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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Call of Duty "No Russian"

    Aren't all car bombs IEDs by nature?...Well besides Ford Pintos. Anyway, exposing people to the real brutality has to be done carefully, "No Russian" did it quite well, but that was offset by some of the almost propaganda like lines out of General Shepherd. Similarly there was a game "Men of Valor" for Vietnam that tried to be in your face, but came across as just cliche. Did anyone notice in the original that it's location suddenly shifted from Saudi Arabia to Iraq on the map/mission briefing for the last level in the middle east where the nuke goes off?
  2. Call of Duty "No Russian"

    "Too violent for kids" Bah! I played Wolfenstein and Doom as a small child, and I'm not f***ed up because of it. I may be f***ed up, but the games had nothing to do with it I watch as my relatives try to shelter my cousins from anything with the slightest hint of violence or anything slightly mature than cartoon daisies with happy faces on them. One of them at 10, barely seemed any older than 5 outside of being taller, and that's a whole different branch of the family that isn't nearly as bad as the others. And I'm certainly not getting that old yet. What does the VB stand for in VBIED?
  3. Call of Duty "No Russian"

    I really didn't understand what the fuss was about. Nor can I stand how sensitive people get over such things, or the complete irony that the same people will watch a disaster or slasher movie with the whole purpose being gratuitous death and destruction and yet they don't complain. These sorts of unconventional sequences in games are what really moves them forward. Movies have been given so much credit for the messages they deliver, the emotions they convey and are treated as art. Games take what movies do passively and put a person right in the middle of everything, so they can be even more powerful than film, they just need to be taken seriously enough. The more a game gets under your skin and evokes emotions, the better. Otherwise, people will continue to think of games as super mario.
  4. Wasn't there a song about this?

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/asia_pacific/10347643.stm 99 luft ballons, Asian style
  5. The greatest past combat FS ever

    What's so special about the Jane's Fighters series? Um everything. Jedi, you're forgetting the epic Fighters Anthology which had everything from USNF onwards in a single package. It took until SF2 with everything merged to match that level of epic simming again. Other than that, CFS3...yeah, but it has a certain magic to it. Was my first sim in years after Fighters Anthology.
  6. Why me?

    There are plenty of other gorgeous women that aren't married. If any part says danger! it's best to listen.
  7. Happy Father's Day

    Happy Father's Day to all the dads here
  8. If it wasn't for open moddability, I'd have completely ignored the series. It was only after canvassing the mod communities to see what was already made and in the works did I go out and buy the original WOV.
  9. Apology

    There's no need for disbelief. And yes, we shouldn't beat on Stiglr, we should actually be congratulating him on remembering to take his medicine for a change!
  10. Happy Birthday Erikgen!

    Happy Birthday!
  11. Well after this year, he's got to be in the best shape he's ever been with TW. Stary, that explains why IsraelME and the FE terrains look a bit nicer. I wonder if target/object placement can be done in Max.
  12. Where does he say it will be built in MAX and paint programs? If that's the case, we'd be able to design some fantastic stuff! Max can import practically everything, from landscapes generated by dedicated terrain engines to entire forests of speedtree trees. And there are already Max tools for FS9/FSX terrain, which has been the best terrain so far in flight sims.
  13. Went to see it

    Jessica Biel? That just might overtake my remake prejudice and see it then.
  14. Learned Something New

    Well these were the same people who thought tomatoes were poisonous.
  15. Learned Something New

    That picture looks really fake, as do a few others I googled. That butt looks like a hamburger. But it is a real animal.... Nature Gallery Notice no hamburger ass Doesn't look as absurdly huge though.
  16. Who needs enemies...

    Doesn't surprise me one bit. But, yes, it makes no sense whatsoever, especially since the CIA has essentially owned the ISI. It's all this shady s**t that really makes me say f*** it and leave. Now if we weren't sustaining our enemies via our "friends" and actually treated those "friends" as the enemies they are, regional politics might be different and winnable.
  17. Well it'll be download only, so it won't be in the box The Iran/Iraq war makes a hell of a lot of sense, especially given a fictional intervention with the US navy. But it is stretching TKs time period (although I vaguely remember him saying something about doing more early 80's after WOI came out) What I'm really curious about is the way the new terrain works. He said it didn't use a new terrain editor on his forums, but that we coud update terrains to the new standards. Very curious. Could it use landclass data like the MSFS instead of the tilesets we're used to? How would it be made? Combining some kind of vector data to mark out boundaries of water and land types combined with a heightmap? I wonder if we'll see better resolution or a better way to have targets or trees placed on maps.
  18. Say goodbye to Chevy

    That's what I was thinking...it'd complete the celebrities dying in three's. Gary Coleman, Dennis Hopper, ???
  19. Lose To Win!

    My sentiments exactly.
  20. Lose To Win!

    This stupidity and socialism (or any political philosophy) have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Unless you make the analogy to the business and globalization concept of the "race to the bottom" Oh there'll be competitive spirit still, but with the new rules they'll be competing to throw the game so they win on this technicality. It's overprotective parents coddling whiney kids. If you suck at a sport, find a different one you're good at, or a whole different activity! Hell I sucked ass at nearly all sports, but if the local school system allowed it, I could have skipped several grades and was a great artist.
  21. Try aiming slightly above the target, that has always seemed to give me better luck with early sidewinders. And get closer, it's suicide with tail gunners, but even if you get a good tone, they won't track well unless you're within 1nm in my experience. IMO you're better off depending on your cannon and trying to get a decent deflection shot.
  22. In the default European campaigns, especially 62 it starts off as overkill. I've yet to survive more than 3 missions in a Hun. Other planes I've had better success (Hunter, thud) Try an addon terrain and campaign and it's much more reasonable.
  23. Oh that would be perfectly fine in my book. Especially considering he's definitely not the only person they've been such savages to. If any of them have ever had a girlfriend, and any future significant others they'd probably be abusive to them too. These are exactly the kinds of f***ers I had to deal with for the better part of my life, but back then the school wouldn't do anything.
  24. Never understimate big groups of stupid people

    Now that's a blast from the past. Gotta love the communist names and all the extra s**t they tack on. I remember seeing a name from some online nations game "the great freedom loving peoples socialist federal democratic republic of (whatever the actual country was)" Now if you want a real kick, look up the all inclusive title of the queen of England!

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