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Everything posted by Canadair

  1. Absolutely agree 100%; the point is finding values which "makes you be careful" but don't wipe you out of the sky every time.
  2. It is actually a good way. We need experiment to fine tune the values thoguh...
  3. XT891 1 Taarna XT892 2 Miss Prissy XT893 3 What's Saddam? XT894 4 Jeanie XT895 5 Satanica Pandemonium XT896 6 A Charmer XT897 7 Dejah Thoris XT898 8 Dirty Duck XT899 9 Midnight Lace XT900 10 Danger Mouse XT901 11 British Heroine XT902 12 Calein XT903 13 Patricia Ann XT904 14 The Saint XT905 15 Eastern Princess XT906 16 Guinnes Girl XT907 17 My Sophia XT908 18 Yasmini XT909 19 XV393 20 Black Magic XV394 21 Persian Princess XV395 22 XV396 23 China Doll XV397 24 Luck of the Irish XV398 25 XV399 26 Leather&Lace XV400 27 XV401 28 XV402 29 Maid of Sherwood XV403 30 XV404 31 Delightful Debs XV405 32 Delilah XV406 33 Salomè XV407 34 Cleopatra XV408 35 B.a.b.s XV409 36 The Lady and the Tigers XV410 37 XV411 38 Worried Blair? XV412 39 Worried Saddam? XV413 40 Banana Paradise XV414 41 Eastern Promise XV415 42 Old Bill XV416 43 XV417 44 XV418 45 Spanish Dancer XV419 46 Diabolical Angel XV420 47 Flying Nightmares XV421 48 XV422 49 XV423 50 Roller Girl XV424 51 Death Dealer XV425 52 Devil's Daughter XV426 53 XV427 54 T.A.R.D.I.S XV428 55 XV429 56 Camo Cutie XV430 57 XV431 58 Desert Delight XV460 59 XV461 60 Bonnie Kathleen XV462 61 Look at Me XV463 62 XV464 63 The Lady in Black XV465 64 XV466 65 XV467 66 XV468 67 Lulubelle XV469 68 Natasha XV470 69 XV471 70 Warrior Queen XV472 71 Pirate's Booty XV473 72 XV474 73 XV475 74 Amazon XV476 75 XV477 76 The Happy Parrot XV478 77 XV479 78 XV480 79 The Wrench XV481 80 XV482 81 Double Humped XV483 82 The Avengers XV484 83 XV485 84 Bad Little Bettie XV486 85 Be Witched XV487 86 Steel Angel XV488 87 XV489 88 The Little Mermaid XV490 89 XV491 90 XV492 91 Miss Scarlet XV493 92 XV494 93 Darling Tracy XV495 94 XV496 95 XV497 96 The Angriest Angel XV498 97 XV499 98 XV500 99 XV501 100 The Checkered Flag
  4. I am using a cheap freeware tga viewer. Thanks for the hints And I renamed all of the noseart for the F-15. Only to see that some of them have obviously a name that I can't read Any idea for a freeware SMAll PROGRAM THAT CAN HANDLE ALPHA? Wrench I'll send you the file when done of the names... And thanks for pointing me at the G, I actually missed it Anyway, you familiar with the book I mentioneD? EDIT: found the program. Back to renaming...
  5. Can I stress this? FINAL EDIT; I am star renaming and making the noseart predictable. excellent. But some of them appear with the name hidden by black marker in my .tga viewer, althoguh the name appears in the game.. WTF... I guess I am not good at image editing program use, since some compltely black .tga turns out in the game as writings.. Can I be pointed to a tutorial for decals, for noseart purposes? Bobrock, you ar reading this thread aren't you? let me remind you the kestrel B skin!
  6. The point is that the flak we have out of the box is basically unoffensive.. so it needs to be upped in desrtructive power, and in order to end up in some realistic value which has you think twice before hanging around aimlessly in flak area, you end up with values very high such those I listed; my problem is: are they too high? the only way to test is going on extensive statistic ttest, which I can't do alone. I posted in the forum requesting help. and trying to make a combined effort but noone is interested apparently
  7. Wrench of course I have all the pack you mentioned and more, (I am the one that dig into your site and found the beatidul nose arty desertpink eagle, a very underrated mod...), and I do read read mes.. but I can't find the D-20 in the pack.. I will check again.. must be under my eyes edit List of included objects: Hawk Launcher Chaparral SA-3: SA-3 Goa Dual SA-3 Goa Mobile SA-3 Goa Quad SA-8 Gecko SA-9 Gaskin SA-7 Hawk CW Radar Hawk HP Radar Sidenet Radar Spoonrest Radar Flat Face Radar M-42 Duster ZPU-4 AAA M-60A1 Patton Tank Su-100 Tank T-34-85 T-55 bridgelayer T-62 Tank M-41 Tank BRDM-2 BTR-60 FROG-3 Launcher Kraz-255 Command Truck Camouflage Netting Centurion (desert) Centruion (Eruo) (tank by Phlerp)
  8. The quote from my signature is from a abook that starts about women smuggling and then gets on to weapon smuggling and drug dealing before dropping into unreal and dark human mind recesses. Anyway: the questions are both; in the D I have Nart000, nart001 and so on; in the number .lst, I have first numbers XT891 and XT892; now will they respectively have the nart000 and nart001? as for Renaming them is easy. Also in a campaign I have to use starnumber=1 according to the sequence in numbers.lst, or XT891? Thanks grr and now I have to download your B-29s.. if anything to move nosearts somewhere else Another question. you familiar with the book "gray eagles" by duane unkefer? it portrays the story of some old luftwaffe aces that restore Bf-109 in texas or something and they do some demosntration including strafing at awarbirds air show, reviving the nazi era in resort airport hidden in the desert They challenge a group of old P-51 pilots, that defeated them back in those days and a solo spitfire, ending up in WWII dogfight over SW US, that will drag everyone resentement and guilt and bravery.. Now if yu could point me to a Gustav Bf-109, and if I could have the resort airfield, (with apool!) and the wardbird air show targets area,,, the campaing can be done. It would be something cool and nasty.. FINAL EDIT; I am star renaming and making the noseart predictable. excellent. But some of them appear with the name hidden by black marker in my .tga viewer, althoguh the name appears in the game.. WTF... Really final edit.. look at this one.. I love Mary Rose, I seen her at LeBourget 1991, and I still have the pictures, I was 16 at the time...
  9. F111:ma la cabina?

    Parlandone.. si può avere una skin black stealth per l'F-111?
  10. Perhaps you could help me with those? I am using Max188 tiles first there is this: Then on this map you can see dark squares... and by overflying you get those effect like a dark shroud.. and finally, until from a certain distance t turns black can you please help? maybe is my install? oh I tried the terforest on eaw terrain and america northwest. it is a no go; the tree-block of tree look really weird; yu did an awesome job on terrain of germany thoguh: The feeling of low altitude flying is REALLY there
  11. img00039.jpg

  12. img00038.jpg

  13. img00037.jpg

  14. img00036.jpg

  15. img00033.jpg

  16. QUOTE: The terobject_trees2.tga holds the graphics for powerlines, and is used by all road tiles. I don't think that other terrain uses this file as I created this file for this mod specifically. You want to get rid of the powerlines? END QUOTE Sorry if i did not make myself clear, I was not obviously accusing you of stealing.. I have a TEROBJECT_TREES2.tga in my install in a korea terrain with updated texture that was released a while ago,,I can't remember the author, but is a totally different file, 17k vs 1024 as your file, and serves obviously different purpose NO NO, I dlike the power lines in more terrains....and what is your super-forest tga instead? that could go on mountains troughtout the terrans we have...TER_FORRESTS1.tga, TER_NEWTREES1.tga, TEROBJECT_TREES1.tga I am specifically thinking of the old eaweuro terrain, or the america nortwest..maybe I just have to try..
  17. The terobject_trees2.tga holds the graphics for powerlines, and is used by all road tiles. I don't think that other terrain uses this file as I created this file for this mod specifically. You want to get rid of the powerlines? NO NO, I dlike the power lines in more terrains....and what is your super-forest tga instead? that could go on mountains troughtout the terrans we have.....
  18. Baltika a questiona bout Flak Both the heavy flak for raf and nazi are pointed to the 85mm ks-12, whose warhead weight is 646g In my SFp1 and Wov install I modded it to about 284600g, unrealistc setting that produces a strong fear-factor around flak's belack clouds; I uploaded a mod with upped values of flak also for Ks-30 and ks-19 guns (130mm and 100mm, respectively 500000g and 460000g) they deliver quite a blow; What is your opinion on that? Shall I modify the ks-12?
  19. File Name: More effective FLAK File Submitter: atrdriver File Submitted: 16 Jun 2007 File Category: Weapons Mods/Skins Modded gundata.ini In this Gundata.ini file, all the relevant guns for soviet-originated AAA FLAK, have been powered up in such a way that makes "uncomfortable" hanging around straight and level on FLAK areas; Baffmeister had the original idea and I just applied it to (hopefully) all soviet flak-armored AAA vehicles. I had this file for while and it makes in my opinion for a decent immersion; You can be wiped up fron the sjy with no warning if you don't jink and you do too many passages on the targets; Unfortunately at the moment I am away from gundeditor and SFP1 or WOV equipped computer, so I can't recall all the guns modded, but they include the gun equipping KS12, KS30 KS19 and M1939, plus others; Installation is straight forward, back up your gundata and drop the gundata included in the objects directory; Latest Weapon pack is required, Of course the original gundata intellectual property belongs to wepaon pack designers I wanted to share this file because I reallty think it adds to the immersion, and it might be a tedious process modifying all the guns; Please note that in case you are shot dow by FLAK, in the debriefing screen it will just say "shot down" and not tell you it was FLAK Complaints and bug report to pintogabriele@hotmail.com, althoguh I will be away from SFP1 for the next few months Have fun, take care, and please give me credit should you use this file, and don't try making money out of it. Click here to download this file
  20. Update note; after having blown out from the sky in hard setting (and in normal at times) I am experimenting with 130MM_KS30warhead weight of 500000 instead of 942000 Please test the modifications
  21. Suggestion for Kei Next video, maybe with this soundtrack? Dogfight from the J-rock band MOVE
  22. The point being is that your tods are really custom, i-e trees along roads and such; won'tt work on other bmps, but the ida is huge Whta do you mean by death star? lol What happens is that, as my nick implies I am quie used to fly low and see trees and powerlines, very very close So each addon that goes in direction of enriching low levell environment sparkels my interest but the pwoerlines...so in your terobject_trees2.tga, there are powerlines added,, have to be careful here, because other terrain use the same file name right? I have to check. and it is not needed to rewrite references in data.ini; one can simply rename the .tod according to the bmp he wants to poulate with objects according to that .tod
  23. Thanks for your time spent...and for hunting .inis and sharing!

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