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Posts posted by chiefbender

  1. I wanted to do a quick fix for Strike Fighters 2 NA Campaign. I just want to take the teeth out of the Russian Warships, so when they spawn on my carrier group in the campaign, it is a non issue. I guess people are saying this was fixed with a patch, but apparently not for me. I am also looking to change up the enemy aircraft in the NA Campaign and the NATO Fighters 5 campaign. Any help is appreciated.

  2. Ok, Love this game. I seem to have some kind of problem in campaign mode. The enemies are always the same no matter what year is selected. Is this fixable without rebuilding the entire campaign. I can change enemy aircraft in single missions, but not in campaign. How do I get more modern enemy aircraft into the campaign missions for Nato Fighters 5?,also, I stopped playing the North America expansion because I could not take of,f due to Russian fleets spawning on my carrier group. I know this problem is well known, but how do I fix it?


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