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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Somali pirates target navy ship - Pic sez it all

    Military related? My guess is the later. They've probably seen too many internet pictures of tiny animals making a huge beast flinch and run away, and they thought it be the same with the US Navy 21st century American warship: 1, wooden raft: 0
  2. It's..............So..........Beautiful!
  3. Keep this Cat away!

    Almost speaks for some sort of ESP or 6th sense being real, it happens with earthquakes and tsunamis frequently.
  4. Interesting Interview with Ex-Taliban Fighter

    It stopped being nature since we learned to farm, build fires, buildings, speak and write.
  5. Never, not once have I ever managed. Now matter how slow, how smooth and gentle. I've done it in FE, but since all WW1 planes had fixed undercarriages it's not that great a stretch (or difference between regular ground and an airfield for that matter) So it's not as if the engine is completely incapable of handling it. Likely structural strength and armor might allow a plane to survive. Has anyone belly landed a WW2 prop plane in anything SF?
  6. American girls > Israeli girls

    Only when they're not nice? Oh and Albanian girls are gorgeous too (the two girls on the left)
  7. American girls > Israeli girls

    The actress that plays Ziva on NCIS isn't even Israeli, she's Chilean. And those fat "British girls" could have been labeled American girls and nobody would know the difference.
  8. Now nothing is booting. It's looking like the motherboard is bad, so my data is probably just fine even on the XP drive, just the replacement is 5x more expensive
  9. Why didn't the USN and UK ever adopt a gun equipped variant of the phantom? The key to any cold war US fighters is keeping speed high, of course it's easier said than done most of the time. I hated, hated the F-104 until I mastered keeping its speed high. Still can't seem to get it right in the phantom or F-100.
  10. My windows 7 drive is brand new. My XP drive was 9 years old and wasn't terribly surprised about it. Not a huge deal, as that drive was mostly junk I never did anything with, I stopped putting stuff on there a while back when I first got the feeling it was on its way out.
  11. My Windows XP drive died Saturday. Windows 7 and my other drives are just fine, but I lost everything I've done in photoshop and 3dsmax to this crash. And I've already been smashed in the face by a shovel back when we had 15 feet of snow...
  12. OT Is EVE Online any good...

    I did the trial back in the fall and liked it alot, it was very addictive, I'm also a fan of the X series. I plan on eventually getting a subscription, I've held off because there are so many single player games I need to get through that actually have an ending before I get sucked into a game that will last forever. The only thing is you don't directly pilot your ship as in X games, you essentially give it commands like if it was a space RTS game, or if you didn't have a joystick and flew with the autopilot always in X. I thought it would, but it didn't really bother me.
  13. Has Anyone seen this story...?

    What about all the people who don't serve in combat roles? What about the medics who save people? And how is this any different than discriminating based on sex or ethnicity? He also says anyone who got a paycheck from the british government. The Irish in me doesn't have a problem with that
  14. F-16s would be the best bet for Dhimar, widely exported and multi-role but I've always liked seeing them with a mix of british/french planes too. As for Paran, Mig-23s/27s would probably be the most common fighter available, with some mig-29s thrown in as new replacements and Su-22s as bomber squadrons. Names, I can remember seeing anything more colorful than just numbered fighter, attack/bomber squadron. Get creative if you like!
  15. 2010 Oscar Results.

    With blue people, thus Dances with Smurfs.
  16. 2010 Oscar Results.

    The Hurt Locker was good, but I don't think it was Oscar winning amazing, or as good as Saving Private Ryan or anything HBO's done (Band of Brothers, Generation Kill). It was way too predictable. It was all too easy to know what would blow up, who would get shot, etc. Dances with smurfs and Tarantino is too far out of the mainstream for them to ever give such an award to. Surprising a war film got it, normally the best picture always goes to the sleep inducing emotionally heavy drama that leaves you ready to commit suicide after watching it.
  17. Surely this is the unluckiest family in the world?

  18. Utah women may face murder charges after miscarriages

    Yes, there are many options for giving away a baby, but even with unwanted children, mothers get attached and keep the baby, even when they can't properly take care of it. The point I'm making is designing a law, you have to take into account possibilities and side effects, not going after one outcome with tunnel vision on a specific subscription of morality. No organism can have a heartbeat, without having an actual heart, I wouldn't exactly call the most primitive circulatory and respiratory systems a heartbeat.
  19. Utah women may face murder charges after miscarriages

    Mostly agreed, but it goes both ways, pro-life and pro-death penalty, if life is so sacred no matter how inconsequential, then even a criminal's life is worth keeping around. To not be contradictory, you've got to be pro-life and anti-death penalty (and in a wider sense, anti-violence all together), or find that every once and a while, it may be better overall if someone unborn isn't and that some who have wronged deserved to die. For elective abortions, no state funding is perfectly reasonable, but what about in the case of rape, incest or their life is in danger? There's the exception to every rule. And how about this: those stuck in poverty tend to have the most abortions. By forcing them to have the kid, that's often more welfare and medicaid money to be shoveled out. So it comes back to bite you anyway.
  20. It's the End of the World!

    Really? News this morning was an 8.0 earthquake in Chile. Didn't we talk about seeing more of them after Haiti? Tsunami alert for much of the Pacific. And then I hear of a 7.0 in Japan and it's own tsunami threats. And this of course comes right after Snowmageddon, ie nonstop heavy snow from Wednesday night to this morning. Seriously, what's next? The Yellowstone super-volcano going up? Then we're all kinds of f***ed. 2010, the year the Earth destroyed itself like in that horrible 2012 movie, but for real and humans didn't do it afterall
  21. Utah women may face murder charges after miscarriages

    Nobody is "pro-abortion" (well unless its rape/incest) It's just nobody else can't tell a person what they do with their body.
  22. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

    Go with the Viper, more exotic than the vette.
  23. Utah women may face murder charges after miscarriages

    More idiotic knee-jerk reactions. One instance isn't something to make a law with such potentially broad consequences. What she did was rather f***ed up, but if they made a law out of every f***ed up thing people do, that would result in the worst police state mankind has ever seen. More than anything they're simply trying to maneuver a new challenge to Roe V. Wade, considering this supreme court just overturned campaign finance laws, they think they will have success.
  24. Looking for work

    You're in NJ? What part?

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