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Everything posted by Happy308

  1. Update: I did a second test on the moment the game freezes (Mirage F-1CE) The poly count is only 12866, FPS is 59 and gameloop 1 This is a screenshot right before I make a left turn, and the game freezes.
  2. Hi Rends, It's probably not my graphics card I use a AMD Radeon 7870 with 2GB of DDR5 ram. But I wanted to know for sure , so I flew the Buccaneer-S2B to Bremerhaven,... no freeze. I'll do some more testing and let you know if i find something. P.S. what a great terrain !
  3. Hi Rends, I am able to reproduce the error. The season of the map does not matter. But the type of airplane does. When I fly one of the new Mirage F1 aircraft form Nordholz and make a left turn towards Bremerhaven the game freezes up. I tried the mirage F-1C, F1-C_200 and the F-1CE whith and without weapons. I could not repreduce this error with the TW DLC Mirage IIIC or the stock F-4C Phantom. Also when the game loads using the new Germany map It's stuck for a much longer time at 80% then any other map. Is this normal ? I'll try a few other non TW aircraft around Bremerhaven
  4. Yesterday I got two CTD's on the same position on the Winter map. The faulting module was terainengine.dll. It was around Cuxhaven / Nordholz when flying from over land to water. I'll try to reproduce the fault again when I get home.
  5. Hello Piecemeal, I also have slow downs over Hanoi and when there is a lot of action on the ground and in the air. I changed my graphics card from a Radeon 7770 to a Radeon 7870, but dit not notice any difference. I gained a big boost from disabling mirrors, and putting ground objects on medium.(I know you dont want to change these settings) I also disabled HPET in the bios and Turned DEP off in Windows.This gave me a huge boost in DCS A-10 and a small one in SF2. So the bottle neck is my CPU. These are my settings.(my system is in Dutch) CPU intel i5 2400 3.1 GHZ 2x OCZ 120 GB ssd Radeon 7870 8 GB Corsair RAM Catalyst settings INI settings Game settings: This is what is lookes like in game: (still a lot of buildings and trees) I hope this information is useful to you.
  6. Some more French stuff. Fill her up,.. On patrol.
  7. Thank you for this great aircraft and for your hard work ! It is really amazing. I found a bug with the font undercariage. During its compression it suddenly pops out again. and disconnects. And when in the cockpit and looking outside everething is grayish,.. or is that supossed to be ? and there is a small clear area. I hope this information helps.
  8. Love those Dutch starfighters Soulfreak !
  9. I also expirienced the lockups. But not when trying to access the map but when i tried to access the loadoud screen. It happend in single missions and campains with stock aircraft and stock campains. Event viewer showed me de faulting module is C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters\Core\GraphicsEngineDX10.dll So I replaced the GraphicsEngineDX10.dll with a older version. ( I had a backup of the game dir ) And I haven't had a single lockup since.
  10. Brauche einen Computerratschlag

    I use super anti spyware portable and malwarebytes on infected machines. Use them both but not at the same time. If the scans are complete u can use tdds killer for a final check. It checks for root kits. Sorry this is in Eglish, my german writing is very bad. Good luck !
  11. Great find, thank you for sharing.
  12. Thank you for the tip, I watched it last night.

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