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Everything posted by PFunk

  1. Henry is sorely missed.

    RIP. We need more of these men, not less.
  2. Don't. Ever. Jack. With. Eyesight.
  3. Hardly good news. DCS started out being a great idea and the concept is still solid, but execution has been either brilliant or abysmal. This seems like the latter.
  4. Y'all can tell that the fella what took the picture in the first post has spent some time in San Antonio, as he's got one of those fancy Texas window unit air conditioning...known as a box fan to Yankees.
  5. I purchased FC3 for Steam because it was a large number of airframes for very little cash. I'll even go you one better, I fly DCS with simplified avionics AND flight model. I've determined I can operate the simplified radar with the same approximate speed as a real pilot would operate the real radar.
  6. Hmph.... I want to limit a nation's appearance on a terrain to a specific time frame...can't figure out how to do that. I want a bush war environment...the game spawns enemies and formations like a traditional, full-scale conflict. Getting frustrating.
  7. That's kinda what I figured. Thanks, Kevin. Dadgummit.
  8. Hey, man, you did what you could do. Thanks for giving it a shot.
  9. UK Elections soon

    OK, so, what are the primary concerns going on right now in the UK? Economics? Social issues? I confess a lot of ignorance here.
  10. 60 years ago this day: Sunset over Dien Bien Phu

    The Atlantic Charter would have eventually extended to Indochina and Vietnam would have still ended the same way. I don't think the French were under any illusion that the Communist flag would eventually fly over all of Vietnam.
  11. Isn't that the competitor to the A-10? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_YA-9
  12. The Archipelago terrain didn't include USN as a nation. That may be a problem for you.
  13. I can't wait to hear more. Keep us posted!
  14. I'd use a stock F-15 pit until one could be made. Is there a Viggen in the works by the community here? I really hope so.
  15. UK Elections soon

    OK, so bring us up to speed on UK politics. What are your options?
  16. Hey, it's more resources than I had before, which was zilch.
  17. That is just freakin' awesome. When can we get it?
  18. Can anyone direct me to the weapons delivery manual?
  19. Naval maps don't support night missions? What kind of a decision was that?
  20. WARNING! Rant ahead

    I hate it when singers take the National Anthem and "make it theirs".
  21. I'm working on a new terrain and noticed my edited .tga files have this weird transparent effect and are lighter than the .bmp tiles next to them? Does everything need to be .jpeg format now? And how do you do that these days?

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