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Falcon Six Two

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Everything posted by Falcon Six Two

  1. God And Bad News

    Hell yeah!!!!!! That's some of the best news I've heard! :D
  2. Incentive Rides

    Sitting duck?
  3. Photo And Note From The Gulf

    Wow........too much time and spray paint......disastrous effects indeed!!!!! ;) :)
  4. Merry Christmas To All...

    What????? Heresy!!!!!! Evil!!!!! It can't be true!!!!! No!!!!
  5. Merry Christmas To All...

    Damn Straight!!! :D Too bad I ain't in the Marines but oh well.....
  6. Incentive Rides

    LOL!!!!!! For a turtle!!!!!! ROTLMFAO!!!!!
  7. Incentive Rides

    That's the thing I hate about flying: birds. They're such a safety hazard. getting caught up in the engines and jamming them up.....
  8. What Are You Looking Foward Too??

    In short: EVERYTHING!!!!!
  9. IIRC someone over here at BioHaz said this before so this is their idea NOT mine. All credit goes to the original poster. You place this in the note of the AI airplanes, in (AircraftData) CockpitDataFile=A-4E_COCKPIT.INI HangarScreen= LoadoutImage= AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-4E_avionics.ini For example, the Mig-21PFM, will be this way: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=MiG-21PFM Fishbed-F AircraftDataFile=MiG-21PFM_data.ini LoadoutFile=MiG-21PFM_loadout.ini CockpitDataFile=A-4E_COCKPIT.INI HangarScreen= LoadoutImage= AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-4E_avionics.ini There you go! This should significantly reduce the number of posts saying "how do I make this flyable?" You can also d/l a document of this for your own records. How_to_make_AI_Planes_Flyable.rtf
  10. Battlefield Vietnam

  11. Merry Christmas To All...

    Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you too! :) But go NAVY? Nah. Uncle Sam's Misguided Children all the way!!!! USMC!!!!!(well, they're actually a division of the NAVY so that has to count for something right?);)
  12. Welcome To The New Jet Thunder Forum

    How much will it sell for? Will your fellow BioHaz friends get a discount? Please?
  13. Looks Great! Just Don't Let It Turn Out Like...

    "The one we all know about." Please don't bring that up here. Not now. Falcon Six Two
  14. Photo And Note From The Gulf

    Is that Photoshopped?
  15. 3rd Party Addon Problems

    Not sure if this will help, but you want might to ask at SimHQ.
  16. Damn.......if only she was here for just one more Christmas....I feel bad for you Wally. You'll be in my prayers. :(
  17. Incentive Rides

    Some guys just have all the luck......
  18. Ok guys....I have news. I'm the new Strike Fighters Moderator/Editor. I don't ask much besides the normal forum rules. Keep it clean and simple. No flames. We don't want to drag all the problems of SimHQ over here so let's keep it clean and Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New year!!!! :D
  19. Incentive Rides

    That sucks.....damn and I though being a civilian was hard! Looks like you military types have it tough(not that it hasn't ben tough enough for you already)
  20. Do You Miss The Old Forum??

    They did all transfer, we didn't lose anything as far as I know... They did?
  21. Do You Miss The Old Forum??

    Ditto, but I wish all the posts from the old forum could've benn transfered here. It would've been a big help.
  22. Abacus...these Guys Are Great!

    Excellent! Now where did I put the keys to the car?
  23. Abacus...these Guys Are Great!

    Damn! I was just going to get this until I saw this.
  24. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    Yeah, I'd like to know as well. Where has he been?

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