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Everything posted by abmhawk

  1. Hi guys, I just installed SF2 on my new computer with Windows10. The game starts up fine but there are issues. None of my add-on aircraft or maps or for that matter no add-ons can be detected by the game. Another thing is that once it goes into the game my keyboard and mouse stop working. I cant turn my head in the cockpit, no thrust, nothing... has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone know a fix?
  2. Iranian Weapons for Op Darius

  3. International military aid to Iraq...
  4. Gunning down the last Iraqi MiG-25 [me= F-14]
  5. The Iraqis also borrowed 5 Super Etendards from France. 1 was shot down by an Iranian F-14 during delivery and 2 others during combat.
  6. Flying 'Iron Hand' eh... Flying 'Iron Hand' eh...
  7. Centurion, is this mode going to have actual missions from the war if any?
  8. Hello Centurion, I'm a big fan of your work. Its worth mentioning that ever since the Azarakhsh and Saeqeh (Iranian derivatives of the American made F-5) started entering service, IRIAF started phasing out the F-5 and to be used mostly as training aircraft. Azarakhsh: Saeqeh:
  9. Strahi, Those were some really nice shots, what mode is that?
  10. What do you think of this? Laser guided 1000lb retarded bombs. Post war weaponry.
  11. Hello Morteza, Nice F14AM. Do you have the new camo to go with it as well? What weapns pack is the Sedjeel missile from? E-3A clipped.
  12. Thank you Wrench, always to the rescue. IRIAF F-4D & E
  13. LOL , when I try to upload screen shots, its says that I have used the disk space allotted to me.
  14. IRIAF F-14 armed with GBU-67 QADR I see. Are you including all IRIAF ordinance? Will it be available for download?
  15. Nice Tomcat Ravenclaw ! What weapons pack is that from? by the way, I think the HAWK is called the Sedjeel with the IRIAF as they produce the missile themselves now with new capabilities: (I apologies for posting actual photos) Tomcats with bombs
  16. Hello Jeanba, Its just an add-on aircraft using the regular full-merged SF2. I hope that helps. I would however appreciate it if someone could tell me how I could get such beautiful terrain like the one above with the F-105 or if its possible to enhance the terrain of the game.

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