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Everything posted by PFunk

  1. I am having a blast right now. Julhelm, wherever you are, the Boeing/Lockheed AFX is quite possibly a work of art.
  2. I'd love to have that, hope it's not a pirated version.
  3. F-35C trials on USS Eisenhower

    Good way for the old girl to offer her final service.
  4. Is there a Sea Flanker anywhere? Or one in the works?
  5. No problem at all, sir. It's done when it's done. Right now, SF2 is more functional and more complete than DCS, to my mind. More than willing to wait for good products.
  6. My head is both bloodied and bowed, sir.
  7. Damn, y'all. I wasn't trying to start stuff. Sorry, Kevin. I really didn't mean it. I'll just roll on until an official one is released.
  8. Lask 2015 airshow Poland

    F-16s never looked better.
  9. Is it hosted somewhere else than here? (Hard to see that)
  10. Has anyone figured out a workaround for night missions in campaigns? This is really annoying.
  11. I want to see some night missions in campaigns, but I've been told the North Atlantic title prevents them because of lighting issues.
  12. Archipelago v1.0



    This is the first in a series of terrains (and probably tilesets) that I plan on making. But, it's not going to be anyplace you recognize. You might notice a few landmasses that look familiar, but this terrain is a complete fabrication, Google Earth will shrug its shoulders if you start looking for it. But that allows you a lot of freedom in terms of scaling and just simply creating anything that pops into your head. This concept came from a couple of ideas. Western militaries have long had a tradition of wargaming exercises and creating war plans using fictional enemies. Consider this terrain to be less like a real world conflict and more like a live-fire training exercise against bad guys with real guns. This terrain will be not be a real place, but I did want some nods to realism, like a realistic number of targets and a realistic number of airfields for an island chain in the Pacific or Indian oceans. The next idea I had came from top-tier games like Battlefield and Call of Duty. Ever notice how their multiplayer maps have vague names? The terrains are a lot like a single-player map pack, and this particular terrain could conceivably be used to create a campaign, but it was really meant and intended for single missions. The last idea was that I want each terrain to be geared for a particular style of warfare, this gets back into the terrain being more of a sandtable exercise than a real conflict. Warfare styles might include traditional Cold War gone hot foes, or a 70s style bush war. This particular terrain is geared for very early jet combat/last of the prop jobs sort of combat, like a war of decolonization. It is designed to be an ECM-free environment, guns, unguided rockets, and dumb bombs. You won't find a single SAM site. You could even mod it into a WW2 theatre if you felt like it. That's another thing. I don't mind if anyone wants to mod this further, like using a particular tileset or such like. If you plan on posting any mods of this terrain here for others to use, just shoot me an email. You don't have to ask for permission, just let me know what you're doing. Also, this is part of the CA freeware agreement. Do not use this for payware. Required Files - SF2 Vietnam (this terrain won't work without it, period)
  13. To my mind, and this is only my opinion, the ne plus ultra of the SF2 series was the Desert Storm mod. It represented the best of what the native engine could do, using the resources that engine was most familiar with. Cold War 70s and 80s-era warhorses and period-accurate SAMs and ECM environment. It makes the best use of what the stock engine and programming of the SF2 series can render. Anything more modern than that requires some serious fiddling with the capabilities and offers a much more limited rate of return for effort. Anything of a newer era of air combat is going to require a significant rewriting of the avionics code in order to really be able to render the world in a way that's as entertaining as the SF2 engine is known for being and as believable as we would like for it to be.
  14. Keep in mind, the tablet market is receding, people figured out that it wouldn't replace your laptop. Since its inception, the iPad actually lost sales for the first time this last quarter. Tablets are here to stay, they're too convenient not to. But, you can't work with Word very well without a snap on keyboard and you look like a dork holding one up to take a picture. Phones are still a winner, because everyone has one. I reviewed SF2NA for another site and that game was broken coming out of the door, no question. There are bugs that still haven't been fixed, enemy carrier ops, for one. I don't know why it was released in the condition that it was. Perhaps you're right, the money was running out. If true, that means the business model wasn't working. The one he has now apparently does, and I'm sure it is much cheaper to code for a mobile and the target audience is arguably less demanding. To that end, it makes sense. I'm observing that ThirdWire began with loyal PC game fans, it's just funny to me.
  15. I kinda laugh a little whenever I see TK remark that he's so glad he no longer develops PC games. He can code for an iPhone today because two years ago I (and a lot of other people) bought a bunch of his PC games and DLCs. Way to crap on us, dude. I love a lot of what SF2 does. It's the closest thing we have to the spiritual heir to Fighters Anthology, but what amazes me is that EA managed to cram better AI subroutines in 100MB of space than TK did in several gigs of hard drive real estate. I'm not really all that excited about MP in the SF2 environment, but there are a lot of improvements that could be done. SF2 still has a better single player mission editor than DCS in my opinion.
  16. Yes, I have done this. I converted all AHM missiles in my Operation Darius install to SAHM missiles and it worked fine.
  17. There are a couple of things you can do. Don't fly past about 1991, for starters. You can also convert all AHMs to SAHMs, or simply only use SAHMs in load outs. It's just one of those limitations we have to work around.
  18. Man, that is one good-looking airplane.
  19. SF2V and SF2I are equal in my opinion, and the best. The Israel terrain is probably the most attractive of the bunch, and the realistic nature of Vietnam combat is really amazing. You truly get a feel for how well-defended North Vietnam was. My favorite is probably the Yom Kippur War, and I fly the Ahit (73) because it is the most survivable airframe in the most difficult and challenging campaign. I don't really care too much for the '82 Lebanon War because essentially you're killing baby seals. For that one, I fly the Kfir. The Syrians were quite possibly the dumbest people on Earth for thinking they could take the Israelis.
  20. I'm imagining the opening night of Desert Storm.
  21. No doubt about that. If SF2 had MP, it would be the go-to game for a lot more people. The thing about DCS (and this is the reason it's still on my PC) is that it's tiresomely pretty and it really does do an effective job of giving you an idea of how complex flight combat really is. Sure, it needs some work. Even SF2 lets you launch a carrierborne aircraft from an actual carrier without having to fiddle around with much of anything. For me, and for my limited time, SF2 does the job it needs to without too much fanfare.
  22. I searched the KB and found MigBuster's entry on the types of ECM, but I had another question. I know that AI cannot use external chaff/flare dispensers. I wanted to know if they can't use external jamming pods, either.

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