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Everything posted by claw

  1. I'm obviously not good at math (which is an understatement). So I'm a bit at loss. This is the Archipelago_nations.ini. What to do? (I'm using the Karel Doorman as carrier and I'm flying for the Netherlands Navy.) -------------------------------------- [Theater] TheaterName=Tuatanu Archipelago Location001=British, French & Spanish St. George's Islands Location002=Occupied St. George's Islands [LimitedNationList] FriendlyNation001=RAF FriendlyNation002=FRANCE FriendlyNation003=SPAIN FriendlyNation004=Australia FriendlyNation005=FrenchNavy FriendlyNation006=AustralianNavy FriendlyNation007=NewZealand FriendlyNation008=RoyalNavy FriendlyNation007=Netherlands FriendlyNation008=NetherlandsNavy EnemyNation001=CHINA EnemyNation002=NKorea EnemyNation003=Indonesia
  2. I hope you find the answer because I noted the same thing on the Archipelago map just now. I used the mission editor to start the mission from a carrier but it is empty (but for my plane).
  3. My pleasure. Thanks for the cookie! (although my dentist advised to block all cookies)
  4. Is this of any help? http://planetphotoshop.com/dashed-lines-in-photoshop.html
  5. My first thought also. And that's why I love it!
  6. Thanks for sharing all this great stuff
  7. I stand corrected. The "C" was a slip-of-thekeyboard. I was thinking along these lines: http://aviationintel.com/2011/04/25/it-could-have-been-the-a-10b-naw/

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