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Everything posted by X8X8X

  1. Sounds great! ​I'll pick it up on the next steam sale. Are there any rumors about FC4 (trying not to get any started, just asking)? Best regards, X8X8X
  2. Hello dear users of this forum First of all a happy "good day" from me, a - quite young - german fan of - quite old - military aircrafts (and racecars) who decided to play this game a week ago and enjoys it very much. The only thing I don´t like about this game is the fact a player is able to fly western aircrafts only, I´d like to fly eastern aircrafts too. Do you know some must-haves (mods, aircrafts, maps, missions, campains) to play on the communistic side of the cold war too (in the same way players are able to play on the capitalistic side of the cold war in the standard-game)? Thankyou very much for your help! Kindest Regards X8X8X
  3. Thankyou very much for this trick! Kindest Regards X8X8X
  4. I tried it today and it worked out perfectly, I´m having much (more) fun with this game now. Thanks again for your help! Kindest Regards X8X8X
  5. Thankyou very much for your replies and your welcome, I´m going to try it tomorrow. Regards X8X8X

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