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Everything posted by PFunk

  1. What I may do is give all AI aircraft SAHM-only BVR missiles. The player will have to manually adjust their loadouts to use AHM missiles. The AI is literally filling the sky with AHM missiles (which they would do in Real Life, honestly) within three seconds of my takeoff, I'm getting Fox 3 calls that are wiping out everything. I think reducing Coalition numbers is probably smart. I'll be removing the JSFs, and reducing the number of F-22s along with more than a third of the original Coalition size. I've identified forces and aircraft that wouldn't likely be part of a Coalition and I'll be consolidating other forces. I think it'll work, I should be ready to release a beta by the summer.
  2. The problem is not of itself too many SAM emplacements. If anything, I think the number of SAM systems on the terrains I'll be using is representative of what would exist if military planners had to contend with the threats in Iranian airspace in Real Life. The problem is that the IRIAF is operating relative antiques compared to the equipment being fielded by the developed nations and they're getting slaughtered by the AI. The most advanced aircraft in the IRIAF inventory (that we are aware of) is the MiG-29, and it's the A-model the Iranians 'inherited' in 1991. The F-14 fleet is down to less than 40 flyable aircraft and military planners estimate that none of their AIM-54 Phoenix missiles are even operable, because of crucial batteries that are in short supply. The Iranians only had a little less than 300 of them to start with and according to Grumman accounts, the tech reps on the ground who were training the IRIAF maintenance crews actually sabotaged about a dozen of the missiles by destroying the internal components. Over time and attrition, we estimate they've used up all the functioning Phoenixes are now resorting to reverse engineering the remaining missiles. It appears the Iranians essentially stuck the components of a Hawk SAM in the body of a Phoenix missile. Either that, or we're just seeing an old, unserviceable Phoenix. https://theaviationist.com/tag/fakour-90/ Adding Russian or Chinese 'help' might work, because if the theatre that is unfolding in the SF2 game engine is anything like reality, the IRIAF is in for a bad time. I'm just trying to make it more 'sporting'. @daddyairplanes, your idea of reducing the size of the international coalition to just Arab states, French, and UK help is probably a good idea. The RAAF should probably stay in, though. The other problem I'm running into is the old AHM/RWR trap. I really don't understand why TK didn't make that one, crucial little change to the avionics.dll files.
  3. Guys, the Insky website is known for being riddled with viruses in addition to hosting ganked files, in violation of all kinds of copyright law. Be smart. Don’t go off and do something foolish you’ll regret later. We have tons of good quality files from reputable, hardworking people right here.
  4. Honestly, that part doesn't bother me nearly as much. The scaling is much closer to a true 1:1 than the Iraq 2003+ terrain, which allows for the proper ranging of the Real Life weapons. A new tileset might come later in an update. It allows flights to get up to their cruising speed and altitude before getting the living crap shot out of them. It needs a ton of OffMap bases, but those are ridiculously easy to add. The existing terrain looks awesome and plays phenomenally. I'm just wondering if its contributing to an imbalance in gameplay.
  5. Another option would be to go with Wrench's Persian Gulf Terrain. Much, MUCH closer to Real Life Scaling.
  6. Most of them are. I think someone once did the math on all the stock, RL terrain maps and determined the one that most accurate is Iceland. Israel was close, I recall, but Germany and Vietnam had the greatest variation in distances from the real thing. DCS does true 1:1 scaling, but you notice how small the maps are comparatively. Looking at the numbers in the Weapons Editor, the weapons have their Real Life parameters for the most part.
  7. Dear folks, Working hard on getting all the campaign assets in place and testing them. One thing that concerns me is the S-300 and S-200 SAM systems in the original package. In order, 1.) I estimate the terrain is anywhere from 40-60% of the Real Life size. There is nothing we can do about this; it is limitations of the engine. Wrench has done the best he could with what the tools available can do. However, the S-300 & S-200 still enjoy their actual ranges that reach almost a quarter of the available real estate, way over the scaled range they should have. 2.) The Iranians have a very small number of S-300s after they developed their own indigenous long-range SAM (we believe with Chinese help) and intelligence estimates indicate that the Iranians have pretty much used up their S-200s. They have a very small number of SA-6s. Most of their air defense network is home brewed reverse engineered systems. The Iranians have reverse engineered the SA-11 (Ra’ad), the MIM-23 (Mersad), and they have converted the Standard ARM into a SAM (Sayyad). The S-200 radars and launchers have been modified to use the Sayyad. The most numerous systems are the Mersad. There are solutions. First, I could hobble the ranges of the longer ranged SAMs so they would match the scaled range of the terrain. The SA-10 would still be in the game, but it wouldn’t enjoy its 150km launch range, it might be somewhere around 80km. I could remove the SA-10, which is the easiest solution. I’ve modified the Mersad to essentially be similar to the SA-6 and it will be the most common SAM threat, followed by the Ra’ad. Given what the engine can do, and what running room you get in the map, my task is to balance the game now.
  8. There is a fix for it in the Aircraft Carriers download section, but the LHA fix in the Operation Darius mod is even better.
  9. I suppose you could. Problem is the amount of drag.
  10. The Scandinavian Front 2: Final Release

    Can't get WinRAR or 7-Zip to open the files. Anyone know the trick?
  11. I did. The left MFD flashes the SMS page on and off. It’s supposed to show the RWR screen, but it’s just blank. Is it the textures maybe?
  12. OK, I have read the included README in the Super Hornet Package for SF2 and I see a reference to an RWR in the lower right. I read the EricJ's README and I see he has removed it and made the RWR a page on one of the MFDs. How do I bring it up? Is it a special key command?
  13. Sounds like a good way to die.
  14. That’s interesting. I kinda want the naval units engaging shore targets. But I don’t want them that close. I may try laying submarines off the shore and see what happens.
  15. Has anyone ever tried turning the ship-based missiles into ARMs in order to simulate 'decapitation' strikes by naval vessels on land-based SAM and EW radars? Just wondering if the naval vessels had the ability to target anything that isn't in the water.
  16. It looks like a Nord AS.20 repurposed for air-to-air targets?
  17. DA, you are too kind. A scholar and a gentleman. The original OpDarius mod has the Galaxy and the -17, but I guarantee I will not be able to upload it until the summer, so whatever is in the pipeline for you, I would be thrilled to include. Your time table is your time table. I will work around your schedule. I know everyone has Real Life jobs.
  18. If you're willing to allow me to put them in the package, I greatly appreciate it.
  19. Oh, and CA will be the only location this will be distributed. Forgot to include that.

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