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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Caption This!

    Oh thats nothing compared to how the cameraman during the poland-china volleyball game kept zooming in on the polish girls asses every time they huddled between a set.
  2. Georgia moves against separatists

    No Blood for Oil! I just had to.
  3. tomcat F-14

    Right, but the tomcat oozed sexiness like no other fighter ever made.
  4. tomcat F-14

    The Israelis evaluated the original F-14A, which had its engine issues. Had they tried out an F-14D, well, maybe she'd still be flying.( remember, terminating the tomcat program in the early 90s was a political move, by my favorite sith lord) I would hardly call F-14s being shot down flown by Iranian pilots being shot down by iraqi pilots indicative of its dogfighting ability compared to the eagle. As far as simulations go, only in LOMAC have either failed me, and thats more because I could never get into it like WOX, CFS or IL2. In WOX I've never been shot down in a tomcat or eagle (or viper/bug) for that matter.
  5. Georgia moves against separatists

    The UN isn't corrupt so much as a bureaucratic mess. As for a sense of right and wrong, their sense is usually just fine, and there are on the arabs and terror. The process really needs alot of changing, and membership to human rights bodies needs to be more strict, I forgot what country it was, but a while back doing research for Model UN (I see so much of this on a constant basis) that made me do a double take at how they were allowed on the HRC. The security council doesn't work because there are generally two different poles when it comes to a conflict. Russia and China always wind up on one side, the US, UK and france on the other. Veto powers on both sides means total gridlock, it may shift around slightly, but there's always that one P5 that is against the others. I think all veto powers should be removed from everyone, and permanent membership expanded. That, and GA resolutions are not legally binding like treaties and SC resolutions. I saw a story on CNN about Condi Rice meeting with leaders of the G8 and russia being excluded, so their booting may be in the works already. The problem with the west taking a stand against russia is force is essentially off the table because of several thousand nuclear warheads unless something can be done to absolutely prevent their use by any side regardless of how the conventional battles pan out. Beyond that happening, what, if anything is worth pressing the button and ending more lives in a heartbeat than all of world war 2 combined, and likely the human race within a few years.
  6. Georgia moves against separatists

    No the outcome wouldn't be the same, we're best at conventional warfare as opposed to guerilla warfare.
  7. Georgia moves against separatists

    I mean we didn't have our forces keeping control of a carved up germany, whereas East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia etc were truly dominated by the soviets.
  8. Georgia moves against separatists

    Weak as in our forces are strained.
  9. Georgia moves against separatists

    It's not an occupation when we do it No seriously, we're guilty of it too, but at least we're not as repressive and more careful about civilians. Or stay as long, we were out of Europe by the 50's, it took russia until the berlin wall came down to leave.
  10. Georgia moves against separatists

    I wouldn't be so sure, that also assumes russias intentions of protecting the people in S ossetia is genuine. Remember, they have a history of "intervening" in problems in other countries and making sure their stay is much longer than welcome.
  11. Georgia moves against separatists

    And like germany, russia went through an economic collapse and rebuild. I guess its a good time to buy stocks in the arms industry.
  12. Georgia moves against separatists

    What the hell would we do with several hundred migs and sukhois? And that wouldn't help anything, they'd simply use more ground forces, it would only create the irony of them shooting at their own equipment when we had to get involved and use it to supplement our equipment.
  13. Georgia moves against separatists

    Uh, thats exactly what I'm saying, I said chances of getting one are slim. Highly unlikely with the numbers being built.
  14. Georgia moves against separatists

    No, neither side cares about the civilians beyond using them as an excuse to keep fighting. If either cared otherwise, they'd put the ceasefire into effect. The problem with most wars is its a necessity that we wind up fighting. If Ukraine blocks Russia from their ports and russia moves against ukraine, I'm afraid there may be just no avoiding a snowballing of external involvement. And with the current state of our military, the only way to handle such a conflict would be to turn the whole country into wartime mode like WW2 to build equipment, and a full blown draft to keep our forces able. If that happens, I'm heading to the airforce (or maybe navy, chances of getting an F-22 are slim while F-15s are dropping like flies, but then I have to fly the superbug)
  15. Georgia moves against separatists

    Putin is a cold, calculating snake thats about as trustworthy as a pedophile at a hannah montana concert. Poor georgie is really that far out in space....
  16. Georgia moves against separatists

    I generally don't give a damn about affairs regardless of party. But seriously, who wouldn't lie about an affair? Never has this conversation taken place husband " Hi honey, I'm home!" wife "So how was work?" husband "It was great! I spent my whole lunchbreak doing my secretary on the xerox machine"
  17. Georgia moves against separatists

    Not truly objective.....simply more objective than the russian press.
  18. Georgia moves against separatists

    I'm going to scare whiteknight again, but I'll even believe fox news before I believe russian news. Just the fact that we aren't a combatant makes our news infinitely more objective on the situation. As for the UN, I'm sure one of the CSPANs does it when something is going on, but nobody watches those channels because 90% of the time their camera feed is of an empty congressional hall (even when there's supposed to be important debate) with the occaisional intern running around..
  19. Georgia moves against separatists

    No, Saakashvili didn't go to war with russia in the winter
  20. Georgia moves against separatists

    Russia can't be considered good guys here, Georgia isn't either, but they've agreed to an immediate ceasefire and have pulled out of ossetia. Russia however is ignoring the ceasefire. B-1s for CAS? Do they actually have the loiter time for a CAS mission? An A-10 or Apache would have a better view, loiter longer and be cheaper than using a B-1 IMO.
  21. Just a quick question: How do you move the your default eyepoint back a bit, but keeping the default zoom. I've found in alot of the recent aircraft, the default point is way too close to the instrument panel/hud for my taste.
  22. Georgia moves against separatists

    (in best homer simpson voice) Doh! I remember kosovo being earlier than '99, but that wasn't us starting a war. That was NATO jumping into an existing conflict to stop a genocide, not to conquer a country.
  23. Thanks! it sorta works....my cockpit disappeared entirely, but I suspect it simply got moved either too far back or down.
  24. Georgia moves against separatists

    Err, no wars in 1999 that we were involved in.
  25. The thing is, I only want to move back the eyepoint in certain planes. The F-22 and AV-8B come to mind, its as if your helmet is glued to the hud glass and the only distance between your eyes and the hud/panel is that between your eyes and visor.

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