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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Racing sims discussion?

    I drive GT Legends and GTR2...I plan on getting rFactor sometime soon. The only thing about rFactor is all the mods are in race series and teams. I'd like to just download cars, street and race versions like planes for SF. I'm in a tough spot with tastes. I love the exotic street cars you find in the more arcade games like Need for Speed, but I have a strong preference towards realism and modability (and I really refuse to touch a gamepad and console for that matter) Live for Speed looks interesting, but I still suck too much to play online and not have any aides
  2. And That is That.......

    That's rough. My father almost took a job down in Maryland and would've been away from the family. Ultimately, he didn't, upon meeting the people he'd be working with, take the job. Hope you have luck getting a transfer. On the bright side, maybe we can get an answer about the secret UFO stuff they keep there. I won't go to that nut stanton freidman :scout:
  3. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    They wouldn't. I doubt many dealers know what a Citroen is in the US, or if any could be bothered to import them.
  4. Single missions to try out and get familiar with new planes. Then back to campaigns for the bulk of my flights. I find campaigns mixed. Sometimes bland and repetative, other times absolutely fantastic, like a mission I flew last night.
  5. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    Then I'd think they'd want bumblebee as the VW bug, boost sales with a mostly male audience of what's considered a feminine car. Not so feminine when it turns into a giant robot and kicks some ass. But I could definitely understand that with the porsche.
  6. Just remap things however you like them in options. There aren't nearly as many controls as with LOMAC or F4AF. Addons, for WOE the NATO fighters addon is the most obvious start. Besides that there's an infinite number of planes, skins and campaigns in the download section here. I'd give you saguanay's link page, but he's probably taken it down by now. Nearly all of the addons between the series are interchangable. Some might require one or two things from a particular game, but if you have all of them, you can canibalize for those assets and run anything, anywhere essentially, even if it says it needs its own seperate install, it can be done
  7. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    That made me think of something that would be awesome- Wheeljack as a ford GT90 prototype.
  8. What Are You Doing to Stay "Green"?

    Didn't USAFMTL say not to get political about it? Yes, there is an agenda. Want to hear it? . . . . wait . . . . For mankind and modern society to survive the century. Seriously, say what you will about al gore, but look at the photos of the effects of global warming. Maybe it hasn't started by you, but the weather is very screwed up. I didn't care all that much until this winter. But back in January, I was working and had to drop a package off across campus. I walked there in a T-shirt while it was a pleasant 70 degrees. On the way back, I noticed trees and plants were budding, and actually pretty close to full leaves growing. actually Bush's acknowledgment of "global climate change" is more accurate than saying global warming....it's neither consistently warmer or colder, but everything is shifting. In temperate southern new york, the temperature has zig-zagged its way between extremes all year. 70 degrees in january, then 5 in february. 50 in may and now we're getting a heat wave from the southwest. We can probably live with global warming, but once we run out of oil, we might as well be living in 1800 again if we haven't switched to alternative fuels. It's not a left/right political issue to bicker over, its a survival issue. If we have to bicker over it, at least bicker over how we're supposed to be solving the problem.
  9. Star Wars Games

    Twist is roll by default, I want it the other way around, like a flight sim. I can barely fly and can't shoot at all with the defaults.
  10. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    Well it was the autobot matrix of leadership, the matrix was just a shortened name.
  11. What Are You Doing to Stay "Green"?

    For the summer, I've cut my driving to a bare minimum. Unfortunately I have to commute to my university every day when classes start again. Living on campus would save hundreds on gas, but there are health issues that would make it difficult for me. That, and we really just can't afford room and board. We recycle, but I've been totally disillusioned by the practice after seeing the truck that picks up the recyclables dump everything into the regular garbage truck The next car I get is going to be a hybrid. Now they're starting to make "normal" hybrids instead of only these ugly little hatchbacks with "futuristic" shapes. I also saw a report on cnn a while ago about oil and alternative fuels. They covered Brazil and its sugarcane ethanol. Apparently it's way better than corn, and they're using cars that run on either 100% ethanol, or a pure ethanol/electric hybrid. What really got my attention was when a worker for GM said they have the engines and cars ready to sell here, but there were so few E80 pumps and no 100% ethanol pumps here to utilize( the quoted numbers but I forgot them). Now if oil companies would install these pumps everywhere, it would go a long way towards reducing our oil consumption, emissions and dependancy on foreign oil. It'd be a reason to buy American cars again. Unfortunately, I don't think many areas would support large sugarcane crops. But I'm no environmental scientist or climatologist.
  12. Live Earth

    Very well said. But a sad reality is that many celebrities don't really care, its just doing what's trendy at the time. There are those who do care and help consistently, but I'd injure myself laughing if I heard paris hilton suddenly became an activist for something(probably something ironic like animal cruelty, while wearing a fur coat at the press conference )
  13. Star Wars Games

    No, I'd like stick twist to be yaw and the x/y to control pitch and roll, like a regular flight sim.
  14. Any recomendations for off site storage

    40+ gigs? So your office's data is almost as big as my SFP1 install? I need to start downloading more I know a canadian who has a server that hosts a mod site I'm part of. He may be able to offer FTP space. With wireless internet it'd be accessable anywhere and safe from breakins, however remote a possibility that is.
  15. Star Wars Games

    Now, with XwA, is there any way to switch the yaw and roll axis for the joystick? I just can't use what I normally use for yaw to roll. That's turned this master pilot into a total n00b again.
  16. Thats alot of work for a really small gain for missiles. Helmet mounted displays would be cool, neccessary for a true F-35. Fly by wire...I really don't see the point? The only possibility would be modeling damage of it, but thats not the kind of realism TK goes for.
  17. Don't mind the wait, their planes are top notch. From my knowledge of programming, the fix for ground radar should be a 2 hour job (10 minutes to fix the code, the rest to package the patch installer and test. unless he lost the source code) But I also read at 3rdwire that the next set of patches will have more than just a simple fix. AI improvements for one, and perhaps even more avionics. I'm also hoping for fixed stealth and thrust vectoring.
  18. Get a Viewsonic or similarly reliable brand. And of course, the internet is your friend, read as many product reviews as you can before buying something major.
  19. Live Earth

    As George Carlin said "f*** the Earth. The Earth is fine. It's our ability to live on it that's in question" The awareness and motivating people is the what it was supposed to do. Publicity for environmentalism. So far I've managed to go the entire month of June without driving or filling up my car. Doubt it helped the environment much, but it did help my wallet. What I can't stand about the whole matter is that doing things more environmentally friendly is decried for "hurting the economy" while other nations do it and have a better economy than us. I saw an article on a pure electric car that outperforms Porsches and Ferraris on the track. I'd drive that immediately if I could afford it.
  20. It hasn't been resolved yet. TK needs to release a patch fixing it in the code.
  21. Thoughts On Barry Bonds Breaking HR Record

    Will I care, not in the least bit.
  22. Generally that kind of image tearing happens when the game is going faster than the monitor can display it. Turning UP the graphics is a better solution than turning them down. What's the response time for the LCD monitor? that makes a huge difference. Also, use the recommended resolution, anything else tends to look blurry around text and edges.
  23. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    Now I haven't seen the movie yet, but that sounds kinda familiar...... Please tell me hot rod didn't show up and get in the way, allowing megatron to blast away optimus prime?
  24. Check and make sure the email didn't get sent to the spam/junk folder. However, by now the link would have expired anyway.

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