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Everything posted by usafphantom2

  1. PanamaRed,Yeah thanks for your reply's and links guys.Wrench asked a question and I thought it would be inpolite not to respond so dont be offended.
  2. Ok,I have this plane and it has a bare metal skin file and a camo skin file and no markings at all.I would like to at least put a national insignia on the fuselage and wings, can I do that?If so point me to the right KB or tell me how please.
  3. To answer your question at the top of your post.................YES!
  4. Wrench what ini file should be in the canards file?It did not have any to start with,unless your talking about a copy of the Data.ini file which I did put a copy of in the canards folder.But I followed the directions you guys gave me but for some reason the canards aren't showing up?The pilot sticking out of the bottom of the plane is gone though.Any suggestions on what else I could try?Thanks for all your help guys.
  5. Wow,Thanks you guy's are the greatest!
  6. Hey I'm only talking about the updated campaign material.The readme on that file says to totally delete the campaign folder contents and replace with the new,So there must have been a problem with the original?We're just using for reference so I hope we are not stepping on anyones toes?Wrench let people know if there is a problem nobody want's any trouble.
  7. Also a Korean war veteran.
  8. Hey,There is also a file you should check out in SF1 dwnlds by malibu43 Korean Air War Ground Object and Campaign Update-say's it fixes some probs,maybe some answers there?
  9. Campaign building that is,might of missed it but looked in SF1 & SF2 KB's........Thanks for a point in the right direction.
  10. The Topic There is informative and thanks to Dave for posting it!My point is for people who dont have experience with this,We could use a little more please?TThanks. Dave is great! all hail Dave!
  11. If we can only have 2-3 planes in a release I vote for more of the absent enemy types! Or at least as DLC's! I dont think MikoyanGurevich or Sukoi would take TK to court?
  12. Does anybody other than TK really know how they(wingmen)work?Do the ones with higher Exp points,morale ect......employ their armament any better or follow orders better than the lower ones?Has anyone noticed any difference?
  13. What about JOE FOSS the first Marine aviator to get the Medal of Honor in F4F?
  14. I wanted to wish all our members a safe,enjoyable holidays! Remember to check fire That might be Santa on your six! Best Wishes!
  15. No I tottally missed sub-forums,But thanks there's info there on something else I was looking for!Thanks for your help!
  16. Hey,I dont know what the cost to make would be but I think we would all give good money for some avanced russian migs & sukhois.I know I would.
  17. What line of which ini file do i have to edit when I'm damaged to tell the enemy gunners to kiss my A#$%&*!?
  18. G940 or Cougar ?

    I have moved up to the Warthog and ProCombat pedals,I had the old TM RCS which was great unless you want Toe braking.Yes like anything else you use alot your stick and throttle will wear unless you can get used to one of the forced feed joysticks that dont move at all,It sense's your input thru the force you put on the stick just like the real ones in the F-16,F-22,F-35.It has no moving parts so unless you snap it in half during a high g turn Thats a plus.But I never tried one and dont know if i can get used to that.Maybe someone here can comment if they use one.
  19. Hi,Hey does anybody know if there is a keyboard key in Win7 that will return you to the sim after it's thrown you out to the desktop? Thanks!
  20. G940 or Cougar ?

    I used the Cougar and had no problems the controls will loosen up some with use,I guess it's a question of whether you want single throttle control or dual.
  21. Ever had battle damage,completed mission requirements,fly all your waypoints and successfully trap aboard your carrier and have your debrief tell you are dead?Happened in KAW 3 times already! Oh and by the way I guess the question should have been .....Your mission is CAP deep in enemy territory but your wingmen's aircraft have an empty hardpoint so I load some AG rockets Cause when I'm done with my mission I like to hit targets of opportunity on the way out.But my wingies only use their guns if they obey any instructions at all.So......they haved to be tasked with the AG mission before they will use that ordinance?
  22. It's all in russian , is there one for SF2?

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