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Everything posted by acesfakia

  1. ....WHAT do you mean ..."There is..No more Fuel"...????
  2. if this is not a mirage....then what is ?? M I R A G E in SF 2 ( Look in the sea.....)
  3. http://combatace.com/files/file/14689-open-atlantic-terrain-hfd/ http://combatace.com/files/file/14505-open-ocean-carrier-battle-map/ I will up load pic's...for the Mirage...system of the Game....!!!
  4. File Name: SF 2 NA/E LA SAONE FN TANKER File Submitter: acesfakia File Submitted: 30 January 2017 File Category: Cargo and Transports Petrolier ravitailleur d'escadre LA SA?NE 30/01/2017 SF2 E/NA LA SA?NE class AOR TANKER FRENCH NAVY (P?trolier ravitailleur d'escadre ) The AOR class or LA SA?NE class TANKER were the first TANKER built for the French Navy after the Second World War. During the wwII the German's stop the build. Two ships were built between 1945 and 1949.... The ships were modernised ... and decommissioned in the 1980s, when they were replaced by the DURANCE-class TANKER'S. The ships were designed as TANKER for the Squadron escorts (Escorteur d'escadre) ....and Carrier's. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Install: For all users: unzip, as I always reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =For SF2 Series Users: These are the simple instructions ... Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder. From the gun's ....data folder' Copy/Paste the gun's folder into your Objects/Guns subfolder....... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: if using a weapons pak that includes this weapon, you can either skip it, or let if overwrite. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then, take the subfolder marked Decal's (this contains the hull number decals), and copy/paste it into you .........Objects/Decals subfolder. It's all set up for nearly instant use. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit's Skins:AceSfakia 3D Model: AceSfakia Data.ini:Acesfakia Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc :COMBATACE, T W ======================================================================================================= -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given.. All copyrights reserved. This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.. Source: Wikipedia netmarine.fr Click here to download this file
  5. Version v2 .1


    Petrolier ravitailleur d'escadre LA SA?NE 30/01/2017 SF2 E/NA LA SA?NE class AOR TANKER FRENCH NAVY (P?trolier ravitailleur d'escadre ) The AOR class or LA SA?NE class TANKER were the first TANKER built for the French Navy after the Second World War. During the wwII the German's stop the build. Two ships were built between 1945 and 1949.... The ships were modernised ... and decommissioned in the 1980s, when they were replaced by the DURANCE-class TANKER'S. The ships were designed as TANKER for the Squadron escorts (Escorteur d'escadre) ....and Carrier's. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Install: For all users: unzip, as I always reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =For SF2 Series Users: These are the simple instructions ... Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder. From the gun's ....data folder' Copy/Paste the gun's folder into your Objects/Guns subfolder....... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: if using a weapons pak that includes this weapon, you can either skip it, or let if overwrite. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then, take the subfolder marked Decal's (this contains the hull number decals), and copy/paste it into you .........Objects/Decals subfolder. It's all set up for nearly instant use. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit's Skins:AceSfakia 3D Model: AceSfakia Data.ini:Acesfakia Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc :COMBATACE, T W ======================================================================================================= -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given.. All copyrights reserved. This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.. Source: Wikipedia netmarine.fr
  6. Version


    16/02/2017 For Strike Fighters 2 Mar 2012 Series game installs... Aviso Type A-69 class D'Estienne d'Orves Class Corvette (Burak-class or Drummond class) A class of 17 French Navy ships entering service during the 70s and early 80s, Type A-69 D'Estienne D'Orves Corvettes were designed for coastal anti-submarine warfare as well as scouting, training and other secondary duties. 250' in length and displacing 1,100 tons, these are not large ships but are nevertheless seaworthy - and economical-vessels. ...but are also available for high sea escort missions (notably in support missions with the FOST). Built on a simple and robust design, they have an economical and reliable propulsion system which allows them to be used for overseas presence missions. The A69 design was based on the Portuguese Navy's Jo?o Coutinho-class corvettes. Armament and combat systems vary, and there were even plans - subsequently canceled - to outfit two of them with helicopter landing facilities. ========================================================================================= Burak-class corvette Burak-class corvette (Turkish: Burak sinifi korvet), aka B-class corvette, is a warship class of the Turkish Navy, all ex-D'Estienne d'Orves class A69 type Aviso corvettes, mainly designed for coastal anti-submarine defense and ocean escort missions. Their robust design and economical propulsion system allows them to be used for distant overseas operations. A total of six-(6)- ships under the Burak-class are being operated by the Turkish Navy and will be phased out with introduction of Ada-class corvettes TCG Bozcaada (F-500), formerly Commandant de Pimodan (F787) TCG Bodrum (F-501), formerly Drogou (F783) TCG Bandirma (F-502), formerly Quartier-Ma?tre Anquetil (F786) TCG Beykoz (F-503), formerly D'Estienne d'Orves (F781) TCG Bartin (F-504), formerly Amyot d'Inville (F782) TCG Bafra (F-505), formerly Second-Ma?tre Le Bihan (F788) ========================================================================================== Drummond class he Argentine Navy also operates three D'Estienne D'Orves-class ships, locally known as the Drummond class. The first two ships were originally ordered by the South African Navy, but due to UN sanctions against South Africa, they were not delivered and were bought by the Argentine Navy in 1978. The third ship of the class was ordered by Argentina and was delivered in 1981. P-31 ARA Drummond (ex-South African Good Hope) P-32 ARA Guerrico (ex-South African Transvaal) P-33 ARA Granville =========================================================================================== TO INSTALL: - Put incuded folder in your main mod one...in the ..... folder "GroundObjects" directory C:\Users\ name ace........?? \Saved Games\ThirdWire\.....mod......\..... And everything will go to his position....! -------------------------------------------- Legal BS: This is freeware........ it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. Please do not distribute or post without previous consent. All copyrights reserved ============================================================================================ CREDITS: all is new Model textures etc... by AceSfakia I would like to say a Big thank's to this comunity, and special to all moder's that explain and help me many times. Special thank's to WhiteBoySamurai...for explain..and help in the ship's. Whiteboysamurai /original 100mm Gun & Exocet ...Source Combatace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources and references Combatace WikiMedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia NetMarine.net L'Arsenal 1:400 Scale Full Hull Resin Kit

    I fix the mistake with the rar file. Now is rar and zip.
  8. Very Nice work ..........!!!!!!!........"SNAV Sicilia"....... Please up load it........!!!!!! ============================================================================================ ..also ship's from terrain's......ARE NOT MINE ! I just find out that was there....so long time now....and we pass it...!!!
  9. ....it will come....!!!! Almost ready.....!
  10. File Name: A-69 type class Aviso class FF /Corvette File Submitter: acesfakia File Submitted: 16 February 2017 File Category: Frigates 16/02/2017 For Strike Fighters 2 Mar 2012 Series game installs... Aviso Type A-69 class D'Estienne d'Orves Class Corvette (Burak-class or Drummond class) A class of 17 French Navy ships entering service during the 70s and early 80s, Type A-69 D'Estienne D'Orves Corvettes were designed for coastal anti-submarine warfare as well as scouting, training and other secondary duties. 250' in length and displacing 1,100 tons, these are not large ships but are nevertheless seaworthy - and economical-vessels. ...but are also available for high sea escort missions (notably in support missions with the FOST). Built on a simple and robust design, they have an economical and reliable propulsion system which allows them to be used for overseas presence missions. The A69 design was based on the Portuguese Navy's Jo?o Coutinho-class corvettes. Armament and combat systems vary, and there were even plans - subsequently canceled - to outfit two of them with helicopter landing facilities. ========================================================================================= Burak-class corvette Burak-class corvette (Turkish: Burak sinifi korvet), aka B-class corvette, is a warship class of the Turkish Navy, all ex-D'Estienne d'Orves class A69 type Aviso corvettes, mainly designed for coastal anti-submarine defense and ocean escort missions. Their robust design and economical propulsion system allows them to be used for distant overseas operations. A total of six-(6)- ships under the Burak-class are being operated by the Turkish Navy and will be phased out with introduction of Ada-class corvettes TCG Bozcaada (F-500), formerly Commandant de Pimodan (F787) TCG Bodrum (F-501), formerly Drogou (F783) TCG Bandirma (F-502), formerly Quartier-Ma?tre Anquetil (F786) TCG Beykoz (F-503), formerly D'Estienne d'Orves (F781) TCG Bartin (F-504), formerly Amyot d'Inville (F782) TCG Bafra (F-505), formerly Second-Ma?tre Le Bihan (F788) ========================================================================================== Drummond class he Argentine Navy also operates three D'Estienne D'Orves-class ships, locally known as the Drummond class. The first two ships were originally ordered by the South African Navy, but due to UN sanctions against South Africa, they were not delivered and were bought by the Argentine Navy in 1978. The third ship of the class was ordered by Argentina and was delivered in 1981. P-31 ARA Drummond (ex-South African Good Hope) P-32 ARA Guerrico (ex-South African Transvaal) P-33 ARA Granville =========================================================================================== TO INSTALL: - Put incuded folder in your main mod one...in the ..... folder "GroundObjects" directory C:\Users\ name ace........?? \Saved Games\ThirdWire\.....mod......\..... And everything will go to his position....! -------------------------------------------- Legal BS: This is freeware........ it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. Please do not distribute or post without previous consent. All copyrights reserved ============================================================================================ CREDITS: all is new Model textures etc... by AceSfakia I would like to say a Big thank's to this comunity, and special to all moder's that explain and help me many times. Special thank's to WhiteBoySamurai...for explain..and help in the ship's. Whiteboysamurai /original 100mm Gun & Exocet ...Source Combatace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources and references Combatace WikiMedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia NetMarine.net L'Arsenal 1:400 Scale Full Hull Resin Kit Click here to download this file
  11. A-69 type class Aviso class FF /Corvette

    All Weapon's work's.....!!!
  12. I think someone here at combatace ...put a photo with Lcac.......!!! Are many free 3d model's around the net.....! And i think i can not make them....for now ...because of the time.....free....!! Sorry.
  13. ...we have also this in the terrain's...
  14. File Name: SF2 "General" Cargo Ship File Submitter: acesfakia File Submitted: 07 February 2017 File Category: Cargo and Transports 07/02/2017 SF2 E/NA Cargo SHIP General Cargo Ship for the Game This a General Look for ship's that you can see around the sea's.......!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Install: For all users: unzip, as I always reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =For SF2 Series Users: These are the simple instructions ... Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit's........ Skins: AceSfakia 3D Model: AceSfakia Data.ini: Acesfakia Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc :COMBATACE, T W ======================================================================================================= -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given.. All copyrights reserved. This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.. Source: Wikipedia Click here to download this file
  15. ...also a General Cargo....for the terrain's...
  16. Version


    07/02/2017 SF2 E/NA Cargo SHIP General Cargo Ship for the Game This a General Look for ship's that you can see around the sea's.......!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Install: For all users: unzip, as I always reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =For SF2 Series Users: These are the simple instructions ... Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit's........ Skins: AceSfakia 3D Model: AceSfakia Data.ini: Acesfakia Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc :COMBATACE, T W ======================================================================================================= -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given.. All copyrights reserved. This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.. Source: Wikipedia
  17. and another type.... http://combatace.com/files/file/16385-sf2-e-na/ GENERAL SHIP.rar MAERSK CARGO.rar
  18. ...sURE NO PROBLEM..... BUT I HAVE A VERY....LITLLE TIME.....!!!!!!! NOW 2 YEAR'S I MAKE THE FLEET FOR THE FN....!!!!! AND now only i finish it ....!= make the uv map...etc.... The model's are easy ....The mistakes and uv map is dificult and the test's..and to have a PLAN !!!! ship plan ! I will up load some model's here ...as you want and finish it...ok ?? Any special model ...??
  19. Jules Verne fleet tender We do have many DD Frigates etc......But few ...AOR AO Ship's....for the Fleet's...!!!! ....also Hellipad's...for the Helli's... I was Like to make also the round of the Earth......but i did only the 1/3....
  20. 'Pétrolier ravitailleur d'escadre La Saône IS READY for the Task Force..

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