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Everything posted by Canadair
Blue Water Operations
Canadair replied to Canadair's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
Is it a bug, or not? Not my words.Not that it changes anything for the huge value and fun of SFP1 series... anyway:baltika, defintely a knowledgeble campaign designer, pointed me to a problem with this:http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=4868 I investigated and tested after his post.. and.. And I am quite positive the problem is not the number of the cargo_ship flagged objecs, but their nations; not only they are to be cargoship, but they have to be : NationName=generic in their data.iniI have now anti-ship mission in campaigns, but I don't know yet if flights will deliver guided weapons. nor if such missions will be assigned to ai-flights; @saguanay; any hope for the water terrain? To everyone: thanks for renaming the thread, perhaps caps were excessive -
Horrible Finding - Yes its true - ASUW doesn't work well
Canadair replied to Canadair's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
Long range works for AAM for starters, it is just the matter of making maxvisable distance higher; say 12000 for planes. As for Asuw, it is nt just Asuw, it is AG in the whole for all AI-flights. And yes bombs are much more fun but we have so many sweet things in weaponpack. We can only hope it gets addressed soon -
Blue Water Operations
Canadair replied to Canadair's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
Wrench thanks for your always intersting and knowledgeble posts; thanks to you I got a lot of knowledged about the weaponpack itself, and I have no problem in using guided munitions in MY flight, with th flightmates. of all kind, including lgb, and kent, which hit bautifully as CGRs; the point is having non-player flights usign them. Anyway for player mssions,, putting the maxvisable distance up does wonders both for airplanes and groundobjects usch as shps; I have 12000 for planes and 40000 for ships As for being accused of "out of the box thinking", I think I am part of the same club.. Thphoid you tried kingfish missiles as eogr in AI non player flights? -
trainer senza installare le armi direi se no cominciamo con i casini
Whatever happened
Canadair replied to Atreides's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
A shame. A very good package with good ideas -
Server o client? quale installo?
ah niente weaponpack, mi raccomando
Blue Water Operations
Canadair replied to Canadair's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
and in campaign; there are plenty of ships with sams that will make your day miserable -
Blue Water Operations
Canadair replied to Canadair's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
absolutely, that would be the easiest, of course; besides all workarounds I am delaing with are strictly related to air-sea projects, still no LGB against scuds sadly -
Blue Water Operations
Canadair replied to Canadair's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
I moved on; as everybody can see I am already posting .ini excerpts with ideas and suggestions ----------I'm suggesting is using a different tactic to get what you want.------------ I don't want anything but have fun with the game. Toghter with fellow flight entusuasts I don't play any game. Tactics I leave for combat-sim purposes -
Ora vediamo, Quale teamspeak mi serve, client o server?
Blue Water Operations
Canadair replied to Canadair's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
Actually the ship are labeled AAA in the types.ini, but still as warship or whatever in their data. Besides in the target.ini there are entry such as this one [TargetArea034] Name=Shipping Route 3 Position=425361.000000,762282.000000 Radius=5657 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 Alignment=FRIENDLY CarrierStation=False Target[001].Type=cargoship Target[001].Offset=920.07,860.34 Target[001].Heading=220 Target[002].Type=Tanker Target[002].Offset=-920.07,-860.34 Target[002].Heading=220 Target[003].Type=OSAII Target[003].Offset=-920.07,500.00 Target[003].Heading=220 Target[004].Type=yavuz Target[004].Offset=920.07,-500.00 Target[004].Heading=220 yavuz here is entered as the name "yavuz" it has in tthe types.ini, still the sead flight thinks of it as AAA, as labeled in types.in itself. This is the less invasive way to make it work. Still leaves the problem of two-planes only formations for sead flights against those disguised ships. -
Ragazzi sono proprio inca. Ma chi si credono di essere?
Per chi mastica un pò di inglese, lggetevi sti due thread http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=29331#29331 je suis atrdriver e poi leggetevi questo; per la serie "lo-so-ma-non-te-lo-dico-scarica-questo-e-basta-e poi-non-ti-lamentare-dei-mod-tu-che-sei-ignorante-perchè-io-ti-mantengo-tale" http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=24851 Ma che modo di rispondere? Tra l'altro ho lo stesso problema con il Su-27 sulla porttaerei Gorshok e speravo di capire il perchè...cmq io non c'entro su questo thread ma è indicativo del modo di fare di alcuni A costo di ban lo dico in pubblco
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry124353 E la lotta continua; leggetevi l'ultimo post. e la mia replica Per la serie "zitto e non parlare che noi siamo i detentori del sapere"
Blue Water Operations
Canadair replied to Canadair's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
The whole question is intersting -There are people here who have a lot of knowledge and insight into the inner workings of this sim who will help if you ask.- I know and it is their attention I am trying to get. I got some. -A lot won't respond to antics like yours.- What exactly do you mean with the wrd "antics"? Apparently noone has discussed in public this "problem" with guided weapons, nor I ve found anything yet on forums;I posted on multiple forums, in order to get some visability (from the same knowlegdeable people and work and experiment (as you see I am not complaining but posting solutions and worlkarounds), and yes the problem must have been pretty known to WOE betatestr apparently,, but to the majority? -Perhaps a few specific questions without all the DRAMA might serve you better?- I think I asked detailed questions reported facts, pasted excerpts from actual ini, and discussed, in other threads, realistic projects and not vaporware or mumbling. There is no drama, but surprise for sure, and I am getting to the point. As for "serving" me better, I don't need or request any serving. The idea is spotting problems and mod and have fun as a community. -declaring your "discovery" of a SHOWSTOPPING BUG in the game code. Well its not a bug in the code. Very simply, you are expecting the game to do things it wasn't designed to do- It is a showstopping bug. It is a problem, especially in campaign where you have flights armed exclusively with guided munitions, and they are after a target and don't do anything. How this affects a campaign? And besides it is unrealistic and unpleasing to the eye. And basically send back SFP1 modding to everything before guided munitions, what is the point? And this is beyond the rather (I admit) far-fecthed idea of the sea-air war campaign I had. this affects basically all campaigns post-95. Thus saying I like sfp1 series I support it, I support the community, I will buy WOI, and I like learning to mod and new things from the great people in the forum, who in turn I am positive can learn as well, and we can grow togheter as a cmmunity for good air-war fun. But we can't be ashamd to "blow the whiste" at a problem. Now, shall we try to work togheter and put animosity aside? -
Blue Water Operations
Canadair replied to Canadair's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
With an entry such as this one, Tu-16C flight, AI-controlled, launched kent KSR-2 missiles. Quality amd effectiveness of launches not known and yet unclear, but probably uneffective. Still we had the launches [TargetType118] Name=Yavuz FullName=Meko Class Escort Frigate TargetType=aaa<-----------------------------------ship labeled as AAA ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=750 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=yavuz RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=80 StartIdentifiedChance=50 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=10 MaxVisibleDist=35000.0 DestroyedEffect=MediumFire SecondaryEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion SecondaryChance=100 This rsult might mean that the objects beahavior and type is ruled by the types.ini before the type declared in the object data.ini. U think it is an intersting finding to be investigated. Another problem is that now "anti-ship" are sead missions, always two plane formation and not exactly big soviet bombers formations... -
Blue Water Operations
Canadair replied to Canadair's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
@capun: I like the Ticonnderoga @ Saguanay: yes something like that I would like to try. question is [TargetType114] Name=CargoShip FullName=Cargo Ship TargetType=AAA <----------------------here or in the cargoship data.ini in its folder? ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=750 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=CargoShip RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=80 StartIdentifiedChance=50 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=10 MaxVisibleDist=40000.0 DestroyedEffect=MediumFire SecondaryEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion SecondaryChance=100 This will also make ships labeled as AAA or Sam radar to appear in terrains on AAA positions and sam position, which is not a big deal with a terrain made on purpose for war at sea; obviously will require single install... Shall we try? maybe bombers will attack with arms.. -
are sidewinder 9Bs really that horrible?
Canadair replied to Vertical_Luke's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
1 oout of 4; same hit rate of the R-77.. and in this cas some data to be controlled -
modified falkland
Canadair posted a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
I modified the standard flakland campaign, by having very high ship types values, and ship organized in target areas, so that the campaign directs missions (strike missions, not anti_ship missions) against them Of course the loadout needs to be changed. Not a problem with flakland since A-4 and pucara have dumb bombs and rocktes anyway. Trickier with etendards that might be tasked to attack ground targets while arme with exocets when AI managed. But by having a little number of etendard in the campaign ( which is realistic, I think they had 6 and 5 exocets in total) this possibility is reduced. Indeed the system generates nice missions of attacks against supply ships, shffield destroeyes,(bristoll class), etc.. Now my problem is that the sheffield (bristol ship, downloaded at combat ace) resisted two direct exocet hits....is the weapon not that great? the ship should have no flight deck, so should be destructible Thus saying wher ein the hell is the setting that lowers dmage points for ships? I need to know that to proceed with the GIUK project I have in mind -
Curioso della mia crisi di nervi? dammi la mail che ti mando uno zippo, ma non funziona, perchè i mig-29 i yak e i tu-16c e i su-27 non lanciano missili contro le unita navali che ho piazzato sulla mappa, perchè le squadriglie AI non sotto il controllo del giocatore NON lanciano armi guidate in missioni strike, bug che conoscevano tutti da sempre, tranne me apparentemente. Sono in guerra in un paio di thread qui e su 3rdwire forum, e come dice ngheng lotto con i mulini a vento
Blue Water Operations
Canadair replied to Canadair's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
You know much more of me of naval-air battles; when it was last time that bombing mission with dumb bombs where planned against naval-forces? perhaps falklands but by fighter, not big bombers... -
Blue Water Operations
Canadair replied to Canadair's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
Apparently it is not a big-deal; I am the one getting "shocked at this "horrible finding" let's see what happens, maybe in future patches... and let's experiment more. Perhaps with ships as AAA....in terrain data -
Bhe X non sto criticando la tua nave che mi piace moltissimo ed è il centro di una campagna che ho scritto; E'l'atteggiamento di qualcuno dei modderi e di TK stesso che mi ha irritato; in paritcolare sul thread carreli-rotti c'è voluto typhoid persona squisita per rendere più interessante il thread; la mia segnalazione si riferiva a prima che arrivasse lui
Ascolta bene perchè siamo al bizantinismo puro Il modello dell'F-15E ha già un pod lantirn appeso sotto la fusliera come vedi; solo che è un pezzo di poligoni; per poter utilizzare le LGB contro bersagli che non siano il bersaglio primario, devi aggiungere il laser designator sull'aereo. e cioè Prendi il data ini e : copia: [Lantirn] ReferenceName= SystemType=LASER_DESIGNATOR CameraFOV=2.500000 CameraPosition=0.000000,6.778,-0.838 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 SightTexture=avq23sight1.tga EODisplayFlags=268763648 SeekerRange=27.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=270.000000 SeekerNodeName=SeekerHead SearchFOV=15.000000 SearchTexture=avq23sight2.tga e poi trova: [Nose] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=Nose DamageRating=DESTROYED MassFraction=0.261 HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MinExtentPosition=0.516,8.165,0.547 MaxExtentPosition=-0.516,2.075,-0.236 CollisionPoint[001]=0.0000,9.3723,-0.0568 CollisionPoint[002]=-0.6330,6.5627,0.0000 CollisionPoint[003]=0.6320,6.5627,0.0000 CollisionPoint[004]=0.0000,5.0946,1.5588 CollisionPoint[005]=0.0000,5.4351,-0.4147 SystemName[001]=FuselageFuelCell1 SystemName[002]=Pilot SystemName[003]=WSO SystemName[004]=NoseGear SystemName[005]=Slimers SystemName[006]=CockpitLighting e ci aggiungi SystemName[007]=Lantirn sul sufa e block 60 devi avere sempre nel data.ini SUFA [RightChin] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=18 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.600,3.783,-0.529 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=100 AllowedWeaponClass=LP AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,ISRAEL ModelNodeName=LPYLON PylonMass= PylonDragArea=0.02 DiameterLimit=0.4 LengthLimit=2.6 block60 [RightChin] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=18 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.600,3.783,-0.529 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=100 AllowedWeaponClass=LP,ep (ho aggiunto ep per avere il pod HTS per gli arm; poligoni inutili, ma almeno facciamo scena) AttachmentType=ISRAEL,USAF ModelNodeName=LPYLON PylonMass= PylonDragArea=0.02 DiameterLimit=0.4 LengthLimit=2.6 controlla bene, le data e gli attachemnts DEI POD E DELL'AEREO! I pod sono LP per il pod laser, tipo lantirn etc etc; mentre np sono i pod di navigazione (poligoni inutili, ma almeno facciamo scena) ep sono i pod ecm (questi a volte sono utili) Per le lgb; l'F-15E ha un carnaio di punti per le armi; ti copioil mio data.ini e il mio loadout. Studiali però, non li copiare come una bestia. (senza offesa, voglio dire guardaci e capiscici qualcosa cosi entri anche tu ne mondo bizantino di sfp1) ecco le weapon stations. // Weapon Stations --------------------------------------------------------- [LeftWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.9740,-1.9637,-0.0409 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2280 AllowedWeaponClass=LGB,BOMB,EOGR,TLR,cgr,eogb,lgr AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 [RightWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=2 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.9740,-1.9637,-0.0409 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2280 AllowedWeaponClass=LGB,BOMB,EOGR,TLR,cgr,eogb,lgr AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 [CenterlineStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=3 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0000,-2.5,-0.89 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2280 AllowedWeaponClass=LGB,BOMB AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName=Centerline PylonMass=31.75 PylonDragArea=0.02 //----------- Left CFT- 1 2 3 is Bottom 4 5 6 is Top [LCFT_Station1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=8 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-1.8480,-0.1746,-0.8806 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=1250 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,LGB,CGR,eogb AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 [LCFT_Station2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=10 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-1.8480,-2.8618,-0.8806 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 [LCFT_Station3] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=12 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-1.8480,-5.26,-0.78 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-2.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=1250 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,LGB,CGR,eogb AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 [LCFT_Station4] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=14 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.0817,-0.1746,-0.6087 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,28.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,LGB,cgr,eogb AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 [LCFT_Station5] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=16 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.0817,-2.8401,-0.6408 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,28.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 [LCFT_Station6] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=18 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.0,-5.4638,-0.54 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-4.3,28.5 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,LGB,cgr,eogb AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 //----------- Right CFT- 1 2 3 is Bottom 4 5 6 is Top [RCFT_Station1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=9 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=1.8480,-0.1746,-0.8806 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=1250 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,LGB,cgr,eogb,eogr AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 [RCFT_Station2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=11 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=1.8480,-2.8618,-0.8806 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName=BOMB PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 [RCFT_Station3] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=13 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=1.8480,-5.26,-0.78 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-2.2,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=1250 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,LGB,cgr,eogb,eogr AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 [RCFT_Station4] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=15 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.0817,-0.1746,-0.6087 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,-28.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,LGB,cgr,eogb,eogr AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 [RCFT_Station5] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=17 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.0817,-2.8401,-0.6408 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,-28.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 [RCFT_Station6] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=19 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.0,-5.4638,-0.54 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-4.3,-28.5 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,LGB,cgr,eogb,eogr AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 // Missile Stations ----------------------------------- //outboard [sidewinderStation1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=4 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-3.1793,-1.5792,0.1527 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,90.0 LoadLimit=200 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=34.02 PylonDragArea=0.005 [sidewinderStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=5 StationGroupID=2 AttachmentPosition=3.1793,-1.5792,0.1527 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,-90.0 LoadLimit=200 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=34.02 PylonDragArea=0.005 // inboard [sidewinderStation3] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=6 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.7778,-1.5792,0.1527 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,-90.0 LoadLimit=200 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=34.02 PylonDragArea=0.005 [sidewinderStation4] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=7 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.7778,-1.5792,0.1527 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,90.0 LoadLimit=200 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=34.02 PylonDragArea=0.005 // CFT Missile Stations ----------------------------------------------- // Left CFT [LCFT_MSLStation1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=20 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-1.851,-0.14,-0.92 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=200 AllowedWeaponClass=AHM,SAHM AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=34.02 PylonDragArea=0.005 [LCFT_MSLStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=22 StationGroupID=4 AttachmentPosition=-1.851,-4.408,-0.92 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=200 AllowedWeaponClass=AHM,SAHM AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=34.02 PylonDragArea=0.005 // Right CFT [RCFT_MSLStation1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=21 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=1.851,-0.14,-0.92 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=200 AllowedWeaponClass=AHM,SAHM AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=34.02 PylonDragArea=0.005 [RCFT_MSLStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=23 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=1.851,-4.408,-0.92 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 LoadLimit=200 AllowedWeaponClass=AHM,SAHM AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=34.02 PylonDragArea=0.005 // Weapon Stations --------------------------------------------------------- [LeftWingStationFT] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=24 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.9740,-2.5,-0.035 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2280 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 ;FuelTankName=F15E_WTANK FuelTankName=Tank610_F15 [RightWingStationFT] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=25 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.9740,-2.5,-0.035 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2280 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 ;FuelTankName=F15E_WTANK FuelTankName=Tank610_F15 [CenterlineStationFT] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=26 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0000,-2.5,-0.89 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2280 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=31.75 PylonDragArea=0.02 ;FuelTankName=F15E_CTANK FuelTankName=Tank610_F15 [Lantirn] ReferenceName= SystemType=LASER_DESIGNATOR CameraFOV=2.500000 CameraPosition=0.000000,6.778,-0.838 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 SightTexture=avq23sight1.tga EODisplayFlags=268763648 SeekerRange=27.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=270.000000 SeekerNodeName=SeekerHead SearchFOV=15.000000 SearchTexture=avq23sight2.tga ed ecco i loadout che dovrebbe essere abb realistico [AirToAir] Loadout[21].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[05].Quantity=1 Loadout[06].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[06].Quantity=1 Loadout[07].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[07].Quantity=1 Loadout[20].WeaponType=AIM-120C Loadout[20].Quantity=1 Loadout[21].WeaponType=AIM-120C Loadout[21].Quantity=1 Loadout[22].WeaponType=AIM-120C Loadout[22].Quantity=1 Loadout[23].WeaponType=AIM-120C Loadout[23].Quantity=1 Loadout[26].WeaponType=Tank610_F15 Loadout[26].Quantity=1 [AirToAirLongRange] Loadout[24].WeaponType=F15E_WTANK Loadout[24].Quantity=1 Loadout[25].WeaponType=F15E_WTANK Loadout[25].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[05].Quantity=1 Loadout[06].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[06].Quantity=1 Loadout[07].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[07].Quantity=1 Loadout[20].WeaponType=AIM-120C Loadout[20].Quantity=1 Loadout[21].WeaponType=AIM-120C Loadout[21].Quantity=1 Loadout[22].WeaponType=AIM-120C Loadout[22].Quantity=1 Loadout[23].WeaponType=AIM-120C Loadout[23].Quantity=1 Loadout[26].WeaponType=Tank610_F15 Loadout[26].Quantity=1 [Attack] Loadout[24].WeaponType=Tank610_F15 Loadout[24].Quantity=1 Loadout[25].WeaponType=Tank610_F15 Loadout[25].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[05].Quantity=1 Loadout[06].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[06].Quantity=1 Loadout[07].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[07].Quantity=1 Loadout[08].WeaponType=cbu-87 Loadout[08].Quantity=1 Loadout[09].WeaponType=cbu-87 Loadout[09].Quantity=1 Loadout[10].WeaponType=cbu-87 Loadout[10].Quantity=1 Loadout[11].WeaponType=cbu-87 Loadout[11].Quantity=1 Loadout[12].WeaponType=cbu-87 Loadout[12].Quantity=1 Loadout[13].WeaponType=cbu-87 Loadout[13].Quantity=1 Loadout[14].WeaponType=cbu-87 Loadout[14].Quantity=1 Loadout[15].WeaponType=cbu-87 Loadout[15].Quantity=1 Loadout[16].WeaponType=cbu-87 Loadout[16].Quantity=1 Loadout[17].WeaponType=cbu-87 Loadout[17].Quantity=1 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Loadout[06].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[06].Quantity=1 Loadout[07].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[07].Quantity=1 Loadout[08].WeaponType=GBU-12D Loadout[08].Quantity=1 Loadout[09].WeaponType=GBU-12D Loadout[09].Quantity=1 Loadout[12].WeaponType=GBU-12D Loadout[12].Quantity=1 Loadout[13].WeaponType=GBU-12D Loadout[13].Quantity=1 Loadout[14].WeaponType=GBU-12D Loadout[14].Quantity=1 Loadout[15].WeaponType=GBU-12D Loadout[15].Quantity=1 Loadout[18].WeaponType=GBU-12D Loadout[18].Quantity=1 Loadout[19].WeaponType=GBU-12D Loadout[19].Quantity=1 [Recon] Loadout[21].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[05].Quantity=1 Loadout[06].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[06].Quantity=1 Loadout[07].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[07].Quantity=1 Loadout[20].WeaponType=AIM-120C Loadout[20].Quantity=1 Loadout[21].WeaponType=AIM-120C Loadout[21].Quantity=1 Loadout[22].WeaponType=AIM-120C Loadout[22].Quantity=1 Loadout[23].WeaponType=AIM-120C Loadout[23].Quantity=1 Loadout[26].WeaponType=Tank610_F15 Loadout[26].Quantity=1 Infine per l'f-15e procurati il cockpit con hud e tutto dell'f-18; non realistico ed appropriato ma il meglio che si può cercare, meglio sicuro di quello dell'f-15a che ti sei scaricato Se ti sembra tutto un casino hai ragione Se non ti funziona niente come vorresti sei sulla giusta strada per impazzire con sfp1