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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. media unbiased?

    The only ones you can blame for the coolaid would be China and corporate America Really, how can anyone stomach a man saying negative ads have no place in his campaign, then running a negative ad that very day? I give credit to Reagan for posing the most pivotal campaign question that everyone needs to ask: Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Most certainly not. Why should people hanging on by the skin of their teeth after eigth years of bush, vote for someone who wants to keep going in the same direction? Obama '08 No really, the parallels are seriously creepy. This is Nixon vs Kennedy all over again.
  2. media unbiased?

    Well, I get the feeling the perception here would be the same regardless of the democratic candidate, or whatever he said or did. And just where does that account come from? and what are more details surrounding it? I've seen a plethora of footage showing the complete opposite, very warm greetings and appreciation for troops. And not, "Oh I'm on camera, I better look good" footage, vido taken when he was busy talking to people from behind, a distance, etc. Nevermind the excellent voting record for veterans. And in response to your signature, McCain originally was nothing like bush, I was rooting for him in the primaries because I thought he'd be above the same **** from bush's crowd. but nearly every single chance he gets to distance himself, he agrees with bush. He's been adopting the same attitudes and policies. The longer the campaign goes on, the more disappointed and disgusted I'm becoming with his attacks and distortions. And I can't speak for everyone in the media, but Bob Scheiffer said directly to my class (When asked about corporate owners trying to tell them how to report) that hasn't happened to him. I wonder if the clips from that class are still up....... http://www.c-spanarchives.org/library/inde...mp;showVid=true Long clip, I'm in it too, front and center at Pace dressed in green. Don't think I said much that day though.
  3. media unbiased?

    I guess the mind sees what it wants to see.
  4. Oh boy 'er girl!

    Photoshop maybe? Or perhaps she put the bullets in backwards (as they apparently still fire from serveerandenforcer's account) was too lazy and just put the magazine backwards? Also looks like she has it in the middle of her chest and she's looking down the barrel like if it was doom.
  5. Hmmmm, knife control now?

    Not quite as stupid as installing footbaths for muslims in public bathrooms, but only in unisex bathrooms!
  6. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    Actually the talon was probably one of the least BS aspects of that film. Northrop has a design patent that looks damn near identical.
  7. media unbiased?

    Maybe they just can't get any McCain shots that look appealing
  8. Here we go again...

    So we base a few F-22s in Florida and should they ever fly out of cuban airspace, they explode and crash without the slightest clue we had a plane up intercepting them.
  9. Hmmmm, knife control now?

    Lucky the police can still give you a sense of reassurance. Local cops here are dread instilling as they're nothing but improvised tax collectors. They pulled the same BS speeding charge on both my father and next door neighbor, and the judge simply tossed out evidence prooving the ticket was falsified and physically impossible for the alleged charge to have happened. Because if the cop said you were going 50mph (in a 30 zone right before a red light, had either of them been going 50, they would have run the red light and certainly caused an accident passing through traffic that was going 50) Not to mention the one whose job seems to be to stand around outside the local supermarket/mini-mall strip and harass kids for no reason. Re: knives again, this is one area I do agree with those on the right: simply carry a bigger knife (like in crocodile dundee and a guy tries to mug him with a switchblade, and dundee pulls out a machete ) And actually, the only times such measures are anything but violations of rights would be in the immediacy of a crisis (like manhattan the day of 9/11) People here are remarkable for pulling together, making it unnecessary. With the vast majority of emergency services tied up in lower manhattan, the rest of the city could have devolved into no man's land, yet crime was lower than it normally would have been.
  10. Too bad they don't have ukraine either. They've got lat/lon coords for airbases, perfect for campaign building! I wonder how up to date it is too, I've definitely seen F-16s and more around Stewart.
  11. Hmmmm, knife control now?

    So, you're saying that neither extreme is completely correct?
  12. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    VF-any number "Foxes"
  13. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    Scarlett Johansson yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Then the vollyball scene would be better spent watching than getting a soda Inappropriate relationship? as if charlie wasn't? Ack there was someone else who was worthy of mention I saw in a movie just recently, but what she was in and her name escapes my mind, I just remember stunning eyes and a body to die for.
  14. Hmmmm, knife control now?

    Despite what you may think, I'm not some rabid anti-capitalist. By and large it works all over the world, but its become so out of control here with the Gordon Gecko "greed is good" mentality. Making money is good, everyone, including me wants to make money. Europe still follows capitalism and they're farther to the left than I am. But it has become so out of control here that huge business(with no connection whatsoever to customers besides a financial transaction) don't care about the consequences to people, just their bottom line. Now I'm not suggesting business becoming charity or anything, but to simply think ahead of the next quarter and be careful that their actions aren't doing any harm, regardless of whether its illegal or not. Markets work under the right conditions, the problem is those conditions aren't terribly realistic once you get the the nationwide or international level. I've taken my share of economics and understand how it works quite well. Actually, I've seen most of the opposite. Remember Phill Gram from McCain's campaign? look through that last article roopod posted, look who shows up. Much of our problems now are because of the kinds of deregulator he championed, before all that deregulatrion, everything worked just fine. There were rules, people had to play by them, they did and it worked. An analogy, imagine playing a game, monopoly for instance, but certain players, say the banker and richest player could change the rules, or there were no rules. Chaos. Theres a game X3: Reunion I'm playing. Space combat, trading and exploration. It has a whole free market system that works, but its also more of a bare bones capitalism of buying and selling goods and services and the textbook economics you appear to believe works universally in the real world, work in the game because its rules and system are hard-coded into the game. Pure supply and demand govern every one of the thousands of space stations and ships buzzing about and they don't screw with it. Nearly everything is automatic and fluent, there's true competition, there are no barriers to striking out on your own to earn a fortune either, practically no market externalities. No market manipulation, no speculation, insider trading, etc, etc etc.... The problem is, the real world simply can't duplicate the kind of sterility and universal goodwill you can program. I can't just buy a delivery truck and drive around to various stores, factories and ports buying and selling anything on my own volition. I can't just go to walmart and buy a crate of iPods or whatever at their dirt cheap china prices, then drive over to radioshack or circuit city and sell that crate of ipods at their higher retail price and turn a profit. Glad the system is working out for you and your family, but its not working out here. You haven't been through their **** yet like I have. When you have to fight over coverage and the amount of care needed, and have conditions that prevent you from being approved for an individual policy, the problems become readily apparent and absolutely intolerable.
  15. Organised Modding

    That list needs to be updated more often, and needs confining to a single post to be more effective. But to be updated more often that means someone has to pester everyone constantly or religiously keep track of every project thread.
  16. Hmmmm, knife control now?

    That heading sums it all up, and circles back to what I said earlier. The problem is money has become more important than people.
  17. Hmmmm, knife control now?

    Fire departments? are you totally nuts? What the hell would happen there? fire companies not responding to calls because there's no obligation to or it wasn't profitable? Would they hand a bill to someone whose house just burned down? No, not everything. Thats a blatant distortion. And despite what Milton Friedman tells you, free markets aren't so benevolent (see enron example how they "created" a market for electricity and artificially created a supply shortage) Doctors having their own private practice is just fine, the problem lies with the practices of HMOs preventing people from getting care and coverage for their benefit. Anyone would be on that side after having been through their **** Oh and its December 24th 2012, not the 12th the world is supposed to end.
  18. Hard for FM, normal or hard for everything else. With the F-15 and F-16 normal is probably more realistic because of their systems to prevent stalls etc, but the sim isn't designed to get that complex. Other planes, hard would be most realistic.
  19. Organised Modding

    I like the idea of getting a little more organization and coordination, but it can also hamper modding in some ways. This mod for Oblivion, Tamriel Rebuilt (actually the tr in my name) has this "claims system" since its so huge and we don't want overlapping, but the process in a sense slows things down and lumps alot of organization onto a few people. Different things that are needed are divided up and people can claim that particular thing (whether its a piece of land, a set of armor, building, animal or character) to develop that, usually with certain guidelines after it being a huge cluster **** of shoddy work without real progress to an end goal.
  20. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    That crossed my mind too, but with Iran making their own upgraded F-5, they could probably just reuse the T-38s from the first one, painted differently. More likely, they could just digitally do any real foreign aircraft they felt like, technology has come a long way since 1986. It occurred to me instead of Top Gun 2, doing a psuedo sequel for the AF "Red Flag" But then I remembered they already did a red flag movie for IMAX I saw down at the Udvar Hazy center. Met a phantom driver while we were waiting on line too.
  21. Hmmmm, knife control now?

    What you said, no. But the video description on youtube does. The government running certain industries isn't totally absurd, and not in a communism seizure type way like that is. Essential services need to have the government doing it to ensure access and availability. Can you imagine the fire department or police being privately owned and operated on the basis of profit? We've had the healthcare discussion already. But certainly never for goods/commodities, that is unequivocally communism. That doesn't mean businesses should get away with anything they please. Has anyone seen that documentary Enron: the smartest guys in the room? Its amazing what those slimeballs managed to do, did you know that whole energy crisis in California was created by them? They put a gigantic strain on commerce, government and people's lives(and I think a few heatstroke deaths during power outages) for their profit. Making money is just fine, but they need a close eye on them all the time to make sure they're not conning their way to wealth, just as government always does to keep them from abusing power.
  22. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    I saw this coming, with all the rehashes of older films they've been doing. I'm surprised they hadn't done it before. Chances are it will suck. I mean, what are they going to fly? superbugs? Without the Tomcat, the movie has to do double duty if they want it to be nearly as cool as the original. And Kelly McGillis looks like crap now. My vote goes for Kiera Knightly or Jessica Biel.
  23. So, are you eclectic?

    I play wayyyy too many games. Some others: Battlefield 2, Battlezone 2(and its bazillion mods), Call of Duty (all), Combat Flight Simulator 3 (MAW and OFF) , Doom 3, Far Cry, Fear, GRAW, GT Legends, GTR 2, IL2 1946, Neverwinter Nights, Oblivion, Stalker: SoC, HL2 (+EP1/2), TF2, Counter Strike Source, Rome Total War, UT2k4, X3 Reunion, Guild Wars, Halo, Mechwarrior 4 (all), Silent Hunter 3 and 4, Splinter Cell, Starshatter, Dungeon Seige, Bioshock, Crysis, Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth, EECH, Enemy Territory Quake Wars, Quake 4, Titan Quest, Supreme Commander, Star Wars KOTOR, and World in Conflict.
  24. Man, if someone gave TK MS's budget! You might want to check and see how this map looks for the sand ripple. I've got a lovely program that does textures that automatically tile perfectly and creates effects maps for them automatically as well. sand_normal_map.bmp

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