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File Comments posted by Canadair

  1. Baltika thanks for making it compatible with out of africa 1.5. I for one will enjoy such compatibility, since I love your campagins and I am your fun in that regard.

    Actually out of afria would benefit of an upgrade, considering also the new russian boats and airplanes. It was meant as Red hardware Vs redhrdware campaign in anti ship environemtn and had a very tricky install, but I still find it extreme fun. thereotically could be a sequel to your campaig of the '77s.. in which with US busy fighitng war on terror MADAGASCAR summoned help from rogue emrcenary ex russian fleet.

    Thanks again for considering comaptibilty with my campagaing in your design, I am almost flattered.. maeks me think you might have downlaoded and played it..


    OH and yes to RED version please,,!, jsut a curiosity why you picked the mystere thoguh?

  2. Baltika thanks for making it compatible with out of africa 1.5. I for one will enjoy such compatibility, since I love your campagins and I am your fun in that regard.

    Actually out of afria would benefit of an upgrade, considering also the new russian boats and airplanes. It was meant as Red hardware Vs redhrdware campaign in anti ship environemtn and had a very tricky install, but I still find it extreme fun. thereotically could be a sequel to your campaig of the '77s.. in which with US busy fighitng war on terror MADAGASCAR summoned help from rogue emrcenary ex russian fleet.

    Thanks again for considering comaptibilty with my campagaing in your design, I am almost flattered.. maeks me think you might have downlaoded and played it..


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