became known he was from the future and needed a particular model to translate programming languages. He was goaded into telling of future history, claiming a civil war in america and a nuclear war in 2015, but said obviously the world didn't end in 2012 because he was from 2030-something. Very creepily, he alluded to invading Iraq under a false pretext of WMDs back in Nov 2000 to march 2001. When researched, alot of the science he mentioned checks out, so whoever did this was very astute about advanced physics, geopolitics and engineering.
  12. What Did You See Today?

    The new camaro is a disappointment. It will continue to be one until it can turn into a robot.
  13. And its not only georgia now, poland is being directly threatened. How quickly can Boeing build those ABLs? and how quickly can they recharge and shoot?
  14. ArmA optics/zoom

    Alright I just got ArmA gold and downloaded the 1.14 patch. I played before downloading the patch or trying trackIR with it and like in OFP looking down the sign (optics) raised the gun and zoomed in at the same time, comfortable and intuitive. After I install the patch and enable TIR, I've found the optics and zoom appear to be seperate. Now when you look down the sight, it stays zoomed out (and consequently can't see **** through a scope to aim) and its very unintuitive, with or without the trackIR zoom, which I turned off because it would zoom in with the regular view too much and just felt wrong. But I want to go back to the simple raise sights + zoom at the same time. Anyone know how?
  15. Has anyone tried this

    Speak for yourself!
  16. Congratulations are in Order

    Congratulations! I wish my school had Aerospace Engineering, I'd have definitely gone with that instead of a psychology/political science dual degree.
  17. Nobody believes the plane had a cockpit of an entirely different plane! Most people understand that a real Ki-61 (or whatever plane it was) doesn't have a hurricane's pit, but that the modder used it for the sake of getting the plane into a useable condition so they could play with it.
  18. Georgia moves against separatists

    Russia has certainly showed its hand. I wouldn't doubt a ton of treaties with the US, EU and NATO to happen pretty quickly.....If we didn't throw out all our goodwill with Iraq, we could've had the ink down even sooner. If we could get china on our side(what with all the economics now) They'd be completely encircled. The only problem are those god damned ICBMs. Even though their maintenance has been lacking, there's no telling how many missile defenses can stop, even if half of the ones that do launch can't get to their targets. I saw this book claiming hidden prophecies by nostradamus that sounded alot like this, and they specifically mention the nuclear destruction of rome.
  19. Georgia moves against separatists

    Potential foe? Typhoid I think the potetial went out the window almost a week ago. There are no resolutions calling for georgia's complete disarmament, nor are they such a dangerous nation that needs to be permanently disarmed.
  20. When exactly, has anyone believed a zero and hellcat were the same except for a paintjob? And having a different plane's pit as a stand-in is not as innaccurate as that. Sorry, it just isn't, especially if the pit is incredibly similar to begin with, Oh, god forbid I use an F-15A pit in an F-15C! And nobody is so careless as to treat a cessna model as a raptor, your examples are absurd and overblown. We've had a very amiable and helpful modding community thats encouraging for new people to start, learn and improve their skills. If you want to observe, fine, but don't ruin the atmosphere here with rivet counting for the sake of putting down other people's work.
  21. To say the thirdwire community isn't serious is delusional. Try looking at some of sundowner's skins, or mirage factory models. Try the screenshot of the month thread and tell me LOMAC or F4AF can do better visually or be more thrilling. Not every plane may be perfect, but I still appreciate the effort that goes into making them, even if it uses an inaccurate pit. Sim-lite? Not really, especially with WOI's updates. Sorry TK doesn't make mind bogglingly complex games like F4AF, but the series is right in the same level of something like IL2, CFS, or the old janes series, USAF and older. What TK calls it in no way diminishes its fidelity. And quite frankly, I don't hve the time for a Phd. in switchology.
  22. API? Ports? Nearly everything can be used between any of the thirdwire games. Right now, WOI is at a newer version with an improved flight model, planes will work from strike fighters or WOE/WOV but they may fly a little odd as their FMs haven't been updated. Terrain, effects, skins and whatnot all should work just fine.
  23. I happen to have a passion for the P-35, but not rivet counting.
  24. Georgia moves against separatists

    I can't wait for Creative Assembly's next game after Empire: Total War. A 20th century iteration is an obvious direction and then we can just resolve this virtually.
  25. Georgia moves against separatists

    World War 3 is back on it seems. News reported earlier this morning that russians violated the ceasefire and are rolling towards Tblisi.

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