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Everything posted by Canadair

  1. I agree, for sure one of the best of the whole DaleBrown'series of books
  2. Classe Sperviero

    Gestendo le unità navali come "Tank" potrebbero combattere fra di loro, come appunto tanks, e gli aerei chiamati a fare CAS, cioè, antiship nello specifico. Inoltre gestendo i sommerigibili immersi cme tank si potrebbe forse ottenere lo stesso risultato. Andrebbe sperimentato. Vedremo
  3. img00021j.JPG

  4. img00022j.JPG

  5. img00024j.JPG

  6. img00022j.JPG

  7. Canadair link

  8. idea lampo - e se creassimo una campagna in italia?

    era un mig-23. Ci sono ancora i rottami, a Pratica di mare. Beato te che hai tempo, e notizie ed idee. Se intendi di targets.ini, comincia a lavorare su quello del terreno tunisia malta. Elimina oggetti e roba da WWII e sostituisci con materiale moderno anni 80
  9. Sistemiamo lo Strike eagle!

    Abbiamo dato" nel senso che ho postato sul forum internazionale riguardo a f-15vsf-14. E non sarei così drastico, anche se come sapete ho avuto brutte esperienza. La maggior parte degli utenti è a posto e sono gentili ed educati. Purtroppo i fessi sono transnazionali
  10. idea lampo - e se creassimo una campagna in italia?

    Come la faccia di Paolini durante il recital su Ustica "il Mig sulla Sila?! Le vostre facce segnano la differenza tra due generazioni; quelli che sanno di cosa parlo, e chi no" E Bettino Craxi. Un mito in quel caso. La Delta Force contro i Carabinieri!
  11. Sistemiamo lo Strike eagle!

    Abbiamo dato al forum internazionale
  12. I can't see any "rant" against F-14 in blasto's words. He just asked your opinions about his evaluation of F-15s andF-14s models He never stated the F-14 is undestructible. Never balked when sparkomatic showed the pics of his Tomcat splash. He has nothing, I guess against the Tomcat. How comes that often, on this forum, someone that "blows the whistle", (being him right or wrong, that doesn't really mattter). ends up in troubles? Personally, on the other hand while appreciating the posts of knowledgebale peoples such as streakeagle or thphoid or crusader, I don't give a rat's a**, and have fun with I get, trying to improve it and mod it. Just Details, and as RL pilot, I have no problem in believing that ,at best, FMs are a hit and miss and only a picture of reality. I mean, professional flight simulators are often quite different from the real planes, mind you LOW-budget projeest such as SFP1. Specifically, out of my readings, probably the F-14 would have a better istantaneous turning rate, but again, who cares. And I see no reason for snarly comments about the typhoon and f-104s etc etc. We belong to many nationalities and I believe that each and every of our government tossed our taxpayers money out of the window in silly mistakes and mismanagement; I recall a case of "date changing bug" in raptor's code and the colossal mismanagement of the A-12, and of course the huge delays of the typhoon's program. oh and what has nigeria to do with all this?
  13. Sistemiamo lo Strike eagle!

    Postala sul forum internazionale, bella questa.
  14. Sistemiamo lo Strike eagle!

    Non so blasto. Siamo nel mondo delle idee. L'F-16 di Mirage Factory fa più di 700 nodi al livello del mare... E non sono sicuro completamente che l'F-15 sia più meglio del tomcat a bassa velocità. Con la fusoliera che lo caratterriza l'F-14 potrebbe comportarsi quasi come un delta, cioè grandi angoli d'attacco possibii, accompagnati da veloce perdita di energia, ma buona velocità istantanea angolare in virata. ma dovrei rivedere un pò di testi septli dell'università di ingegenria aeronautica Sigh, un'altra vita
  15. I updated a new version of the out of africa. It includes modified data for Mig29OVT, Mig29A, Yak41, Su33 (sim) and mig23MLD. And modified inis for madagascar terrain If any of the owners of rights for those file is unahappy with modifications or with me posting the campaing please let me know or advise CA staff accordingly Thanks for your files and the campaign isnpiration
  16. Out of Africa V1.5



    Out of Africa 3 v1.5 Migs VS Migs nd SU and Yak in Air-Sea Environment UPDATE. I changed the su-27 with FC's SU-33. It is too great to be left out. PLEASE follow carefully the mod instructions. IT does work. Loadouts and data.ini for the Su-33sim has been revised a little. I think there was the tailhook missing. I chose Drdoyo's SovNavy_4 skin it blends perfectly with the new canards. Campaing has been revised in order for both sides to NOT receive airplanes replace. You have to use what you get. I also changed the friendly-nation with a fictional aslan nation. I needed it because of the pilottrainingstandars set to POOR. this nation entry is needed only for campaign purposes in oder to have mig VS mig and have the loadout shows. I actually don't even know if this is the correct procedure but it works. This is the entry for nations.ini [NationXX] Name=Aslan DisplayName=Kingdom of Aslan Alignment=FRIENDLY PlayerFlyable=TRUE Mercenary=false PilotNameList=NamesMercs.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=USBomber Formation.Transport=USBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=POOR GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str KNOWN ISSUES and NEEDED EXPERIMENTS -revised- the campaign needs polishing; basescreens, a better read me, squadron.txt, etc etc; IF SOMEONE FEELS LIKE DOING THEM AND RECONTACTING ME THAT WOULD BE GREAT. REALLY REALLY great There is room for more little campaigns in the future middle age. And I would like to create some atmosphere. I ve set the weapon resuppy at day 1; so that you will have immediately all the soviet weapons, AA and AG. PLEASE experiment with various AA and AG weapons especially missiles, since I am less than happy with probabilities of kill of even advanced weapons such as R-77 and Kh-29T missiles. I modified my weapondata according threads on combatace, and tuned down mig-23mld internal ECM strenght from 15 to 5. Those changes are NOT included in the campaign files I am providing, but please experiment. With this changed thoguh the whole air to air war is a little more realistic according to me. I have now a 40-50% hits with AA missiles. And it is challenging. FUEL IS an issue. You aìhave to decide wheter engage and pursue, but will you make it back to the carrier? Anyway as it is the campaign is fun to play. I changed also all the cockpits of SOVIET planes to the one of the su-27. IMPORTANT NOTE In order to have working anti-ship missions you need to have the some ships labeled as generic and cargo_ship in their data ini. Every Ship so labeled will be thrown randomly in the shipping lanes; for the campaign I suggest you have the tanker and cargo ship and the yavuz frigate only IMPORTANT NOTE number two make sure that in your weaponpack ALL the weapon listed in loadouts are available for the year 2004; other than that don't touch provided datas and loadouts, everything should go well thirdnote The tu-16G is optional; it is nice to experiment with. Sometimes in antiship mission you get tasked antiship and they will cover you with long range ARMS such as KSR-11 Would be nice to have them go on anti-ship mission, but I have not seen yet AI-assigned anti-ship missions STORYLINE In a parallel universe, in 2004 things, went worse than in ours. World reduced to famine. Corruption, decay, starvation for food and energy. A new technological middle age. And in middle age there are mercenaries. In this story, ex-soviet union mercenaries The fleet of the former Soviet might navy, led by Carrier Gorshokov. The business is easy. Mtumba, leader, warlord of poor african state, is at war with Dictator of Madagascar Gorondi who is supplying his rebels. Both of them are evil and bloody dictators, but Mtumba pays well. Ships sail to the shore of africa from madagascar. They must be stopped, and this is the bussiness. Gorshokov task force, with two old kynda cruisers, and refueller takes place at Rasputin station. On board, Su-33s and Mig-29OVT modified for naval and multirole operations, and Yak41. They will hit the shipping lanes and, possibly madagascar airports and comm buildings. Gorondo has good weapons himself. Mig-29A and Mig23MLD to patrol the skies and perhaps attack the carrier herself. War at sea begins. A little meaningless fight in the future middleage. I hate writing readmes You need: Out of africa 3 campaign Mig-29OVT Su-27 (with su-33 Fast cargo mods) Mig-29A Mig-23MLD yak41 Tu-16G (optional) Ships lybian koni kynda gorshokov carrier OsaII class. Yavuz Madagascar(AE) terrain All downloads are at combatace. I have provided no skin, and the name of the squadrons are only practical, anyway skins pointed at in the inis can be found on combatace as well. Installation. Install AE terrain, backup originals ini.files Install su-33 from Fastcargo. install the inis provided in campaign package in AE folder. Overwrite Install data.inis and loadouts provided for each and every aircraft. Overwrite Install the ships. Install campaign folder (AE3) Test everything and complain at the designer, try again and write an email for complain etc etc, you knw the drill... CREDITs I HAVEN't done anything but the files in the package, everything else belong to respective designers, too many to list. Thank you and if you don't like seeing your work modified and around contact me and I'll retire the campaigns. But please have mercy. Please this is freeware, redistibute and have fun, but rememeber that little to nothign here is mine s you have to contact respective designers. instead for campaign design issue it is just my fault, I can be found at comabtace, and at pintogabriele@hotmail.com
  17. Read your post. and had similar problems. Take note of all wrench'scomments. MAke also sure that the missiles AND SAM-Lanunchers AND Sam-RADAR belong to the same year-span. Actually, I observed, but I might be wrong, in a sam site, should the system pick a sam radar without available launchers because of the date, only the radar will appear witout the luanchers.
  18. Sistemiamo lo Strike eagle!

    Ci sono una bella massa di arroganti-ignoranti E persone squisite e gentili tipo typhoid e crusader (che credo sia tedesco anyway) E qualcuno che recentemente è ammattito , qualcuno che scintilla automaticamente e ha cambiato AV
  19. idea lampo - e se creassimo una campagna in italia?

    Mi propongo per il ruolo. E continuo a suggerire che il passo fondamentale è la modernizzazione del teatro Tunisia-malta
  20. Is it available anywhere? there are plenty of nice skin and I need it for a campaign. Must be around, very close, so close I can' t see....
  21. Absolutely. The point being is; what is the point of having a group of badgers or blinders, delivering dumbbombs on top of carriers or convoys; the idea would be to have storms and volleys of kingfish and kents and such... I dropped the idea and waiting what happpens, and I had the idea too of ships maarked as ground unit and submarines as well so perhaps thy would engage, with CAS flights playing anti-sub modes
  22. gocad good idea, but it is not enough AI flights NOT player controlled, don't deliver guided missiles, so, why bother?
  23. idea lampo - e se creassimo una campagna in italia?

    Il terreno ESISTE. SI tratta solo di modernizzarlo. Il G-91Y c'è. Con il cockpit dell'hunter va alla grandissima. il T ci vorrebbe; l'ORAO sta in yugoslavia. Se ci concentriamo sul settore sud-mediterraneo, abbiamo tutto, e l'EI non ci serve. penso più ad una campagna aeronavale, e le navi, manacano
  24. There is ahuge interest, you read my mind, I was going to start modernize the taiwan1958 we already have for a campaign Chinese flankers, VS Russian navy mercs, VS Taiwan Ching kuo
  25. So yesterday I was waiting for wife to get ready to go out, you knw the drill "I don't know what to wear", and etcetc And I was wandering in capun's website. And I check casually at the marut indian plane, only to spot the note: "with kesselbrut F-80C cockpit"? What? So I download, and man what a pit. for some reasons I had an older version with a placeholdercockpit of the F-80 This one is wonderful. And should have been advertised more, I mean I check forums and websited daily , and it is 4 years now and how could I have missed it? And in capunwebsite, there is chingkuo, and a firefox, both of them WIP The chingkuo is great. With an f-16 pit works great while waiting for a proper cockpit not to mention the firefox, I'll try to tweak if I am allowed. Thanks for those beautiful planes.

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