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Everything posted by Sheriff001

  1. Otherwise, you can buy the Razbam Intruders - however I know of no skins for them on this site, so you'd be stuck with the stock Razbam skins. They are certainly not compatible with the TW Intruders.
  2. "You can't kill a squadron..."

    You can kill a squadron:
  3. Can we please stop this talk of adulterating the F-102 with gunpods and ejector racks?
  4. The Saab 21R is the closest thing I know to a jet P-38
  5. My What-If RAAF F-4E proceeds apace:
  6. Q: How do you get to Carnegie Hall? R: Practice Successful AIM-4 firings are achieved in the same way. I suggest you download the Range terrain, create some target drones, and practice. That's how I became consistent with the AIM-4. One point - don't create a QB-47 and QB-17, for some reason, the Falcon always misses them. On identical parameters, I consistently hit Tu-16 Drones and QB-29s.
  7. Done. I actually used a hex editor that I have. I found the right file names for the B43 and B83 (the 43's skin is named "B-58_pods.bmp" - that really threw me off), and they test fine. The B61 doesn't appear to have a texture.
  8. It's in English so that Americans don't step on the tail. It's OK for the Japanese.
  9. (Apologies for the necro-post) - Is there a way to make the textures show up for the B61, B83, and Mark 43 nuclear bombs. With the B61 and B83 (Crowd pleaser), all I get is blank grey (as if there's no texture). With the Mk 43, I get black (as if its not finding the texture) This is Mk43.ini file: [WeaponData] ObjectFullName=Mk43 Nuclear Bomb ObjectDataFile=Mk43_data.INI B61.ini [WeaponData] ObjectFullName=B61 ObjectDataFile=B61_data.INI B83.ini [WeaponData] ObjectFullName=B83 Tactical Nuke ObjectDataFile=B83_data.INI In all three, there are no .out files.
  10. Marineflieger attack on Soviet convoy The soundtrack: And on the way back to base:
  11. I have been using the SUU-20B bomb rack for practice runs, however the rack shows up only as a grey shape. There is a texture, however it doesn't seem to be applied to be model. I have the following in the Weapons/SUU-20B folder: SUU-20.bmp SUU-20.lod SUU-20.out SUU-20.ini SUU-20_data.ini I think the problem is in the .out file: MainBody (2980 polys, 8940 verts) 'Material #21' Num Nodes: 1 Total: (2980 polys, 8940 verts) Mesh Max: (2980 polys, 8940 verts) 1 Materials: ( 1) Material #21: <No Texture> 0 Textures: What should I do to get the texture to show up?
  12. That's the other thing ... don't fire Falcons at fighters, it only makes them angry. Best to do a quick run at the bombers, and go home.
  13. To hit with the AIM-4, you need to get everything pretty much right.
  14. You need to change the loadout. The best way is to create a special loadout, and specify "SUU-20B" as the rack. To use it, you'd need to select the loadout in the Mission Editor.
  15. Solved! Thanks, Svetlin. With that SUU-20, I could actually use the texture for the other one (they fit in the same way)
  16. It certainly looks that way. While I obviously can use Volker's excellent weapon racks, the SUU-20 would be nice to have, in its full form. It is just the right sort of thing to have on the Range terrain.
  17. They look more like Imperialist Crusaders.
  18. This is the existing texture: I couldn't find .bmp in the LOD.
  19. Does anyone have, or know where to get, PSD templates for the F-104 drop tanks?

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