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Everything posted by Canadair

  1. Dear capun I actually think it is yours; it is the one downloadable from combatace; but I was not planning of including it in the package. Actually the target areas that call for this item are coming from TeTet.'s SteelTiger campaign
  2. I had to triple it to get some effective endurance. And it seems not to affect the flgiht performance either
  3. Me likes; good choice evanescence soundtrack Perhaps try wth within temptaions?^
  4. still looking for strike eagle sim

    FAST CARGO When you have a second, could you tutor us on making janes F-15 work on Win XP? Thanks
  5. And the JP-233? Where exactly....
  6. is the atlis pod in the new Mirage factory weapons pack?
  7. OK which bright one decided that the pitiful amount of gun ammo and fuel on mig-15, 17. 21, was enoguh for anything? I mean , okei, People's airforce planes,,but still I give great credit to those men that flew them in battle.
  8. Me likes! Althoguh I got yelled at when the SU-27 came our because I added AG wep on it!
  9. Thus saying, Mig-21-93, Lancers, and Mig -21 Bis, are fun to fly. and teach arrogant Eagles some lessons, especially with Adders. I have not even mentioned the Flanker majesty, or the fulcrum dominion
  10. I just had a dogfight over Germany. Engage in multiple turning fight with a GOOD F-84F, miss a few shot, disengage,, then spot another one,, engage,, I am in Perfect postion, no delfection,, I squeeze the trigger,, done, no ammo ,, grr, I understood why pilots defected
  11. Another solution , possibly more realistic would be embedding the popeye fdata link (or any Laser tag) into the B-52, which is what I did; the point being is that in order to view a camera picture, the LD must be in a proper place I guess. On the other hand, I prolly would have made the popeye EOGR; that might also simplify, althoguh for realism sake one should carry the data link pod; I think I will go for his solution; they would be TV homing in weapon editor and EOGR on attachments right? Also, please, could be my ,mistake but when you have a second make sure that 4-packs and 2packs of hellfire F and L are actually possible on , say the AH-1W; I follwed yyour very clear infos to the letter,, but I still can't ge multiple packs of late hellfire; really not a big deal, but I am curious now
  12. Oh and I see EOGR, so I assume this has to change in LGR to have the version with simulated datalink pod?; also would it be possible to incorporate the datalink pod in the b-52? basically I need a laser designator right? but in which position of the model?
  13. Compltely OT; thanks for the .ini for the popeye, BTW No w do you know where to look in order to have a better flyable B-52? Well actually in europe is different. Strangely enough, waterbombing is, paywise, up to a major. Andd even better, now after summer they offered me Md-83 job, which means I can fly NOE in sumer, and airline in winter. Just wanted to share.
  14. FROM THE KNOWLEDGE BASE: In the flightengine.ini file (in the flightdata.cat) there is something interesting! Under the section for: [HighDetailOption] HorizonDistance=75000.0 DetailMeshSize=6 DetailLevel=1 WaterEffect=1 NoiseTexture=1 MaxTextureRes=0 (you will read -1 here) The last line is the texture resolution aka mipmap LOD setting in the graphic card control panel or any tweak tool. The thing I wondered about is that the stock setting there is -1. That means that the game uses it's own mipmap setting rather than the one I set in RivaTuner. I have set the mipmap LOD to 0, cause a negative value will automatically decrease the fps rate quite a bit. Even -0,5 is too tough. When you know fly with the max detail settings in SF, you will automatically forced to fly with a mipmap detail of -1. That's a heavy load on the CPU cause the standard setting is always 0! On the ground I had around 25fps, now I have 38 with the mipmap distance to 0 and Vsync on. You can set the mipmap distance in OpenGL but not under D3D, so you need a tweaker. Always wondered, why the fps is so low in the cockpit, now I know why. It only affects the highest detail settings cause for the lower detail, there are numbers around 265 which is pretty low. Set it to 0 and you can turn on the cockpit mirrors while the game stays smooth and you can use the highest detail in the game! It runs so much smoother now. Don't know why TK decided to use -1 cause there really is almost no viewable difference in the terrain quality. Hope I could help some of you who had notoriously low fps rates. You can even try a positive value like 0,5 which wouldn't look much different either. So there is no need to drop the detail. ------------------------- My question is: by choosing Customize in the graphid detail options, am I retaining the detail setting for what concerns the MaXtextureRes=0??I.E I choose HIGH, then choose Customize ( and I do customize, for example getting rid of shadows) then the setting maxtextureres=0, will be maintened? Please answer to me, this has been tormening me for a while
  15. I figured out that no setting of the graphinc option affects this; so aside from checking in game, how do I know wheter the system is using high, medium or low? For sure by changing to line to read say 512, or 256 I DO get changes in graphinc quailty
  16. Is there a way to setup rack loading on the B-52 to have the two Popeyes in a row and not overlapping? (BTW fastCargo, ever tried waterboming? It is such a great job, and the best one for unlucky ones that couldn't go in the military ! and it pays way better than airlines; and for winter the same company operates MD-83, for charter and airline and they offered me the job!
  17. Julhelm, of course: I just lked the Zeewolf so much and the kestrel,, that it looke d a great idea to me to merge the cockpit nto the zeewolf. I hope you are not offended, and you don't think of me so little as of stealng yours or anyone work And I am more than happy not to feed anyone my files-sugery Zeewolf, if we can have a revised and updated copter. With apit no less. Thanksgivng day! Julhem you are the men. And your models. OMG; my dea was more a "our world " universe, but something in the middle? A post-nuclear scenario? I just would like to thrwo the eurocopters and the cobra and the hind in.
  18. Oh; someone was listening to me; the OTHER fixed wing for SFP:EE At what stage is it? And will it have a cockpit?
  19. Excellent tip baltika the missioncontrol.ini, what in the hell was I thinking!; I'll work on it tonight
  20. SO FOR STARTER.. ANYONE has an idea of how NOT have the helicopters cruise on autopilot at altitudes of 1000s of feet?
  21. Oh by the wat Wrench I appreciate your comemts about TESTING; thanks; I am out of a night installing and correcting a campaign relased during summer that was full of little showsopper mistakes, althoguh it was a great idea. And has happened before. Obviously the user can't expect perfection (lol we don't even expect it from software houses taking for granted there will be patches.) so checking and correcting a mod is part of being a downloader here. Now, if I may ask , what is the correct behaviour in this case? contactinh the author in private in case he gets offended shuold his mod's flaws appear in public? .. Seriously I really don't mean offense or I am judgemental, but probably othe rpeople is and rightly so, modders end up irritable... And I found myself ina tricky position, because this is where I excel. I can't really do 3dmodelling and often I alck the focusing required to start and complete a project (that is why I really want to this helo campaing); but I am good in auduting, examining checking and correcting, hopefully improving the mod; and this puts me in the I-am-making-a-list-of-your-mistakes positions which is not what I want to do. Must be the auditing experience RT. thank god I left that job, airline flying and now waterbombing is much more fun. anyway, back to campaing planning, I really want to do this,.
  22. By all means Wrench. Thanks for your reminders to all of us. I hope that all the people that I use the work of will be understanding and apatient, and I/we will make sure that all the proepr requests and permissions are obtained; It has happened to me before that I made some comments about a mod a while ago, and broke some etiquette rules, and that caused the wrath of some modders. But I really meant no harm r anything, and goes without saying that everything that might came out is freeware 100%. On the other hand is difficult to trace who made what. so it is easy to offend someone, really not wanting t Is posting her eon combatace considered accepatable in the means of keeping the original designers in the loop?
  23. I am game;but this implies making things more complicated thoguh; because it means doing the terrain better than the fun -toy that it is now; for starter it needs trees, which I learnt how to deploy in every terrain. But it is a time-consuming effort, asuming that there are the proper .tods file, which I can't do; that is why I would stick to Desert of Harriers terrain ; it comes with those swet FOBs. On the other hand the mountain canyons would be fun, a wolverine atmosphere of unsung war..

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