How can i modify an aircraft so that it can carry and use certain weapons?
For example, i found that my F-35 model just able to use AIM-9 missile for air to air fighting, how can i make it able to carry AIM-120 AMRAAM as well? The AIM-120 missile is not available for selection in the weapons list. My other aircraft like F-18 is able to use AIM-120 AMRAAM.
I had search through this forum and i only found one model for AC-130 gunship for SF1 from http://combatace.com/files/file/7484-ac-130a-gunship-updated/
But the aircraft has fail to show up on the runway, i tried it in WoI, anybody can help me?
Any other AC-130 model available for SF1 except the one that i got?
Thanks in advance.