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Everything posted by PFunk

  1. I'm going through each of the airports right now and arranging a few things. I didn't want any two to be exactly alike. Or completely stock. Here's a look at what I mean. This is Istanbul Ataturk Int'l. I wanted it to reflect its' civilian/military role and to look more like the logistics hub it is. I'm planning on adding Athens International in a while and doing the same. Once I'm happy with the AD & EW sites, I'll start on the locations that would be the strategic nodes for campaign play.
  2. Okay, so what it looks like I need to do is either add a second runway or remove that other ground platte that isn't inside the angle of the existing runways.
  3. Hmmm....let me see if I can come up with something. Okay, big guy. Let's do some quick function checks. Go into your main IsraelME terrain folder and find the IsraelMe.ini file. Open it up and see if it contains the following entry anywhere. NavalMap=TRUE If that's in there, we'll go on the next thing.
  4. Have you done the necessary editing of the Water_Map.bmp in order to give the engine a place to put a carrier?

    Gotta love a retailer with a sense of humor.
  6. The L-15 in the SF1 needs some serious reworking. It's essentially a Strike Eagle crammed into a trainer.
  7. Helping to Lead the Way!

    What an outstanding young man.
  8. Wow. That's an even dumber programming function than I originally suspected. What a kludge.
  9. I think the only way Hawkeye shows up is if the player's aircraft is using the F14Avionics.dll file for its avionics suite. However, in terms of what it actually DOES, I don't see a huge difference in what it does.
  10. Could someone add my name to the freeware agreement so people can use my stuff in a mod? Speaking of which, do we have an updated one with a recent list of names or is the one last updated in 2012 still the most recent? Also, I want to use some objects from the old Enhanced WOV mod & Piecemeal's Desert4 terrains. Since both are already uploaded here for free and my terrain will also be uploaded here, is that going to be problematic for folks? My terrain will be exclusive only to CA.
  11. Copy that. I've contacted Piecemeal and eburger68. I'll proceed with the work, but I will not upload until I have express permission since they are not on the list of those who have released their work.
  12. I've used US, French, & British naval aviation on IsraelME since it came out. It works pretty good, but Wrench is right. There are other terrains that do carrier ops better.
  13. You can do it by editing the Water .bmp files, but I warn you, don't use Russian naval aviation, because that's all the engine will let you target with strike packages. I would recommend British naval aviation for GermanyCE and French or American naval aviation for the IsraelME map.
  14. I think you're right, but I've no idea how to flip it.
  15. I'd like to use your Artillery Firebase & Combat Outpost for my Aegean Sea terrain. I'd like your permission if that's okay. If not, that's cool, too.
  16. Thank you very much, sir. Warmest regards from Texas.
  17. I am going to highly recommend people download some of the wonderful cargo ships available here because the Aegean is probably one of the busiest, if not the busiest, shipping lanes in the world. As far as naval action, there probably won't be much because I'm not planning on making this a naval map for carrier aviation. However, I am planning on releasing a second map that WILL permit naval aviation. This map is restricted to combat solely between the Turks and Greeks and neither of those nations have carrier battle groups. The Cold War Aegean map will use the exact same assets, but I'm planning on adding airbases in Albania and the former Yugoslavia as well as off-map bases in Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, etc in addition to naval aviation provisions in the Sea of Crete, the Sea of Marmara, and possibly a very small corner of the Black Sea, depending on what the engine will allow me to do. That map will be released after this one.
  18. Citizens of Tornado Alley! Stay Safe.

    Oh, yeah. It's March in Texas.
  19. I'm still going to mess with the mountains some more. There's 4 major ranges and I want them to stand out.
  20. OK, after playing around with it, the mountains now look a little more angular.
  21. Hey, does this image need to be in greyscale or indexed color mode when I load the TE palette?
  22. Ok, fellas. This is what I'm looking at after resizing the heightmap to 6000x6000 and loading the ThirdWire TE's color palette in .act format. You can see my sea looks great, but the land almost looks backwards. The mountains appear to be the lowlands and vice versa. I know I missed a step, I had to have. I'm just trying to figure out where.
  23. Yeah, I made that mistake. Doesn't look anything like it did before.
  24. My sea is the correct color blue, but should the landmass be almost completely orange and devoid of green?

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