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Everything posted by PFunk

  1. I fly it almost 99% stock, most of the time. There are a few little tweaks I use, like water maps for carrier missions on stock terrains. One of my installs is a dedicated Desert Storm game, it does nothing else. And most of the time, I'm also flying single missions, it's more of a challenge when neither side has a "red line" advantage. It's just more fun than the campaigns, at least to me. And thanks to the mission editor, I can really do a lot more than the campaign engine will let me. If I really like the result, I can save the results.
  2. It's either this or try to fly a semi-stable title with the same map as it had in 1998.
  3. I recently did this, too. I'm flying 99% stock, with a few small adjustments. There's so much to do in just the stock game.
  4. The AI is hit or miss most of the time. Sometimes it's dead-on, sometimes it has a mind of its own, and a slight retarded one at that. For every awesome dogfight, you have an AI wingman who will dump all of his external stores to strafe a ZPU. When I was developing terrains, I designed them around the AI. The ideal number of TargetAreas in a 1000X1000km terrain is 60, 30 for each side. I caught hell for this, but I think it works best. Each TargetArea needs to be very challenging, very well-defended. This gives the AI from both sides the chance to actually get to a target and do something worthwhile when they get there. When modders figured out how to model friendly SAMs, terrain modders added so many of the damned things I thought their goal was to make a terrain that could, on any given mission, literally kill anything that flew. Work around the problem, work with it. When you try to go up against it in this series, you will not get good results.
  5. Sure. I'd love to see some shots of it. One of the most beautiful modern aircraft being made. European aircraft are pretty. Americans go for sheer functionality these days, which in and of itself is not a bad thing.
  6. How has the SF2 series matured. I'm thinking of reinstalling it. Was last playing with the fun but unforgivable OpDarius compilation. Anything new that I just can't live without or should I wait for DCS World to get better?
  7. The SF2 series never ceases to amaze me. Does a few weird things, but it generally gets the job done.
  8. Thought you'd sympathize, Kevin. I keep hoping that DCS will release an SDK for the EDGE environment that people will be able to use without wanting to slit their wrists.
  9. KAW finally got done? Wow. It has been awhile. Got a couple of missions done in my Super Bug over Iran. Still an intense ride.
  10. Reinstalled the originals and the ODS and OpDarius expansions. Will get some flight time in tomorrow.
  11. Cool. Sold off all my CH HOTAS gear to buy a new handgun. Got a cheapo Thrustmaster HOTAS X now that doesn't work the best with DCS. Probably just fly plain vanilla for a while.

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