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Everything posted by PFunk

  1. OK, I've figured why. I'm getting the water effect over the whole tile and the normal thing I do with alpha channels in PS is not working.
  2. And With That..........

    Really sorry to hear, Dave. Give my best to Sheila.
  3. = flying heaven. I am back to ground-pounding sweetness over Vietnam and any other place that wants a crater. If you have not picked up that package, do it and do it now. It is is worth every penny of that $16.
  4. And is there anything special I have to do to get the cockpit to work in SF 2?
  5. Got it. Had planned on that, just needed the pit. Thanks, Kev.
  6. OK, so I need WOV in order to get to the files? Yes, could you send me the files I'll need to get them functioning?
  7. Black Sea 2.0 is now updated for current patch levels and released. Looking for input on what's next.
  8. Okay, folks. Listen up. You're going to get a Bush War terrain, but it's going to have to be fictional and I'll tell you why. I spent the last two days coming up with a terrain to encompass the scope of the Angolan/South West Africa Wars. What I came up with, in order for you to even be able to take off from Keetmanshoop, was a terrain that was literally twice the size of a stock terrain. It was immense. And that only gave you four to five friendly airfields and about as many enemy ones to take off from. You would have Luderitz, Keetmanshoop, Grootfontein, Swakopmund, and one other one whose name is escaping me. Worse, the topography was just fugly. The mountain range on the eastern border of the Namib had almost no definition to them. in order for the mountains to actually look like, well...mountains, you have to compress the map in half, down to the size of a stock 1000km X 1000km terrain. Which means NOTHING is scaled correctly. Look, I can give you something that will work and that will be fun to play. But editing every aircraft data.ini and loadout.ini to give them wing tanks or extra fuel is not the answer. An added bonus is that we can bring more nations into a fictional scenario, including naval aviation....which if the South Africans would've had, they'd have been overjoyed. So, on with the next terrain, which has been titled "Bush War".
  9. Black Sea 2.0a



    This is the updated version of Black Sea 2.0 for the Strike Fighters 2 series. Please read the README for complete instructions. As always, this file follows the CombatAce Modders Agreement, please do not use for payware.
  10. File Name: Black Sea 2.0a File Submitter: PFunk File Submitted: 09 March 2014 File Category: Full Terrains This is the updated version of Black Sea 2.0 for the Strike Fighters 2 series. Please read the README for complete instructions. As always, this file follows the CombatAce Modders Agreement, please do not use for payware. Click here to download this file
  11. I can see a really large, grey semicircular artifact right over the HUD. I think it's the canopy frame from the airframe LOD creeping in. How do I adjust the seat to fix it?
  12. Okay, fellas, be aware. You know who you get to fly as a friendly? South Africa. That's it. Because nobody rode to their rescue back in the day. Their ass was on their own.
  13. There are inherent risks to doing Real Life terrains: 1.) The TE cannot properly scale anything. Ever. And no amount of editing exported .bmp images of the HFD will fix it. I've tried. So, you always end up with poor guys like Wrench screaming, "I KNOW it's not in the exact place, you jackwagon!" 2.) Political aspects. People get mad when you fake bomb a digital facsimile of their native soil. For some reason. The nice thing about fictional terrains is that you are constrained by nothing. You can bring anyone you want to the party and make it look like anything you like. Besides, I promised three more of these things, and I have to deliver.
  14. Dear, Lord, John...let's hope not...
  15. Stunning. Can't wait for the navalized bird.
  16. Any F/A-18 sims?

    Operation Darius in the Downloads section.
  17. Are there certain coordinates I should avoid in order to make sure they spawn aircraft?
  18. Mirage F-1C_RWR

    And we were waiting on TW's F-1C...why, again?
  19. I will never understand what possessed the Aeronavale to not use this aircraft.
  20. As far as new features go, an "Arm All" would be nice. Also, can we break up the wingman commands for attacking targets? Jane's used to break up the wingman targeting. You could command them to hit air defenses, other targets of interest, fighter escorts, targets of a particular class. I think that would require a very extensive rewrite of the game, though.
  21. Honestly, the future at this point for SF 2 is here. Right here. I have no reason to anticipate the Mirage F1 from Third Wire, I do have a good reason to be hopeful about the third party F1. I am quite honestly more interested in seeing some newer Russian birds, but to be frank, we already have a lot of what we need.

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