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Everything posted by switch

  1. Two Weeks Before Christmas!

    Was Mom part of the raid? :D Now, that`s the way CNN should have annouced it!
  2. I don`t think my knowledge of ME is "advanced" but ... fire away! (the questions)
  3. Callsign Origins

    All right!!! - I flipped the wrong switch one time too many (only once!) and I won`t say which one! I`m sure Cretin will try to answer it for me! ;)
  4. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    Looking sharp Chief! Since you mentioned Pensacola - I was stationed at Eglin and Hurlburt Field (USAF - enlisted) and I visited Pcola NAS quite often. I actually landed at Sherman Field couple of times, flying small "puddle-jumpers" from Eglin AeroClub. I like the NavAir museum there - they got some cool stuff. It`s been a while though - `85-`90
  5. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    :D It depends how much booze he had the night before.
  6. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    I`m just curious. How "knowledgable" was FE with regards to F-14 systems, operation and tactics? Did anybody try to get him talk a little? Not just Naval admin stuff. I`m not a Tomcat pilot, but I`m sure I could come up with questions that would make him sweat a little. Well, unless he was one! No classified stuff.
  7. Saddam Has Been Captured!

    Personally, I didn`t give a flying "hoot" whether he gets captured or not. He was just a rat scramming from one hole to another. But there is a crapload of other "individuals" that Spec Ops are trying to line up their crosshairs on. To me saddam`s capture is a valuable source for "spin doctors". I don`t think it`s gonna make our troops any safer. It is a heck of a morale boost though!
  8. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

  9. Oh Lordie, I`ll be checking early morning messages, when Snapple wakes up to this one :D <_<
  10. Am I still at UBI`s? ;) Oh, OK
  11. Cretin, you`re mixing everything into it now. If you want to throw in all the variables in A-A fight - you need at least 50 pages. Corner Speed - pure and simple: Smallest radius + Highest turn rate (it`s a compromise for both)
  12. Although I haven`t seen it myself ;) , with so many types of a/c all over the world, it`s quite feasible to include that "tickmark" (even for a transit condition). In any modern a/c the flight computer is perfectly capable of calculating it. It knows your a/c`s weight (fuel, stores, well - you have to jettison them anyway!) and it certainly knows your a/c`s characteristics. Well, in IMHO checking the tables before the flight would do!
  13. Any specific model, type of a/c you`re talking about?
  14. I think he`s asking about the way to record parts of the flight, sort of like a full screen gun camera footage. Turn it on when you need it then turn it off during the flight. I don`t think you can do this. I`m sure there`s is a way to edit the video. Cut out the stuff you don`t need. Haven`t tried it though.
  15. Where in the real a/c would it be located?!
  16. Idea For Mrmudd

    How about few more details, MrMudd? I imagine the first title has something to do with helos?
  17. I just saw the thread on UBI`s forum. Haven`t seen any posts regarding this here. MrMudd, are you part of it?
  18. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    Bullseye Shogunny! It`s actually fun to watch someone live out his or hers virtual life. All I care is that his virtual formation flying was on a descent level, his virtual discipline was OK, good challange in a virtual air battle, etc. Admiral Switch
  19. Thanks MrMudd, that clears up a lot.
  20. Jeez, by the time he`s old enough to get the licence He`ll be ready to test the skills of his FAA examiners. Now, to on-line flying. I`m a newbe to this so I`m still a little fuzzy on details. In MSFS when you join up as client, all the settings like weather, vis, etc. are set by the host, right? Another thing: (I know you don`t have that much time) It would be great if one day you can post some scenario, area, required aircraft and of course mission time (be it SAR, fire) and people can join up in some function or another. I`ll try to practice rotorhead stuff beforehand (my initial flights in MS helos were not pretty!) Well, just a thought.
  21. I did try to join in around 23:45 PST I didn`t see anybody there. Then I fired up one of my local saved flights in T-37. I tried hooking up again and there was guy with a glorious callsign "Catbut" that joined up on me. But things were not good with my T-37. Some files must`ve got corrupted when I was screwing around with graphics and system setups for Lo-Mac. So I had to bug out! I ended up re-installing FS and T-37. It works great now. I connected to Biohaz server again at around 14:00 today, using teamspeak. Everything was working fine - except nobody there! BTW. MrMudd, I checked out the area of 4S2. Killer scenery! (I have everything on high settings in res 1600x1200, AF-16x, AA-2) Also, what do you normaly fly in FS MrMudd?
  22. Never mind MadJeff, I just tested it - it works!
  23. MadJeff, I pinged the above mentioned server. Request was timed out, but I got the Name to IP resolution: Is this correct?

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