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Everything posted by Canadair

  1. Saguanay, I hate to bother; can I have a version with sfp1 tiles? Thanks, my mistake, I should have told you
  2. Stasera si vola

    Solo stasera? beato te...
  3. What are your impression? I think that a PK of about 25% for R-77 is very low. I.E one out of 4 missiles hits. In the least this is what I get; any other impression and ideas? And what about Kh-29 series? Still the hit ratio seems really poor to me
  4. idea lampo - e se creassimo una campagna in italia?

    che bello, sono mesi che ci penso Me la cavicchio con le campagne e questa mi attira molto Il terreno tunisia/malta su combatace sarebbe perfetto, è fatto molto bene, ma è basato su WWII, quindi va ridisegnato; non è un problema grosso, ma è un lavoro pesante. Tral'altro ha aerei parcheggiati che potrebebro essere sostituiti da aererii moderni. non so lampedusa, ma c'è pantellaria, e per fortuna senza il vento di m.. che la caratterizza poi ora che ho capito come si fanno le missioni antinave in campagna, possiamo anche andare a caccia di navi libiche con i kormoran CI STO, ma ci dobbiamo organizzare e dividere i compiti aerei ci sono,f-104 vari, tornado; le navi mancano. mig libici ci sono; il problema è ridefinre il terreno. potremmo dividercelo per zone. potremmo poi usarlo online, altro che vietnam. E con palle grosse, ma molto grosse si può fare missioni tipo il mig sulla sila, oppure ustica
  5. P-38

    I liked iron eagle. Cool: made me love F-16 and daydream
  6. P-38

    Well I was thinking of something like that.
  7. FastCargo, the su-33 will go nicely in the campaign out of africa i uploaded.. maybe I'll update it with this; Such campaign also benefits from your sunburn!
  8. P-38

    Thanks for the indications guys; I was sitting right on the package; my mistake for bothering you Thus saying does a campaign set in 2000, but with WWII planes make you interested? Sam and modern ground hardware,, but WWII stuff, perhaps more future midlleage
  9. P-38

    That can be found... where?
  10. Finora non si può, blasto. Wov non è il massimo come opzioni del multiplayer, E neanche TK vuole migliorarlo. quindi al moment questo non si può fare temo
  11. Can I suggest a look at the ChingKuo, the bonanzas and the Uc-12 and the firefox at capun's website? they are all previews, and betas, but only because capun and team are percfectionists. I love the chingkuo for example. And I am wondering what could be done with the bonanzas, smuggling perhaps? And as for "I ve nothign to wear" well I agree with you. Terror, and fear
  12. MaxVisibleDistance=164000.0 Can I ask the reason for this setting? Maxvisabledistance should be about from how far the plane is spottable, correct?; with 12000 I experimented interstinfg and fast paced BVR engagements, commanding wingman as well. Is there a reason for such an high value?
  13. W.I.P. MB 326

    Bellissimo il 326 con livrea italiana-training..a quando?
  14. Pit is already in the F-80 where it belongs, and I am not demanding from kesselbrut; just happy and thankful for the pit
  15. It is that I had no idea such pit existed, so I threw it where it belongs in the F-80C and this is so good; I like the f-80 and the lack (my loss) of a good pit put me off,, thank you kess
  16. Brain do you feel like sharing your data?, especially of r-27 and r-77
  17. I know what you mean sigh; well should you feel like sharing...
  18. Just posted smething, waiting for approval
  19. Checked the thrad, it was more about history than everything, I was looking into some data insights
  20. Thanks for all the info; are those standard for every aircraft equipped with LCOS and HUd? Or specific to the f-16C?
  21. I just made a campaign centered around the gorshkov carrier; russian mercenary fleet with su-27. mig-29ovt and yak41 off shore of madagascar, and hired for anti shipping purposes in african warlord skirmishes. many ant-ship missions, and opponet flies mig-29A and mig-23ML; Campaing works, needs a readme, some basescreens and txt for the various squadrons, etc; just some backgorund and cosetics; If someone is interested I will post
  22. Just one question for the add-on ships such as spruance etc, need their date to be adjusted to mission time?
  23. Volo squadriglia 25/1/08

    Mi sa che stasera non ci sono, magari domani o dopodomani? nel pomeriggio o mattina?
  24. I am surprised that no-one noticed this before. Please read along I might be wrong but while working on the sea-air campaign that I posted about I noticed that in campaigns, AI flights NOT belonging to your flight but tasked STRIKE , won't WON'T launch missiles. Tested with Tu-16C and Kent missiles, with launches succesful undel player control. Then tested on the Range with maverick armed F-16. no launches. F-16 with paveways. No launches. I have seen thoguh, I remeber dumb bomb releases and harm launches, in the least in Wov. So basically, no "smart" pr guided weapon is launched by AI flights? I REALLY HOPE I AM WRONG. could you please all check this? Should that be true this is a MAJOR issue, that really relegates SFP behind , and before the the guided ammo era? What is the point of weapon pack if AI can' use it?This stops from building elaborate campaigns PLEASE, PLEASE investigate and let's all run tests on this issue..

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